《From the Ashes》18 that was lucky


Kadin again felt blinding pain shoot up his other arm and the sound of a crunch as it broke. Then a stiffness. His sword had went through the back of its throat as the sabercat bit down, The stiffness Kadin felt was his blade severing the spinal cord of the animal. Which slowly toppled to the side taking Kadin’s sword with it.

‘Well seems luck was with me’ Kadin thought.. then burst out laughing at himself. Still half trapped under a giant sabercat with both his arms broken and having lost his third horse on this contract… and he was thinking ‘well that’s lucky’. Then he thought about where he was – in the middle of no where tracking a dangerous bounty with no help for miles in any direction and he was trapped – that made him laugh even harder. However he was brought around when he noticed a glow in front of him one of the sabercats had a dark yellowish glow around it that got brighter and brighter as the cat shrunk in on itself as it was shrinking he heard his sword clatter the rocky ground, as the light got brighter and brighter until he needed to turn away a few second later the light dimmed and looking back to it there was a sand coloured soul gem, this one was much larger than the two he got before this one was about as think as a sword or dagger handle and was just a little larger than his palm its edges looked strange like there were two gems one just under the other with the tips sticking out just a tiny bit it reminded him of the overhang on a buildings roof with another just below it, but the glow dulled back to nothing as it lay there just beside his sword. Kadin looked at the Sabercat he was still trapped under and said aloud.


“Couldn’t have been you -huh?” but silence was his only reply.

He collapsed on to his back and just lay there for a while – pulling his thought together and looking to what he would do next. After a time he tried to kick himself out from under the beast but it didn’t even budge. Next he looked at his arms, they were both still covered by his cloak but they hung limply down at odd angles. He eventually just said to himself ‘well this is a problem for mornings me.’ As he let the exhaustion take him and he fell into unconsciousness.

A massive shocking pain shot up both his arms and brought him on of sleep it felt like only a few second had passed but it was dawn and he could see a lot better now. Looking around the land was as baron desolate and empty as it had been the previous day, he looked close by him to see if he could find anything to pry or lift the dead weight that still pinned him – but there was nothing … and even if there was – he didn’t have the use of either of his arms so even if there were it would have done him little good. There were a few rocks laying around but nothing more. After racking his brain for a bit the outskirts of an idea started to form in his head. His left arm was broken pretty much in the middle of his for arm for this to work he would need to set the bone. To do that he moved what he could of his arm into the still open maw of the beast that was on him… after a bit of manoeuvring he got his hand and the front forearm wedged into place. Taking a deep breath and preparing himself he counted down ‘three, two’ then yank pain flared right up his arm and over his shoulder into his chest, his vision turned white and he thought he might pass out but he held. After a few seconds his sense came back to him trying very much to keep his arm as straight as possible he brough his head down into the folds of his cloak – using his teeth to grab and move it this way and that to navigate to his pouches. He finally got there with his cloak bunched up to one side and half off his shoulder but he found it. He had two remaining health potions. He grabbed the stopped and by sawing his teeth side to side he worked it off. Once it finally popped of he spat it out the side of his mouth while balancing the vial with his chin. Then he clamped onto the top and rechecks his arm was mostly straight he tipped his head back.


He felt a tingling sensation in his arms a sensation the slowly built up until it felt as if he had pins and needles tingling all up and down his arms – he could also feel the pain shrink inside of him it went from a massive flaring fire he could feel even across his chest to little more than a smouldering burn over his forearms aft a few moments even that was gone. Once done he checked his arm it looked ok he tried close his hand into a fist, as he did this he felt a resistance to it like his hand was in jelly, but slowly his hands closed then opened again. ‘Now for the bad news’ he thought and brought up the sleeves of his cloak his left arm looked fine and motion was good … his right arm looked like a doubleyou.

He would need to brake his arm again and set the bone right, so he grabbed a big rock and put his right arm on the ground it was a surreal sight looking like his arm had an extra elbow, but a deep breath and a quick swing later and new pain shoot up his right arm as the crooked bone broke again. However with the use of his left hand things went much smoother this time he was able to quickly set the bone then drink his last potion, setting it right. Normally just a healing potion wouldn’t give back full usage back right away and you would need to wear a splint for a day or so - but he could channel his own magic to the arms speeding up the mending of his bones and in about an hour he had full use of his arms again.

‘Next step Freedom.’ Kadin thought to himself using all his strength and a little magical enhancements he was able to almost lift the beast and after a few moments of trying he was able to get his legs out from under it. As he stood he moved around to make sure everything was ok, again booth arms felt a bit stiff but that was all, he then looked at the sabercat that had pinned him and broken his first arm, then he gave it a kick for good measure he harvested a few ingredients from that as they could be used in potions, retrieved his sword and the soul gem and made his way to the corpse of his new horse. He patted it on the head feeling guilty for not doing more to keep it safe then gathered his belongings leaving behind most of what he didn’t need.

He needed to move the necromancer would start to build a lead again. So he made a quick pack and ate some of the provisions before gathers his gear and heading out.

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