《One Versus Destiny》1-Article Format-Book 5


Agent 57 looked around Ipigal one last time. Finally, a few months ago, his divination power had assigned him to Ipigal. He had investigated a rainbow house.

He watched the battlefield. His opportunity would come soon. His master wanted the child dead, because the child was unknowingly The Prophecy End. A person with normal morals would have let the gold-category child survive, but Agent 57 only served Master. Master wanted the child dead, so the child would die. Only Master mattered.

Soon, the child was free of the team.

Not yet, Master wants him captured after he got far enough from that Deifier.

And so Agent 57 would wait. Master didn't want Agent 57 killed, so Agent 57 would wait until The Vice got the Deifier under check. Currently, the Deifier was destroying an entire topaz-category battalion.

The Vice arrived. It was time to capture the child.

And so Agent 57 went. It was his duty, and Death was inevitable. That was the Moksha of Death, which all that Agent 57 thought weren't crazy, worshiped the Moksha of Death. After all, Master and the Moksha of death were almost the same thing.

I, and the whole city of Ipigal, were rushing around, preparing for the death invasion. Death was going to invade.

In the preparations, I had learned that my neighbor was named Agent 57. It sounded suspicious, but Agent 57 was probably just an alias. There were rumors of a powerful topaz-category that only served Death called Agent 57, but the Agent 57 here seemed to have devoted their life to gaining a deep understanding of the Moksha of Death. It did strike me as a bit odd, but it was good to understand your enemy. In fact, I had a book of quotes to help me with understanding. One tenet was "Understand your allies well, but also understand your enemies. Information is power."

I, currently, was rushing civilians to a bunker through teleportation. The bunker was in a position under the city that reminded me of Magicspestone, when fighting the dragon.

I was currently ushering an iron-category that didn't want to leave her home into there. I just sighed in resignation and opened a portal under her feet. It was the most simple solution. It also reminded me of fantasy I had read before going to Glassfay for the first time. Someone had opened a portal under a mattress.

It was boring work, but it had to be done. I finally understood why the people who were opening the portals in Magicspestone were so eager to fight the dragon. This felt like the dragon fight, but on a larger scale. The monster surge would be gone in a week or two, but Ipigal might not exist when the surge was over.

That thought wasn't too much now, but if my ten-year-old self had heard that, in part, I was responsible for a billion lives, he would have fainted in shock.

Finally, the portaling was done. It was just boring work, but I was fine with it. I had kept a heavy sense of responsibility since I fought The Cult of the Red Jade, ad blew up most of Chennai.

I then took to the skies. We were looking to secure Glassfay. I saw a few ruby-category metal mages were making poles of metal, meant to hold up the defenses. I took the alloy I had been given out of my inventory, and set to work. Wopoimcl was engraving complicated-looking runes on to the poles. I sent a charge of mana into the pole, and the runes activated, humming and glowing a soft red.


Everything needed to be perfect. I was in space, and I saw a huge phoenix fly by, and dump some ash. A sapphire-category started dumping the ash everywhere in Ipigal.

Soon, the metal was done. I then teleported down and started engraving runes into the ground. It was quite hard work. Every time I messed one up, I had to start the whole array all over again. I was done within a minute, though, but that was shocking for an array of that size.

All the preparations were done. We amassed a formation.

At the front row, we'd have tanks and melee only fighters, who would be the front line. Behind them were mid-range fighters, including me. I was positioned quite far from anyone I knew, being next to a platinum-category dragon shifter, who was able to breathe fire and turn his nails into claws as a human. On my other side was this kid who looked only thirteen years old. He was low silver-category and carrying to much water. seemed to be a water mage. He also carried a sword made of ice, so cold that it would freeze blood on impact. Useful at lower categories, but it got less useful the higher you went. At godly-category, your body was just a collection of magic.

The dragon shifter seemed to be a few hundred years old and very confident in his ability, having fought ever since he was eight, the minimum age for a Worldsafer. The silver-category, however, was raised to silver-category on his parents' money alone, and only became a Worldsafer four months ago.

Behind us were ranged only fighters. Behind them were auxiliaries.

Behind them were the people manning the wall. There were twelve guard towers, one for each direction, and two bonuses.

North, east, south, west, northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast, up, and down. Though it could be argued that the down tower was a giant stalactite.

Each tower was manned by a ruby-category and four topaz-categories. The walls were manned by gold-categories. The siege weapons were six catapults, twelve ballistae, and sixty-four cannons. Each weapon had a platinum-category guard.

Some auxiliaries were behind the walls, using magic to get their production out. Some archers and mages were on the walls.

Death landed.

As soon as Death landed, his army laded. Of course, the hadn't landed on the ground, but rather on the platform over Ipigal, where the runes were whittling down their numbers. The army soon got back into their cosmic craft, and Death broke the barrier. Death landed.

Their first cosmic craft landed. It was filled with a contingent of jade-categories. Our jade-categories were hovering over us. A dozen more cosmic crafts landed. Peak ruby-categories came out. A thousand more landed. They had rank-and-file ruby-categories. And so on. Soon, Ipigal island, which was the name of the Glassfay Indian Subcontinent, was ten per cent filled with cosmic crafts. They had an army larger then Ipigal, but Ipigal's army had better conditions, home country, and better training. The scales were balanced.

A man walked out of the army. His aura swept over everyone, giving a feeling of extreme power. It was the kind Wopoimcl had.

Wopoimcl suppressed it and walked out. They talked about something that no one could hear. Not even the king of Ipigal.

Wopoimcl glided back, and started talking to Ipigal's leaders.

A fool of a bronze-category ran out.

The floodgates had opened.

The bronze-category was almost instantly killed by a flash of a jade-category's aura.

Everything was still for a moment.

Then all hell broke loose.

If it were like that old saying about the floodgates opening and a dam let loose, this was that, but the floodgates were holding back an ocean, not a dam.


Death, the leader of the opposing side, was fighting a giant phoenix. The same one as the one that had given ash in the preparations, I realized. They went into the Undiluted Cosmic.

I turned my attention to more worldly matters. It was still 3:00 AM, yet the activity was that of a contested planet at noon. I saw millions of gory messes already. I couldn't imagine the casualty count caused by this. The final toll was likely to be higher then Earth's integration. I knew a lot of those messes were evil, yet they were still humans.

My team and Team R54 were still all alive, yet Agent 57, my neighbor, was nowhere to be seen. It was surprising that someone from my area of the city was already dead.

Wopoimcl was fighting the man who first came out of the army. They were also behemoths, to the point that other jade-categories stayed away. I wasn't focusing on my fight with a middle diamond-category much, as he was about as strong as a peak silver-category due to my aura. I just took out Everlasting Durability and swung, which instantly killed the diamond-category. My archetype allowed me to penetrate deep into the ranks. I then reached a cosmic craft.

I teleported in. It wasn't abandoned, but the inhabitants were sleeping. I teleported into the ceiling.

I saw a core. I hit it with Everlasting Durability, and it cracked. That should have been enough to ground the craft.

I teleported into another craft. I repeated the process. I did that for four hundred fifty-two crafts. On the next one, the core breaking woke the inhabitants up.


I hastily teleported out, masking myself as a true sapphire-category. I masked myself as a bottom-middle sapphire-category. The one I had easily killed was just bottom sapphire-category. The ruby-categories in there couldn't find me.

I then killed a few more sapphire-categories, then destroyed a hoard of silver-category cannon fodder. I summoned a rainbow cannon at the last one, and literally launched the cannon fodder from a cannon. It was something I had wanted to do since I was fourteen.

The cannon fodder flew up, dead, then landed on a cosmic craft. The corpse collapsed the mast and destroyed the core.

The inhabitants swarmed out, clearly unhappy that a corpse of a cannon fodder destroyed the core.

As soon as they got out of bed, a swarm of wasps named Abjwe started stinging their ankles, to the point that they collapsed. Abjwe started stinging their faces, which was their end. Abjwe then flew away to sting bronze-category cannon fodder to death.

A healer passed by the cosmic craft. "Killed by wasp stings. the wasps look like sapphire-categories. Sad, they were promising diamond-categories. Could be The Prophecy End."

I dropped down onto the healer's face, instantly breaking her neck. I just had to smash her head to turn her into a puddle of gore.

I teleported onto the wall. The wall people rushed to me. "I'm a mage, I just came up here to cast spells. You know those cosmic craft cores that broke? That was me. But now, some topaz-category is hunting me, so I'll stay here for a bit."

That was a good enough explanation. "Bleed to death, bloodless one. You will die. Rot away, dead body. Sweet sleep of death, step forth."

I spammed spells at a rate of ten a second. I targeted random enemies trying to kill them. Within an hour, I had racked up 425,634 kills. And that didn't include my kills at a melee range. If those were included, I'd be at 576,584 kills.

I expected the casualties had passed a billion by now. The sky was stained blood red. I had 912,445 war contribution points, which I could use to buy things after the war. Most of the cannon fodder from both sides were gone.

I teleported back to melee range, popping a coin in my mouth.

As a fake sapphire-category mage-swordsman, I was practically assigned to every role. For example, when a wall segment collapsed, I made mold constructs to search for survivors while spinning a sword through a crowd of diamond-categories, decapitating almost all of them. The only reason I actually passed as a sapphire-category was an aura title modulator I had bought on the black market. Technically, I wasn't normally supposed to have one, but Ipigal gave a lot of category impersonators permission to buy one. If someone attacked for having one, I could just use the official Ipigal government note. The reason it would work was that Ipigal made a unique reed paper that was impossible to grow without jade-categories and weather patterns exclusively found in Ipigal.

Soon, I found a new template ability.

Dragon Rider Artifact

Allows the user to summon a dragon mount. The mount has the same category as the skill. It has the powers Scales, The Bane of Attack and Firebreath. It will be affected by all positive effects the user has. The user may control the dragon while mounted, but while dismounted, the dragon will count as a pefigh.

I absorbed it, and summoned the dragon. We took off, teleporting my government-sanctioned silver-category pegasus to a stable. I hadn't really used the pegasus due to it only being silver-category. However, my titles and experience counted as positive effects, giving me an immediate edge. Cannonfire turned to the dragon, but it just incinerated all cannonballs.

It communicated to me that its name was Drai. That was actually the most common name for dragons in Ipigal, although there were only fourteen, all at silver-category. Rumor was that one of the jade-categories has this power as their go-to, but it was only that. Rumors. Six pefighs put considerable strain on the spirit, so I decided I'd get another title soon. To handle any more, I needed at least a late-sapphire-category soul. The artifact I had made was aiding the jade-categories.

From dragonback, I could get more of a clear view of the battlefield. I noticed a cosmic craft carrying off a dozen or so important logistics officers, so I commanded Drai to destroy the core. The method was, well, brutal, for a dragon to do something like that.

The dragon would first burn the ship, making it fly slowly. Seeing the heat made me realize that my dragon should be the one to tank heat attacks. If I could handle the surface of a star, the dragon could survive the core. Then, the dragon would wheel a claw back and strike the core. The ship being weakened from a fireblast, it would instantly fall to pieces. It was night and day to my discreet method of subtly cutting a few important pieces of the core and replacing them with nonfunctional replicas that seemed the same. I just used plastic, which wasn't a conduit of magic. Then, if technicians checked, nothing would seems amiss, me having changed the consistency of the plastic. They'd then have to replace the overly expensive core, costing me a normal coin and three or four mana, and them a few topaz coins. Drai's method cost at least fifty million normal-category mana, and them a ruby coin. Not worth it in my opinion, but dragons had billions of mana to burn. So their perspective was skewed. That was probably also why Drai kept asking me to use finisher attacks on everyone, saying they only cost a "measly" 10,000 mana.

Apparently, dragons were only considered adults at five hundred years old. Drai would live as long as me. And Drai came from a template ability, which didn't sync pefigh life spans to user life spans. Apparently, Drai was fourteen, making him an infant. When I came to Glassfay, fourteen seemed old, but now I knew it was a child.

After dive-bombing a few hundred enemy leaders and cosmic crafts, I told Drai to keep overpowering the defenses. I dismounted, going to wreak havoc on the enemies. It was affliction time.

I and Drai kept destroying cosmic crafts. Drai's methods were so obvious that no one even tried to use those crafts, but mine were subtle enough to cause casualties. It was like a ninja randomly replacing the engine of the airplane you are going to fly on for them. For me, that was a role I had always done-except on Earth, where I thought swords were the way to go. That was stupid of me though, because I was a mage. Mages weren't supposed to do melee combat, but I thought I was, because of pure strength. Eternal Durability was a clear advantage, but I was still a mage.

The casualties were even better. I teleported into a craft that was in the air, right past the defenses and next to the core, then I swung Eternal Durability into the core, cracking it. I'd teleport out, but those less lucky would plummet to the ground, dying due to the fall and the power of the craft.

Everyone gave the jade-categories a wide berth, because collateral damage from a fight like that would instantly kill an average gold-category. It was actually a tactic for knockback specialists to knock people into the area of a few million miles next to the fight.

I checked my watch. It had only been twenty minutes since the battle began. Yet every minute felt like an hour. A blur passed my view. It was normal enough, and the fluctuations felt like two ruby-categories fighting. Yet either of those people could end my life. It was humbling, to say to the least.

I then found a late-sapphire category culling Ipagal's silver-categories. I jumped in with a swing of Eternal Durability, wounding the sapphire-category. I then opened up a spatial tear right under her. She just blocked it with some grass.

I teleported back. "Ice from outside is nothing, so ice from within shall arise." The sapphire-category visibly slowed down to the speed of an average diamond-category. "You will die." That ended the fight. I opened a spatial tear for them to run through, and I put the other end in Ipigal. It was basically a portal, but I was out of movement mana. I condensed my aura into a physical force and shepherded them through. I then opened another tear to a part of the wall where porters were behind. I grabbed a handful of movement mana pills, then ran off, eating them on the go. I then teleported out to the battle. A few more platinum-categories were doing similar things, but I ended them with a few strikes of Eternal Durability. I made sure all the surviving bronze and silver-categories from there were behind the wall, requesting them to do more auxiliary things or attack from the wall. I had a few hundred basic bow template power items, and gave the melee fighters them. They were useless at gold-category, but to a bronze or silver-category melee fighter behind a wall, they were invaluable

After I was confident all those people were dead, I called Drai and remounted. I used Drai's claws to skewer gold, diamond, and platinum-categories, while using the breath to cull massive hordes of cannon fodder. I used afflictions myself on individual high gemstone-categories to wear them down. Still, on dragonback, I had to give the jade-categories a wide berth, as gemstone and platinum-categories could fly using their own mana. The cloak was a useful power, but flying, which at my point, was the best function, was less valuable at that point from a power.

I summoned all my pefighs to me. We were going to attempt something new. I summoned my cloak. I was going to kill an emerald-category, without any miracle.

I gave a few Shadeath bodies cloaks. They could act as decoys, and Drai had such a large mana pool that conjuring Shadeath bodies was like me casting an affliction.

I pulled out some ruby-category material, given to me by Ipigal. I then took out some silver-category wires. I laid the wires across the material, making an array of sorts. If I timed the usage correctly, it could blow of a limb. I made fourteen, consuming about half of my material. Drai pumped mana into the talismans, which, by my estimates, cost around a quarter of his mana. I then teleported around the battlefield, looking for a good opponent.

I finally left the sapphire-category area, reaching the emerald-category area. I was on the outskirts, signaling me as prey for real middle-emerald-categories and higher. I was so slow running compared to emerald-categories, I signaled for Drai. Drai swooped down, scooping me onto his back. All the other pefighs were already there, besides a few Shadeath bodies. Nine talismans were also there. I finally found good prey: Someone who had just broken through, and all his powers were emerald 1 (0%). I could tell from his particularly weak aura. Drai swooped down, from about 17,854,221,440,332,559,904,993,552,123,452,985,012,996.0493 miles above the ground, where we looked like specs to Aryav, with High Sight. We barreled down at about a million times the speed of light. I was glad, because the temperature up there was -40,000 degrees Celsius, and the only thing keeping me alive was Drai breathing fire.

After a few minutes, we were there, and Drai tried skewering the emerald-category with a claw. It didn't work, only cutting the emerald-category.

"Rot away, dead body." That would ensure healing wasn't done. I then opened a spatial tear under him, but he flew up with mana alone. I remembered ground-based techniques wouldn't work. I made the rot on his head cap him at about seventy feet in the air, but the mold was quickly torn. Drai tried to bite of his head, but it only made a shallow neck wound.

"You will die. Sweet sleep of death, step forth, and crumple corruption." Had I done that on a sapphire-category, they would have crumpled to dust. All it did on the emerald-category was a hip bruise. That was all I needed. I threw out one, two, three of the talismans. The emerald-category was hit by one, which caused a bruise. The second was blocked. The third one was deflected at a Shadeath body, unconquering it. There was still some energy left, which quickly was annihilated by the collateral damage of a topaz-category battle.

Drai reconjured the body.

"You will have to do better than that, young one." The emerald-category's words left an unsettling chill in my bones. I flew back for a second, then bombarded the emerald-category with afflictions.

"Sweet sleep of death, step forth. Freeze, bloodless one. Ice from the outside is nothing, so ice from within shall arize. You will forget all with Alzheimer's. Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Bleed to death."

The sapphire-category was weakened by the afflictions. I then hit him a few times with Eternal Durability, and the emerald-category was dead.

I had been knocked of Drai's back. I stood on the ground, triumphantly panting. I had won.

With that, I marked the spot on my map, and went into the city to refuel.

I checked my stat screen. It had been a while since I had checked.

Waeswars (Blood) Gold 4 (63%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Gold 4 (72%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Gold 6 (57%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Gold 5 (82%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Gold 3 (42%)

Execute (Doom) Gold 3 (49%)

Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Gold 3 (46%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Gold 3 (38%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Gold 3 (69%)

Orb of Death (Death) Gold 4 (38%)

Slow Death (Death) Gold 3 (29%)

Shadowy Perfection (Darkness) Gold 3 (49%)

Perfect Luck (Omen) Gold 3 (28%)

Blade of Death (Doom) Gold 4 (50%)

Immortality (Blood) Gold 4 (19%)

Live Shadow (Darkness) Gold 5 (58%)

Speed Die (Death) Gold 3 (19%)

Faster Die (Death) Gold 3 (26%)

Butterflies of Disease (Doom) Gold 5 (12%)

Cancer (Blood) Gold 3 (36%)

Alzhimer’s (Blood) Gold 3 (28%)

Sleep of Death (Sin) Gold 3 (19%)

Rot Away (Omen) Gold 3 (29%)

Bleeding Death (Darkness) Gold 3 (29%)

Frosty Blood (Sin) Gold 3 (19%)

Judgemental Life (Omen) Gold 3 (27%)

Darkness Melt of Evil (Darkness) Gold 3 (29%)

Bad Person (Sin) Gold 3 (23%)

Good Fortune (Omen) Gold 3 (34%)

Insta-Death (Doom) Gold 3 (29%)

Soul Strength: Sapphire 6


Rainbow Construct: Gold 5 (43%)

All Martial Arts Known: Gold 4 (92%)

Sword of Death: Gold 4 (53%)

Tamed Golden Guardian of Death: Diamond 0 (0%)

Badge of the Anti-Monster Network Head: Gold 3 (49%)

Deathbringer Max: Gold 3 (79%)

Silver Consumption: Gold 3 (28%)

Summon Assistance: Gold 3 (29%)

Monster farm: Gold 3 (34%)

Spatial Construct: Gold 5 (56%)

Ring of Escape: Gold 3 (19%)

Berserking Lotus: Gold 3 (19%)

Dragon Pefigh: Gold 7 (12%)


Ninja-Affliction Skirmisher-Faster-Struggler


Immortality of Category

Perfectly Elite

Mass Master


Bane of Power

Progenitor (S)


Myth Originator

Outsider abilities:


Party Interface

Masterful Party And Chat

Soul house and Levitation

Looting and Grabbing

Quest And Translation


Health and Defense (They are equal): 100835/100835


Exp: 56750/2456000

Human Quality:

Strength: 43600 Newton

Hearing: 1-50000 Decibels, 8-90000 HZ

Loudness: 3-40000 Decibels, 12-80020 HZ

VO2 Max: 18965 ML/KG/MIN

Max Speed: 51219 kilometers per hour

Lifespan: 12679 Years

Heat Tolerance: 52725 Degrees Celsius

Cold Tolerance: -34875 Degrees Celsius

Portal Range: 17405 Kilometers

Teleport Range: 190000 Kilometers

Weight: 112 Kilograms

Height: 2 Meters, 15 Centimeters

Inventory Max Weight: 3408560 Kilograms

Age: 21

Flexibility Number: 305

Muscle Pump Function: 405%

Number of Health Problems: 0

Required Sleep Hours: .25

Recommended Sleep Hours: 1:30 AM to 1:45 AM

Deaths: 2

Party: Bob, Aryav

Contacts (Nickname): Doom, Joe, Fesoul, Aryav, Bob, Ma, Papa, Dadi, Didi, Dada, Nani, Nana, Bhia, Bhai, Mausi, Mosa, Bade Papa, Bade Ma, Bhabi

Class Rank:


Category: Gold 3 (19%)

Class Power(s)

Ambient Dark Color Melt

Speeding Afflictions

Shortened Afflictions

Empowered Fighter

Bank: 3 Jade, 67 Topaz, 4453 Sapphire 8239 Emerald, 7 Ruby, 313 Diamond, 574549 Gold, 6994930 Silver, 27998994 Bronze, 720026789 Copper, 22050021078999 Iron, 288384300 Rupees, $149989300

Carrying: 3018324 Kilograms

Soul Rank: Godly 25 (02%)

Soul Stones: Blood, Darkness, Sin, Omen, Death, and Doom

Power Stones Upon Master Click

IQ: 4330


Swords (Sword of Death) (Blade of Death) (Sword of Eternal Durability)

Dagger/Knife: (Blade of Death)

Bow (Eternal Bow)

Crossbow (Cross of Doom)

Armor (Dragonscale Set)

House (Rainbow Construct)

Arrows (Eternal Arrow Category G3)

Shield (Shield of Death)

Wand: (Wand of the Reptiloid)

Cloak: (Cloak of Death)

Healer: (????-??????)

Set: (The Autarch)

External: Spatial Deviant Scales

Spear: Spear of the Wide Plains

Eldritch: Magitech Eldritch Singh

Bond Status: All Eligible


Moksha Seed of Expansion-Late

Moksha Seed of Clearance-Middle

Moksha Seed of Spirit-Late

Moksha Seed of Continuum: Middle

Moksha Seed of Inward Reminiscence Congulation-Early

Natural Abilities

Rage of the Primordial

Reminiscence of the Primordial

Bloodline: The Primordial

Singhstan : Naya Venice (Earth Capital)

Talent (L5P1): At bottleneck levels, you automatically gain 50% of the category-number. The bottleneck will be 500% easier.

First of all, the stat gains were insane. That was to be expected, though. The money was also to be expected. However, the talent? I asked a ruby-category nearby.

THe ruby-category snorted. "How do you know about talents, and they aren't relevant to you, gold-category. Unless you fought 5 categories up."

I withdrew most of my aura, making the talent seem more prominent.

"What the hell! A gold-category with a talent!"

His voice was raised too high for me, so I clogged my ears with aura.

His voice was now conversational.

"You must be an expert gold-category. Honestly, I don't know too much about them, as I'm only ruby 6. Ruby 8 is where talents become relevant, with on average a few million years before you gain one. That's where information is mostly unblocked."

He pulled out a paper and started scribbling.

He gave it to me. "Give this note to that ruby-category over there. He's ruby 9, and on my team. He'll explain," The ruby 6 said, as he pointed at this person a hundred or so miles away. I thanked him then jogged to the other ruy-category. I tried to read the note, but looking at it gave me a headache.

I got there and handed off the note. The new ruby-category was much calmer.

"Well, a talent is what happens when the soul is powerful enough to provide another buff.Usually, it's unlocked at jade-category. To a normal-category, you have to fight 6 categories up, under diamond has to fight 5 up, and most things over diamond are 3 up, but ruby-categories have to fight a jade-category, and it's automatically unlocked for a jade-category. Basically, the soul is powerful enough to give another bonus. It's shaped by you mainly, making no 2 talents alike. Actually, there's an official count of those with talents on Glassfay, and the number of talents is 527. I'm sure you can ask Wopoimcl Starstash, who you seem to know, for more details."

I just realized the odd feeling I had was because the ruby-category was investigating my aura.

After patching up some wounds, eating a few mana pills, and eating a proper meal (with a coin of course), I teleported back to the battle. Emerald-category death cultist morale was running low because of how that one I killed died.

I teleported around the gold-category section, using my aura to kill massive hoards of trillions of enemy gold-categories. It was easy work, and because I was keeping my titles a secret, I ran amok. I estimated I killed 35% of those death gold-categories. After that, a few hundred sapphire-categories came, so it was time to show my game face.

My aura lashed out, making the area a field of death as dangerous as the platinum-category area. At this level, powers weren't too effective, but I still made a maze of rot.

I flew up. I created a domineering feeling to my aura, pressuring the newly minted sapphire-categories. I flew up, twenty meters or so. With all my pefighs behind me and my cloak on, along with my aura, I looked like an apex predator.

Then, I unleased judgement on them.

"Cultists of Death. Thou have run amok, sowing fear, domineering. Tonight, thou shall face judgement."

"Mine is the judgement, and the judgement is death or life. Death."

I forced the mana of the attack to cover a huge area. All that were near me died.

I pulled out a dagger, as Drai bunt three cultists to crisps. Abjwe stung another a few million times, killing her. The maze was completely dark because of Shadeath. Ordeath was a source of light, by shooting beams. My butterflies roamed around the maze, afflicting them. My other pefigh was basically a bear.

I, however, was none.

A silent stalker, roaming silently through the maze, with the same level of knowledge as if it had been my own home. If you met me, I slit your throat, then infected the wound with rot. Then, I'd afflict you to death in a second with speed afflictions.

Experience flew in like never before. Before, I had gotten the easy parts to reach. Now, with my talent, the bodies I killed were sucked utterly dry of experience, giving me all-besides what evaporated. I was a predator. No, an apex predator. No one could touch me.

I fell into a trance, working for days, until I reached late gold-category. The shock shook me out of the trance. I had been bottlenecked for almost a decade, and I shot up like that? It looked like all sapphire-categories were out of the area, going to the elite platinum-category area. That was where my teammates had been fighting. It seemed they had gone to the sapphire-category area, so I went there.

I met up with my teammates.

I thrust my aura out, yet it didn't work. I quickly used my escape template power to go home, then I teleported normally back to the battlefield.

My team were fighting a late sapphire-category, who I promptly ended. I just needed a few seconds. They turned around to face me. It had been less then a week, yet it felt like an eternity. The first thing I sensed was that they were early gold 6. I was early gold 7.

Apparently, they had been on a team to fight a ruby-category. They got the last hit, increasing their per cent of the energy massively. It wasn't too rare a scenario. My talent, on the other hand... was well, special. They had been fighting sapphire-categories. I explained what little I knew of talents to them. We jogged to the emerald-category section, discussing what had happened. Sapphire-categories who dared attack were crushed by my now emerald-category aura. Those discussions weren't anything major. Once we arrived, I sent Drai into the sky to scout out weak emerald-categories.

I was only there to unlock Bob and Aryav's talents. The way I had planned it, they would fight an emerald-category as a duo, which was acceptable for a talent, if they both got the final hit. I, having already unlocked my talent, would stay back. If they were in danger, I would step in. It seemed like a much easier plan then when I had fought an emerald-category.

Soon, the fight started. It seemed like a struggle, but once Aryav figured out the emerald-category spoke with a mouth too wide open, it was game over. He shoved a tornado down the emerald-category's throat, then, when Bob shield bashed the emerald-category, they unlocked their talents.

Bob's talent made his skin five hundred per cent tougher when he was holding a sword, and Aryav's talent activated all his buffing powers for all allies when they were under fifty per cent mana, though at 50% efficiency, and when they were under five per cent mana and health, activated all his and his ally's at five hundred per cent efficiency to help him and his allies. The thing was, he could only designate 5 people as allies. He quickly designated both of us, and the other slots would be used as necessary. It seemed like a good game plan.

I stepped in and used my talent to draw out all the remaining experience. Drai swooped down. I mounted, then I got Bob and Aryav to finally mount when an elite emerald-category on the other side approached. I decided that killing a topaz-category was a stretch, but we could kill a middle emerald-category if we worked together. I decided that my experience was enough, so I decided to try to gain the Moksha Sapling of Harrowing.

I downed one of the Moksha treasures. I focused on my path. It was a path of power. It was my final goal, but before, there were steps.

Everything condensed that I knew. I could see my true mind in a frame. Six dots, representing Moksha. I forced them inwards, causing extreme pain. But as they say, "No pain, no gain."

The epiphany started.

I saw two powerful jade-categories fighting. One appeared to be a sportsperson, and the other a mage. An odd thing about jade-categories was that they didn't have gender.

The mage cast a spell that was so powerful it could probably kill me just be me seeing it. Luckily, I was just a ghost. In the center, there was a solid projectile, which the other jade-category blocked with their sword. The explosion loosened the jade-category's grip on their sword, but the swordsman, who I had decided to call Swo, quickly fixed it. The sword, using what was most likely a spell, moved forward, pulling Swo with it. The mage, who I had decided to call Mage, casted a quick spell, severely limiting the impact, to something I could possibly handle. The blade, though drew a bit of blood. Mage cast a force wave spell, creating high knockback.

Mage cast a fireball. Swo used his sword to launch himself into the air. Mage then cast a force dome, that would have knocked Swo to the ground, had Swo not impeccably timed that attack, but Swo used the dome to regain momentum. That kept going on until Mage couldn't use the dome to reach Swo. Then, about a trillion mini-sword fell on Mage, wounding Mage. It seemed like mana attack, though everything practically was, because Swo kept a small amount of mana in the sword. Well, small was relative, because it was Drai's full mana pool.

Swo fell down, swapping out the normal sword with a greatsword. Swo fell into a summersault. Swo easily broke the force dome, and drove the greatsword into Mage's head, killing mage.

The scene changed. Six jade-categories advanced on a ruby-category, who was visibly trembling. The escape skill didn't work. The ruby-category teleported underground, then teleported somewhere else. The ruby-category later reached peak jade-category. Then, the new peak jade-category killed the oppressors.

The next scene was the same thing, but this time, the jade-categories killed the ruby-category. Images like that flashed by. At the end, an odd sense remained.

Waeswars (Blood) Diamond 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Diamond 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Diamond 1 (2%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Diamond 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Gold 8 (42%)

Execute (Doom) Gold 7 (49%)

Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Gold 9 (46%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Gold 8 (38%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Gold 9 (69%)

Orb of Death (Death) Diamond 0 (0%)

Slow Death (Death) Gold 9 (29%)

Shadowy Perfection (Darkness) Gold 7 (49%)

Perfect Luck (Omen) Gold 8 (28%)

Blade of Death (Doom) Gold 9 (50%)

Immortality (Blood) Gold 8 (19%)

Live Shadow (Darkness) Diamond 0 (0%)

Speed Die (Death) Gold 7 (19%)

Faster Die (Death) Gold 8 (26%)

Butterflies of Disease (Doom) Diamond 0 (0%)

Cancer (Blood) Gold 8 (36%)

Alzhimer’s (Blood) Gold 7 (28%)

Sleep of Death (Sin) Gold 8 (19%)

Rot Away (Omen) Gold 7 (29%)

Bleeding Death (Darkness) Gold 9 (29%)

Frosty Blood (Sin) Gold 8 (19%)

Judgemental Life (Omen) Gold 7 (27%)

Darkness Melt of Evil (Darkness) Gold 8 (29%)

Bad Person (Sin) Gold 8 (23%)

Good Fortune (Omen) Gold 9 (34%)

Insta-Death (Doom) Gold 9 (29%)

Soul Strength: Emerald 2


Rainbow Construct: Gold 9 (43%)

All Martial Arts Known: Gold 8 (92%)

Sword of Death: Gold 7 (53%)

Tamed Golden Guardian of Death: Diamond 0 (0%)

Badge of the Anti-Monster Network Head: Gold 3 (49%)

Deathbringer Max: Gold 3 (79%)

Silver Consumption: Gold 37 (28%)

Summon Assistance: Gold 8 (29%)

Monster farm: Gold 9 (34%)

Spatial Construct: Gold 5 (87%)

Ring of Escape: Gold 7 (87%)

Berserking Lotus: Gold 6 (27%)

Dragon Pefigh: Diamond 0 (0%)


Ninja-Affliction Skirmisher-Faster-Struggler


Immortality of Category

Perfectly Elite

Mass Master


Bane of Power

Progenitor (S)


Myth Originator

Outsider abilities:


Party Interface

Masterful Party And Chat

Soul house and Levitation

Looting and Grabbing

Quest And Translation


Health and Defense (They are equal): 100850/100850


Exp: 59750/2456000

Human Quality:

Strength: 43600 Newton

Hearing: 1-50000 Decibels, 8-90000 HZ

Loudness: 3-40000 Decibels, 12-80020 HZ

VO2 Max: 18985 ML/KG/MIN

Max Speed: 51379 kilometers per hour

Lifespan: 12689 Years

Heat Tolerance: 52745 Degrees Celsius

Cold Tolerance: -34885 Degrees Celsius

Portal Range: 18120 Kilometers

Teleport Range: 190455 Kilometers

Weight: 112 Kilograms

Height: 2 Meters, 15 Centimeters

Inventory Max Weight: 3408560 Kilograms

Age: 21

Flexibility Number: 305

Muscle Pump Function: 405%

Number of Health Problems: 0

Required Sleep Hours: .25

Recommended Sleep Hours: 1:30 AM to 1:45 AM

Deaths: 2

Party: Bob, Aryav

Contacts (Nickname): Doom, Joe, Fesoul, Aryav, Bob, Ma, Papa, Dadi, Didi, Dada, Nani, Nana, Bhia, Bhai, Mausi, Mosa, Bade Papa, Bade Ma, Bhabi

Class Rank:


Category: Gold 8 (78%)

Class Power(s)

Ambient Dark Color Melt

Speeding Afflictions

Shortened Afflictions

Empowered Fighter

Bank: 4 Jade, 67 Topaz, 4453 Sapphire 8239 Emerald, 7 Ruby, 313 Diamond, 574549 Gold, 6994930 Silver, 27998994 Bronze, 720026789 Copper, 22050021078999 Iron, 288384300 Rupees, $149989300

Carrying: 3018324 Kilograms

Soul Rank: Godly 25 (08%)

Soul Stones: Blood, Darkness, Sin, Omen, Death, and Doom

Power Stones Upon Master Click

IQ: 4330


Swords (Sword of Death) (Blade of Death) (Sword of Eternal Durability)

Dagger/Knife: (Blade of Death)

Bow (Eternal Bow)

Crossbow (Cross of Doom)

Armor (Dragonscale Set)

House (Rainbow Construct)

Arrows (Eternal Arrow Category G3)

Shield (Shield of Death)

Wand: (Wand of the Reptiloid)

Cloak: (Cloak of Death)

Healer: (????-??????)

Set: (The Autarch)

External: Spatial Deviant Scales

Spear: Spear of the Wide Plains

Eldritch: Magitech Eldritch Singh

Bond Status: All Eligible


Moksha Sapling of Harrowing

Natural Abilities

Rage of the Primordial

Reminiscence of the Primordial

Bloodline: The Primordial

Singhstan : Naya Venice (Earth Capital)

Talent (L5P1): At bottleneck levels, you automatically gain 50% of the category-number. The bottleneck will be 500% easier.

My stats had grown a ton. The Moksha was good. It seemed to increase my power by 25 per cent for each category I fought up while using it. It was an extremely good Moksha. Maybe once I got it to middle, I could fight six categories up.

Now, it was time to fight a peak emerald-category.

After some scouting, we decided to divebomb a particular peak emerald-category. I quickly attacked from the shadows, empowering my attacks with Moksha, which seemed to increase my general power by around fifteen per cent more when fighting up. After that, we basically rushed in, attacks blazing, to use sheer force. I stayed back, though knowing it wasn't a good idea.

"Rot away, dead body. Bleed to death. Rot away, dead body. Sweet sleep of death, step forth. Death is inevitable, but for thou, it shall come faster. You will die."

The emerald-category responded. "Arcane power of the end, the final death. It churns inside. Power. Arcane, deathly power. True POWER!"

I sensed a power churn within the emerald-category. I tried to stop the flow with my aura, to no avail.

"Arbiter of Death, creep forth."

A projectile... A flash... A deathly pain..., I tried to do anything, anything, but I couldn't. I couldn't even circulate my mana. A Moksha Forest of Death was locking me down. I forced my Moksha to circulate. The only thing that wasn't affected was my head. I tried forcing my aura out, but my normal strength was my weakness. I forced everything I had into something.

Back when I was doing normal things, there were always guardrails, a high category making sure nothing happened. This time, it was different. It was war. I forced my mana into my body. I felt something faint. It should have been there, but it wasn't.

Mana pathways.

This was no time to make inroads on mana circulation. Struggling wouldn't do any good. I only then noticed. It was a curse. I forced the curse into a cage with my Moksha, then quickly opened a house into my soul world.

I drew on a power from within. I didn't know how I found it, just that I did. I forced through the suppression. I looked down at myself. I sensed something had changed. Energy went faster. I was stronger, faster, all of that.

I was diamond-category.

I forced all my strength into my arm, and I smashed the emerald-category. Yes, I used pure strength to one-hit an emerald-category.

I ran around, killing emerald-categories, and even weak topaz-categories. When I killed a mid topaz-category, I reached platinum-category. The insights helped my Moksha. I soon formed a Moksha forest.

It was surreal.

I fell into a trance. I was soon sitting at the peak of ruby-category, waiting to push into jade-category. I forced the mana together. It was done. I was jade-category.

The realm itself wrapped a tight band, forcing me up. I flew into the air.

"Today, I ascend to the great jade-category. Fifty years ago, I was a mere child. Now, I am jade-category. I have completed the path. The path to power."

As I said that, reality itself warped. I became connected to the realm. A bolt of power ran out from me, decapitating ruby-categories like they were made of cotton. The earth warped. The bolt severely injured the enemy jade-categories, and we quickly took care of the rest. I then teleported to where I first woke up, outside of Magicspestone. Where it had begun, and where it ended.

And, then, Singhstan started.

It grew into a massive empire over a billion years.

And here I am, in my office, writing this. This is how I got here. And this is the end of One Versus Destiny.

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