《Sector B》20
A few days went by. Rory was so entranced by the screen and her work that she didn't notice Decha walking into the room.
Decha rolled in a small cart with a plate full of food for her to eat. There were also some condiments and drinks on the side. Days before, he asked his mother to call the herbal shopkeeper to work for them for the time being.
The Dandelion root teas she prepared were working well. He only knew because his mother would often show the current results of Rory's blood work. Although the results showed some progress, Rory refused to be scanned constantly.
This was making it harder for them to help treat her. At some point, she needed to be scanned.
Decha pushed the cart and stopped at the bed. Then he walked up behind her. She still hadn't noticed him. Rory was sliding windows around on the holographic screen, and Decha observed her movements closely.
She was drawing, no, building something. He watched as she jotted down some letters and numbers next to an oddly shaped block on the screen. "Rory," He called, his voice startling her. She jerked forward with a yelp and almost fell.
He grabbed her and steadied her. "Oh my gosh..." Rory turned around quickly and frowned at him.
"Your food is here." Decha pointed at the cart.
"Oh. Okay." Rory walked over to the bed and sat down. As she began to dig in, Decha handed her a document nonchalantly.
"What's that?"
"I looked into your father's whereabouts," Decha answered. "You said he worked right across the border near the walls, but when I received the footage, there was no sign of him there."
"You looked for my father!?" Rory almost spilled her drink. She was surprised, but not too shocked. She snatched the document out of his hands excitedly.
"You asked me to." Decha raised a brow at her.
"I didn't expect you to actually do it! Thank you!" Rory teared up but Decha shrugged as if it were no big deal. "If he wasn't at the border, that means he's alive! He must be looking for me—"
"Now that I've helped you, there's something I want you to do in return."
"I'll repay you when I can. Don't worry—"
"We need to scan your body." Decha cut her off, and Rory's face completely changed from a beaming smile to a bitter scowl.
"No." She shook her head immediately.
"Rory—" He began, but Rory chipped in.
"No, I'm not going to scan. You can't change my mind."
"Don't fight me on this. Jessica noticed that your body is rejecting the medication you're supposed to take. We need to scan you to make sure that—"
"I'm not going to scan," Rory repeated firmly.
"I looked into your father for you, the least you could do is—"
"I'll repay you anything but that."
"Why are you so against scanning?" He growled at her.
"Why are you so persistent in having me scanned?"
"Because you're under my care. My reputation will be ruined if something happened to you. I'm doing my job."
"Oh, so you're doing this because of your reputation?"
"Rory, that's not what I—" Decha seethed. This woman was going to drive him mad. The bed was right there, all he had to do was press the button and scan her body.
Decha stalked toward Rory with a glare. One way or another, he was going to have her scanned. "What are you doing!?" Rory shouted at him when he shoved her back onto the mattress. "Let me go!"
"Sit still," Decha commanded her and flicked the switch on. Rory saw the screen appear above her and knew what he was trying to do. She rolled over, but Decha caught her and pulled her back under the device's vision.
"Let ME GO!" Rory hollered. "Stop it!" She punched his shoulders and kicked as much as she could to get away. "PLEASE!"
"Rory, calm down—"
"LET ME GO!" She screamed and squirmed as much as she could. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" When Decha refused to budge, she broke out in tears. They were going to find out. Her secret was going to be revealed. They were going to know that she was dying.
Decha couldn't understand why she was so against scanning. Why was she screaming like the scanner was hurting her? "Rory—"
"I hate you." She howled. "I hate you!"
"Yeah," He snorted and pinned her legs and arms down. "You won't be saying that when we treat you!"
Rory watched as the light went up her legs in horror. "Decha, PLEASE! PLEASE! IT HURTS! YOU'RE HURTING ME!"
"I'll release you when it's finished."
Rory bit his arm. But still, there was no use. He overpowered her. There was nothing she could do. She whined. The sound of her wailing echoed out of the room.
"Decha! Get off of her!" Jessica ran into the room and stopped the scan right before it reached Rory's torso. Then Jessica shoved Decha off, and Rory turned over and screeched. Her sobs continued.
"Her heart rate—"
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Rory snapped at Decha as he reached for her. Jessica tugged him away.
"Rory, calm down."
"This is ridiculous." Decha snapped. "We're trying to help you. Stop acting like a child."
"Decha, a word." Jessica grabbed him by the arm and lead him out of the room. "What's gotten into you!?"
"What's gotten into me?" He scoffed. "I'm tired of her bull crap. I don't know how to make her understand that we are trying to help—"
"You can't force her!"
"Why can't I?"
"Because she's not one of your colleagues! She's not an Outsider! She's not a General who follows your every command! She is a Bracket woman. As far as I'm concerned, she's following the law. She hasn't left or attempted trying to escape. She's been patient and cooperating with us."
"But I'm trying to—"
"Protecting her is not forcing her!" Jessica reprimanded him and poked him in his chest to emphasize her point. "There's a reason why she doesn't want us to scan her."
"I don't understand why?"
"You don't?" Jessica huffed. "The signs are so clear!"
"Do you know?"
"An infamous Astellian General brought her into his home. A high-ranked officer who's known for not tolerating liars or murderers. She understands that we are people who don't like wasting our time. No doubt, she learned that from you."
"What does that have to do with her scanning?"
"She's hiding something about her condition."
"What is she hiding? Why? We're trying to help her—"
"Decha, some patients typically do this sort of thing. Her condition is worsening."
"Do you remember when I told you that her blood samples indicated something was wrong?"
"Her body was rejecting the medication,"
"Put two and two together, my boy. You're intelligent."
Decha paused to think. When he figured it out, he felt his blood boil. "She's... she's not..."
"Unfortunately, her body is shutting down."
"Is there anything you can do to stop that?"
"There is. But until she trusts us enough, by law, we can't force her to do anything."
It all made sense. Rory's remarks, her wanting to take care of herself, her wanting to go back to Sector B. Rory was dying. She didn't want to be treated because she knew it wasn't going to help her. She didn't want to waste time.
"You're Patient, Decha. I know you are. Give her time. Until she decides to trust us completely, the only thing we can do is help slow down the critical problems going on in her body."
"She does trust us," Decha growled. "She told me that she loves our technology."
"Do you really think she has full faith in our care after nearly being killed? Or after the Borders Collapse?"
Decha clenched his jaw. He couldn't answer because his mother was right. Instead of acknowledging his mistake, he brushed past Jessica angrily.
This was too much for him to get into. What he needed was to take his mind off Rory. Her condition was stable, and that's all that mattered right now. The real issue was finding the ones responsible for the horrific explosions.
"How's the Bracket woman treating you?" Jax Strout, one of Astell's greatest Generals with one-pin short of Decha's achievements, teased.
Decha loathed his words but didn't show that he was displeased by them. He wiped the blaster assault gun with some oil to make the trigger move more efficiently.
The two were assigned to go to Grandell University to help scan the perimeters of the campus. Plenty of Generals were stationed near all the exits and entrances to limit crowd activity.
This was a precaution the council put in place. The school was in the smack-dab middle of downtown, which was near the borderline of Sector B and A.
Almost every prominent crowded area of Downtown and Midtown Astell has experienced a bomb. Uptown was heavily guarded, because of the richer people who lived up there. The rich wanted to protect their assets.
The two's Generals' job was to make sure that every general stationed by Grandell's gates was awake and aware of all that went on.
But Jax was more interested in conversation with the dark-eyed Outsider warrior than his actual job.
"Focus," Decha tossed the blaster to him. "We can't screw up. Our eyes and ears need to be open at all times. Only Risor is permitted to enter the gates. No one else. Am I clear?"
"Crystal." Jax nodded but still pushed. "Director Chen has been going off a lot about the woman though."
"I'm sure he wasn't talking to you directly, as my family's business has nothing to do with you." Decha seethed.
"My father and yours are colleagues. Word gets around."
"I suggest it stop with you before someone's tongue gets ripped out of their mouth." Decha picked up another gun given to him by a General with red hair and examined it. He shoved it into the guy's chest, almost making him fall. "You, keep it out and ready. Show no mercy to intruders. Everyone knows about the curfew." He commanded the redhead, who nodded at him frantically.
"You seem to be taking it personally, N96." Jax came into Decha's vision. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were going through the motions with her."
"Going through the motions?" Decha spat. What the heck was Jax talking about? "I don't know what you mean."
"You know," Jax whistled.
"I don't,"
"I hear that Bracket women are quite a handful. Behind that shy smile is a cunning witch. They use sorcery more than natural charm."
Decha was distracted by a weapon on one of the small stations. He was keeping track of the inventory, and not at all paying attention to Jax.
"Do you like women, N96?"
Decha let the gun slip out of his grasp. "What?!" His breath hitched in his throat. Where did that question come from? "Are you paying attention to your surroundings?" Decha was a bit embarrassed because several of the generals around them had been listening and awaiting his answer. Did it matter?
"I'm just curious. You don't seem like the type of guy who—"
"I'm not that kind of guy." Decha intervened. "My interests shouldn't matter. Get your mind out of your arse."
"So the woman in your care doesn't make you feel a type of way?"
"What type of way? You're not clear enough."
"The attraction type of way."
Decha froze. He wasn't sure how to answer that. He never thought ill of Rory. Not to an extent where he was disgusted by her. But it never crossed his mind.
There were no thoughts of him ever starting to have those emotions toward her.
"I'm not going to answer that." Decha huffed in a very annoyed manner. "My job is to protect those in my care. Just like how I'm trying to protect this zone from any loiters."
The sound of buzzing neared them, and Decha was the first to notice. "Did you hear that?" He looked to his left and right. Decha shushed some of the others who were busy chattering.
"I hear it too." Jax changed his stance. "It sounds like an engine..."
"N9830, Please get a visual 20 meters south of our location." Decha radioed the men stationed farther out of the perimeter.
"A vehicle..." A low voice replied.
"Send them away," Decha commanded, however the radio signal cut and went silent. The revving sound neared "N9830, I told you to send them away." The radio began to beep. "N9830, do you copy?"
"Somethings off," Jax pressed his lips thin and narrowed his eyes in the direction of the sound.
"Ready your weapons!" Decha snarled and snatched the pistol out of his pocket and aimed ahead. Everyone repeated the action and aimed their blasters at a light that peered over the horizon. A truck approached them slowly.
"Turn away!" Decha ordered, loud enough for everyone to hear. Then he shot at the truck's blinker. A warning shot. "The next one will be at your head!"
The truck flashed its lights on and off. It blinked several times. It was a code. A code that Decha couldn't decipher.
"Go and tell them to turn away," Decha instructed the redhead behind him. With a simple nod, the General approached the truck carefully. Decha watched every step.
"N96...I don't think we should stand here." Jax neared him and started to whisper, but Decha ignored him. He wanted to make sure this vehicle was no threat.
Suddenly, the truck raced forward. The redhead General screeched and hopped out of the way before he got hit.
"Move!" Jax shouted, and the generals except for Decha scattered. "N96! What are you—"
"I'm not letting him through." Decha began shooting at the tires, but the truck continued. It was headed straight for him.
Jax jumped forward and tackled Decha out of the way before he was run over, and the brim of the vehicle scraped his arm. "You're crazy!" Jax spat at Decha.
"And you're letting him get away!" Decha yelled, and rolled over. He hopped to his feet and chased after the vehicle. The truck was headed for the main office.
Decha implemented his training from the Outside and calculated the distance and speed of the truck. He sprinted as fast as he could and grabbed onto the edge of the trunk door. Then he propelled himself up and did a front flip over and into the empty trunk.
The person driving noticed, and swerved to the left. Decha's hair was tossed around violently as a gust of wind knocked him aside, but he caught himself. "Stop the truck!" He howled and pounded his fist against the top.
Decha grunted when the truck took another turn, and nearly threw him off. "N9852!" Decha called for Jax on the radio. "Jax!" His words were muffled because he was using much of his strength to keep a hold of the speeding vehicle.
"Shoot out the tires! The back tires!" Decha roared the command.
"If I do that, you'll—"
"Shoot them now!" Decha swore as his fingers lost grip. His back slammed into the side of the truck, and he almost toppled over. Surely, he bruised a rib.
Jax raised his blaster and aimed for the truck in the distance. He was a talented marksman, but from this angle, it was awkward. He was afraid of accidentally shooting Decha. Jax pulled the trigger, and a beam of energy pierced the back left tire.
The wheel busted and sent the truck hydroplaning. The truck swirled to a stop, and Decha was thrown off. He controlled his fall, making sure he wouldn't break any bones in the process. But it still inflicted harm.
"N96! Are you okay!?" Jax radioed but Decha didn't respond.
Decha groaned and quickly sat up and aimed his gun at the driver's side of the truck. "Come out with your hands up!" Decha's wrist was throbbing, but he flicked his hands to ease the pain.
Decha circled the truck like a predator eyeing its prey.
The truck door opened, and Decha grew tense. His fingers were on the trigger quickly. Instead of a person coming out of the vehicle, particles of blue light that were in a shape of a small character hopped out.
Decha blinked a few times, to make sure he wasn't just imagining it. "What the heck?" He narrowed his eyes. "Is that... PO—"
The particles quickly transformed into a metallic form that stood taller than Decha. However, its shine was from the reflection of the moon. It still had a bright blue glow, only visible under the stars and moonlight.
The metallic figure approached Decha quickly and slapped the blaster out of his hand. Decha backed away but he didn't last long on his feet. The figure swung its sharp arm at him and knocked him to the concrete.
Decha rolled over and tried to process what the machine was. But he was quickly kicked back down. Decha landed on the ground much harder.
The machine clutched onto Decha's throat, and Decha squirmed around by kicking as much as possible. He snarled as the machine tightened its hold around his neck.
"What are you?" Decha hissed. He looked at the robot in disgust. From head to toe, this figure was made of pure metal blades. But underneath the exterior, where the light seeped through were colored particles floating around.
The machine made a low growl before it raised Decha off the ground.
"Ja... x!" Decha choked and kicked around more.
The machine scanned Decha. A line of light ran down his entire body before the machine began processing like a computer. "N96... Decha Chen... Astellian... Serviced for 8 years. Heart rate is 150BPM."
"Shite!" The machine was scanning him. Decha swung his leg over the metallic arm and freed himself. Then he tucked low and threw the machine off of him with his feet in a flip motion. "Who whipped you up in a lab and forgot to turn you off?" Decha panted and wiped the sweat off his head.
"15 Star pins." The machine rang in a static voice. "Initiate Annihilation." The robot rotated its form 350. Its arms turned into a long blade of light. A katana of some sort.
"Come at me," Decha raised his fists. Knife fights were nothing new to him. He'd fought grandmasters of sword wielders on the outside.
However, the robot moved at a speed that he wasn't able to keep up with. In seconds, Decha was thrown across the court. Before he could get a grip, the machine slashed its energy blade and hit Decha in the face. The machine had cut his face, where one of his eyes was.
Decha screeched and tumbled over. He clutched onto his eye and saw blood.
Thankfully, it didn't do any damage to the pupils themselves. But it was going to leave a nasty scar. In the reflection of the statue of Grandell's founder, for a split second, he thought he saw his father.
Director Chen had a scar similar.
The Robot swung again, but Decha dodged it. "Jax! Do you copy!?" He snarled.
"N96! I have no visual of you!" Jax's static voice chimed in.
"It's interfering with our signal. Agh!" Decha grunted after being shoved by the machine again. "I need..." The machine grabbed Decha by the collar and slammed him onto the concrete below. "Help! Requesting back up!" For the first time ever, Decha was requesting for help.
With the blood blurring his vision, he could barely see the attacks coming. The Robot clenched his neck tight, causing Decha to cough violently.
His life was slowly ebbing away. No matter how hard he tried fighting against it, Decha wasn't strong enough to deny the urge to succumb. He felt his arm hit the concrete and his vision faded.
"Out of my way..." The machine croaked in a robotic voice.
Decha's face was red. Even with no air, he kept a straight face.
A bolt of energy hit the machine, causing it to release Decha.
"N96! GO!" Jax turned up the charge of the blaster tucked firmly in his hands. "What the heck is that thing!?"
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