《What the Green Bird Sees》Snuggery


Snuggery (noun): a cozy room

The room was neon pink.

Since when were job interviews conducted in places like this? He was nearly blinded with vibrant light when he first walked in, and even after several seconds, his eyes were still adjusting.

Through squinted eyelids, he saw an fluffy ocean of fuzzy pillows, colorful cushions, and soft blankets.

An elderly woman was standing in the center of the room, admiring an enormous yellow teddy bear.

“Isn’t this color just wonderful?” She asked him, gesturing to the bear with an innocent wonder.

“Uh… am I in the wrong place?” He adjusted his already-spotless tie. “I’m here for a software developer interview.”

“Software, hardware, whatever-ware… just look how soft this bear is!” Her wrinkled fingers gently ran through the teddy bear’s paws.

“With all due respect, could you please point me in the right direction?” He glanced anxiously at his watch.

“That’s no way to speak to your boss.” The old woman looked sad and disappointed. “But yes, I will point you in the right direction. Respect childish things. Respect your elders. Respect your past and future, then you can move forward in the future.”

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