


The Late Transferee: Shin Hyewon


Tuesday morning started with a faint rain, the petrichor scent still emanated from the ground. But after a little while, the small droplets of rain were no more, leaving everything damp- just like the dark grey road.

impatiently asked his older friends, whom he all treat like older brothers.

told the younger boy as he pointed at the corner street by the distance.

Ni-ki only sighed. He already wanted to go home despite not even reaching the school premises yet.

The feeling of going home was suppressed and all his complaints were forgotten as soon as they turned the corner. There stood the prestigious school they would be taking classes at. it looked enormous, and the exterior design didn't fail to impress.

Woah Ni-ki cooed, amazed. and seeing him amused because of the facility, made the others chuckle.

smiled, patting the youngest's head as they continued through the main gate.

All eyes were on the group, as per their usual hobby of being nosy on the famous' life- wondering who the young looking boy walking with the campus sweethearts.

They never knew that the famous boys had a younger brother!- or.... a younger friend. They're not sure how Ni-ki is related to any of them, but they won't be questioning further, because almost everyone was in awe of the 'new member'.

The young one was very handsome and totally suits the group's image, he definitely lives up to everyone's standard, just like everybody else in the friend group.

Surely, he is a new addition to their lists of dream boys.

Meanwhile, being followed with curious and admiring eyes wasn't something new to them, they've all been used to being admired since day one. But Ni-ki, on the other hand, felt very intimidated. All the new faces, watching each step they take.

The once homeschooled boy knows nothing about social fame and his mere existence's impact.

seemed to take notice of Ni-ki's nervousness since he put his arm around the youngest and gave him a little squeeze of reassurance.

Jay said. The youngest could only smile back at Jay as they continued to walk.

huge Heeseung joined the two and then pointed at the gigantic facility that could be seen in the distance.

"...That's the field?!" Ni-ki exclaimed.

They continued to introduce various facilities that they passed by, making sure Ni-ki would be as comfortable as possible in this new environment. They were all just walking below the broad daylight, when a girl suddenly approached them.


She had a shy facade that they all know agonisingly well, the typical fan; The usual admirer who always dreamt of scoring a relationship on one of them.

Yet despite knowing the girl's agenda, Jake on the other hand couldn't let a girl be ignored.

He is too nice, he thought that it would be too rude of him to not reply. What a true gentleman he is. He's the living proof that chivalry is not dead. Still, the awkwardness was seeping through the rather usually confident boy.

Jake answered. The girl just smiled. With a weirdly usual antic, she bowed to them and ran off.

Ni-ki was very confused with what just happened, and looked at his dear friends' faces in hopes to see a reaction that could possibly explain it. However, they all had their casual faces- as if circumstances like earlier were just the norm here.

Sunghoon tutted before rolling his eyes. He was annoyed, his morning was ruined by that girl. Jake was the one she approached, but her mere existence under the same sky as him, spoiled his mood.

Sunghoon is disgusted to be living the same lifetime as such of these die-hard-heads-over-heels girls.

Despite the fact that he and Jake are known to be the best of friends- and very similar for that matter- Sunghoon could care less about the attention-seeking girl or if he leaves them hanging unlike his best pal.

For him, girls- in general- just want the same thing; And that's either their faces or their reputation. Girls just pursue all of them because they only care if they fit the description of those dream boys they read in books. girls just care if they seem like the perfect person to flaunt over their friends.

For Sunghoon, girls are all parasites he just can't seem to remove. He is a renowned misogynist, he doesn't care if he hurts girls' feelings, he doesn't bother sugarcoating his words when he rejects them.

And maybe; that's exactly why girls fall for him.

His cold and grim aura is definitely charming, and girls just couldn't keep out of his way- it's even likely that they'd throw themselves at sunghoon if he asked them for space (as per Sunghoon's claim with his experiences.

Going back to the group of friends, they all stopped in front of a series of buildings, which everyone but the youngest is familiar with. It was the particular set of buildings where sophomores, freshmen, junior, and senior students take their classes.


asked in order to start a conversation.

The latter only hummed, He shortly answered, looking through the schedule in his hands. his short answer didn't shock any of the six guys, they were used to it.

Well, it wasn't how Sunghoon used to be... but they had to grow from it, they just can't abandon their friend just because he .

Jungwon utters, before walking beside Sunghoon.

And just like that, they were all off to their classes, just like always.

It was 4:39 in the morning, when Hyewonfoundher classroom. She was seated in an empty classroom, watching it slowly get filled by -supposedly- her classmates, who only stared at her weirdly. Maybe she was a little too excited about transferring schools that she probably got there earlier than the other teachers.

She awkwardly sat next to the window as her classmates chattered, now completely ignoring her presence.They used to ask around their own circles who the girl sitting beside the window was, but they never bothered to check.

Hyewon gently bit her lip, and she rocked her body back and forth on the wooden chair, contemplating over introducing herself and actually conversing or just stay still and be quiet until their homeroom teacher comes.

"Who is she?" She heard her classmates whispering the same question over and over again, and it was more than obvious that they were talking about Hyewon.

Now, she was thinking of either pretending not to hear them just like earlier, or actually say something.

This should be my chance. Hyewon faced their way and flashed a small smile, which caused the group to fall silent.

She introduced herself with a smile while the rest remained silent.

A transferee? They continued to whisper, completely ignoring her and her small introduction.

Hyewon awkwardly nodded as she turned her head and blankly stared outside the window again, tensely retreating to her seat and letting herself become a small pebble amongst the huge rocks again.

Why do I have to be so awkward? She regretted conversing as soon as words came out of her mouth. it ruined her mood, so she decided that it was for the best if she'd just zip her mouth until class starts.

Finally, the homeroom teacher came in along with the remaining students who stalled outside. They all went to their respective seats, except for one guy who was blankly staring at Hyewon's way.

"What's up with this dude?" Hyewon mumbled as she quickly sat straight, uncomfortable with the guy eyeing her as if she was some kind of pest to him.

Is he going to ask who I am too? Hyewon grimaced at the thought.

The teacher announced, which diverted the centre of attention to hyewon.

the teacher said with a smile while Hyewon slowly nodded. She looked at the new faces as she stood up, bowing.

She said, and then there was silence. Hyewon awkwardly looked at the homeroom teacher, feeling the smallest more than ever. Why... aren't they saying anything? Hyewon winced.

The homeroom teacher then looked at the handsome boy who's been eyeing Hyewon for a while now. She instructed.

Sunghoon complained. And even with one sentence out of his lips - Hyewon already has quite the impression about him inside her head.

He seems hard-headed, wanting the seat beside the window more than anything. But unfortunately for him, Mrs.Kim was too eager to start the class to even give time with his childish complaint.

Mrs.Kim said, getting a chalk from the chalk board and finally starting the lesson.

Sunghoon couldn't do anything but abide. He sat by the corner of the classroom- sending daggers towards Hyewon's way as he walked towards his new seat.

"Freaking transferee." Sunghoon muttered before he settled on his new seat.

On the other hand, Hyewon was completely baffled by the childish behaviour of her classmate, whom the name is supposedly- what was it again? 'Seunghun'? 'Seonghun?'

She doesn't remember as she didn't hear it very clearly, but oh well, she really couldn't care less. What she just knows about that boy right in the far corner is that he's a whiny little asshole who can't take moving to other seats.

What was there to whine about seats anyway? They're just seats. Whether it was his seat or not, he's a freaking highschool freshman, he needs to grow up if he wants to continue on. He's like a child that wants to throw a tantrum, a spoiled brat whose ego was hurt. Not everything is given to his handsome ass.

Hyewon already knew she'd hate this particular classmate of hers. But then again, she couldn't care less, he's just someone she shouldn't pay attention to. It's her first day today, so the best she could do is to focus, not think about some jerk.

Still, Hyewon found herself looking at the boy again. He laid a bad impression upon himself, but she couldn't deny it though, he was one hell of a fine guy.

But she shook her head.


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