《What the Green Bird Sees》Quintessential


Quintessential (adjective): the perfect example of a certain person or thing

There was one employee in the company that embodied perfection.

With a spotless resume, meticulous work ethic, and calm personality, he was admired by his coworkers. As a cherry on top, he was also very handsome.

This week, the company finished development early and all the employees were given a holiday. With a festive party taking place at the town square, most people set course for celebration that night. Office friend groups, budding romantics, all the employees exchanged plans for fun.

Nobody invited him.

An invisible barrier separated him and his coworkers. To them, his flawlessness was an exemplary ideal that didn’t seem human, or even real, for that matter. They merely accepted him as their senior and placed him on a pedestal from which he could not leave.

Thoughts occupied by glimmering lights and vibrant music, nobody thought of their perfect coworker as they enjoyed themselves on that beautiful night.

When they came back for work the day after, nobody was curious about him, either. Did he enjoy the party? Did he go at all? If not, what did he do instead?

In their eyes, all he did was to be perfect.

Was he wrong for doing so?

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