《Love In Hell (D.D.)》1.124 "Saying Goodbye....For Now"
I rushed into the Clinic and yelled out "help! help me!"
Then i put her down on a bed " You'll be okay... "
Suddenly Troopers walked in and knocked me out.
I groaned and opened my eyes in pain.
Daryl stood there "hey, it's me"
I sat up shocked.
Magna, Yumiko, Connie and Kelly where taking care of Luke who had been bitten.
They were all crying and panicking. They had cut his leg off looks like he's loosing too much blood.
Daryl "Ken-"
Me "I'm fine. "
Daryl shook his head "Ken, no, you're not. "
I walked over to Judith and my heart legit broke " She's lost a lot of blood."
Magna sobbed out to Luke "Come on. Come on. You're okay. It's okay, it's okay. Stay with us. Stay with us. Come on. "
Carol "All the doctors are gone and the nurses and the medicine."
Me " Where? "
Carol "We heard Pamela took everything and she's holed up in her gated community, and she left the rest of the Commonwealth to fend for itself. "
Me "Well, that's where we go. "
Carol "There's too many troopers. Hoping to find somebody to get us in without a fight. "
Me "What about Mercer? He knows people on the inside. "
Carol "Yeah, Max thinks so. There's a team after him. Some of the others are looking for the kids, and they're gonna meet us back here. "
Me "So we just wait?"
Carol " No, we're gonna take care of her and you. "
Yumiko sobbed out "Woman: Come on. Stay with us. Wait, wait. He's trying to say something. What is it? "
They were all crying for him. He was getting paler and paler.
Tears rolled down my cheek.
Magna rammed a knife through the back of Luke's head. You could hear their hearts break.
I looked at Judith in tears.
Daryl "I'm gonna give her blood. "
He looked at me "You know how to do this? "
I nodded "Yeah, but your types have to match. "
Daryl "Mine goes with anybody. Merle used to make me sell it when I was a kid for money. There you go. "
I put the needle into his arm and then the other needle into Judith's.
The others were covering up Luke.
Suddenly we heard a noise outside.
Carol " I'm gonna sweep the hospital, make sure the others are okay. "
Magna nodded "We're coming, too. "
Carol looked at us "You good? "
I nodded.
Then they rushed out.
i gave Judith a kiss on her forehead "you are a Grimes, baby, a bullet has never stopped a Grimes before."
Daryl "Ken"
I shook my head and kept looking at Judith.
Daryl "Ken-"
I shook my head, voice cracking "I am not loosing her. I can't"
Her head started to move and i stood up.
She asked weakly "What's happening? What's happening? Where am I? "
I grabbed her hand " It's okay. You're at the hospital."
Judith asked scared " Why? Why? Am I gonna die? "
Me "No, no. You're not gonna die. "
Judith "Feels like... It feels like I'm gonna die. I can't. Mom's gonna find Dad, and we're gonna be together. We're all gonna be together. But right now, it just... It feels like... "
Me "shh. You're not gonna die. You're fine. You're fine. "
Judith got weaker "She told me this thing she told Dad. She said, "We're the ones..." "
Me "Judith, wake up, wake up"
She drifted up.
I heard groaning in the hospital.
Carol showed up "Walkers breached. We gotta go."
I nodded " I can't. I can't go. "
Me "Jude. Jude, come on. Wake up. "
Carol "Rosita, where are you?"
Rosita " We're in the alley behind... Behind the hospital. We went through a horde of walkers. Our ride is fսckеd! "
I looked at Daryl "go"
Daryl shook his head .
Me "go"
He hesitated before walking out of the room and blocking the door.
Daryl opened the door "Let's go. come n"
I grabbed the bed and rolled it through the corridor, walkers were following us.
Carol "We're leaving out the back. "
Daryl "Come on, this way. "
They were coming in from everywhere.
At the house.
I put Judith down on the couch and Tomi looked at her "She's in a fragile state. It's good you gave her blood. I'll do what I can. Ezekiel. "
He nodded "On it. "
Tomi "Prep the IV. Yeah. Ready tape. We need to clear the room."
I shook my head, in tears "i am not leaving"
Ezekiel "Ken-"
I shook my head "no"
He looked at Daryl.
Daryl "Ken"
I shook my head.
He grabbed me and slowly pulled me out of the room.
I broke free of his grip and stormed out.
Then i walked to the truck and searched for the rifle.
It wasn't there.
Then i looked around and saw Negan holding it.
Negan "you searching for this?"
Me "hand it over "
Negan " Before you pop off... You were going after Pamela? "
I nodded "Yeah. i am gonna blast that bitch's head off"
Negan shot me a look.
I shook my head "don't look at me like that"
Negan "like what?"
Me "like that."
Negan shook his head "i can't let you do that. i can't let you go"
Me "did Daryl talk to you?"
Negan shook his head.
Me "then who are you doing this for, Negan!"
Negan "I am doing this for you. You take Pammy out with this thing, hell is gonna rain down on you. And you ain't gonna come back. And you have to come back. So I'm gonna do it. Last night, when I was down on my knees, about to lose my wife, my... I was about to lose everything. And I finally understood what you must've felt."
I looked down in tears"i am about to lose everything, Negan. I can't let her get away with it"
Negan nodded "i know, and she won't"
Suddenly Eugene walked over to me.
I snapped "not now"
Then i looked at him.
He looked at me sadly.
I froze.
Inside the house.
I walked over to Rosita who was sitting on the ground, holding Coco.
I saw down next to her and looked at the sleeping baby "she's beautiful"
Rosita nodded.
I was holding back tears "so fragile, so innocent, so pure. i remember when Judi was still this tiny. I remember not ever wanting to let her go again"
Rosita nodded.
I whispered "Eugene told me"
She shoved back her shirt and showed me her shoulder, there was a bite.
I let the tears fall down my cheek, shaking my head "no, no, Rosi"
She whispered, in tears "it's okay. It's okay. No crying, Kenny. Okay? I don't want them to know yet. I want you to pull your shit together, okay? "
I shook my head "I can't. "
She nodded "You can. Because I'm still right here. And you're gonna be... You're gonna be fine. "
I hugged her "I just love you so much. "
Rosita hid her face in my neck "I love you."
I shook my head, crying before looking at Coco.
In Judith's room.
I looked at Judith sobbing.
Her moved a little and i wiped my tears away.
I smiled "hey, hey, hey, little fighter"
She looked at me weakly "hey, big fighter "
Me "how are you feeling, baby?"
Daryl walked in, relieved.
Judith "Not great. But I'm fine, like you promised. What I said about Mom and Dad..."
Me " Is that true? "
Judith "It's why she never came back. Sorry I didn't tell you before. Scared that you would leave, too. "
Me "I'm right here, baby, i ain't leaving. I ain't ever leaving you, you hear me"
Suddenly we heard gunshots from outside.
Mercer "fuck"
Ezekiel "What's going on? "
Mercer "They're shooting anyone that climbs the gates. "
He grabbed his gun.
Max "Hey, what are you doing?"
Mercer " People are dying. I can't just stand by. The truck is gassed up with some reserves in the rear. It's enough to get you home. We can sneak you out the back. This isn't your fight. These aren't your people. "
Ezekiel "Yes, they are. And so are you. You may not think this place is worth saving, and I get that, given how they treated us. But it's worth it to me. The people are worth it, and I'm not gonna allow them to fall without a fight. Not today. I'm with you. Who else? "
Some of them started to nod.
Aaron "Yeah. We can do more than just save ourselves."
We all agreed.
Ezekiel to Mercer " Lead the way, brother. "
We walked out and to Pamela who was standing there with the troopers.
Pamela "Arrest them."
People were trying to get in through the gate.
Then she looked at Mercer "Traitor! "
Mercer shook his head "No. You are, Governor. You disappeared hundreds of citizens, led the dead to our doorstep. You shot a child. And now you've left thousands out there to die. "
The people were crying begging to let them in.
Gabriel "We're opening the gate and letting these people in. I'll kill anyone who tries to stop me. "
Trooper "Stop or we will be forced to shoot you."
Me " We'll fire back. "
Pamela "Shoot him!"
Daryl yelled " Stop! What the hell you doing? We all deserve better than this. You built this place to be like the old world. That was the fսckin' problem. "
Pamela "If I open the gates, the dead will get in, not just the living. "
Daryl "If you don't, you're gonna lose everything anyway. We got one enemy. We ain't the walkin' dead. "
Trooper"Give the priest the key. On your command, General Mercer."
Mercer " Pamela Milton, you're under arrest for high crimes against the people of this Commonwealth. Cuff her. "
They opened the gates and people came running in.
Some of our friends had survived.
They closed the gates again and the walkers started pushing against them.
Pamela walked to the gate and i recognized Hornsby. She looked a him as he was trying to eat her.
Maggie " Now we take this place back. "
Mercer" The variants are too dangerous to just lead away, so here's the new plan. First, we need to get a vehicle out of the Estates. Clear a path, but do not engage the rotters more than absolutely necessary. "
We managed to get a car out.
Woman "Copy. We've got fuses running to the private sewers under the Estates, and we'll finish wiring the rest once you get the fuel back. In the meantime, we'll start the PA system to draw all the rotters to the Estates. Princess?"
Princess started playing music from the speakers we head spread around.
Walkers started to walk towards the speakers.
Mercer "The music's working. The walkers are turning and heading for the Estates. It's almost go time. Let's get that fuel down in the sewers. We're only gonna have one shot at this. "
We dropped fuel down the sewers.
Then we all got to our safe space.
the music stopped and the whole sewers blew up, blowing u the city and all the walkers with it.
In the cells.
Pamela " It's not easy having so many lives in your hands. There are decisions you'll have to make that are ugly. How do you pick who does the jobs no one wants? Who gets the nicer house? "
Me "We've already had to make an ugly decision. We kept you alive. After everything you've done. 'Cause we've all done things. We'll figure it out. I'll make sure of it. And at least we don't have to worry about who gets your house. "
Then i walked out with Daryl.
At our house. Morning.
We were all having breakfast with each other or more like dinner...we were celebrating. Rosita was getting paler but she was still in good condition. I was sitting next to her. She was holding Coco.
Dog was sitting next to Judith.
Yumiko stood up "Hey, everybody. A toast. To Luke. "
We all said "to Luke"
I stood up and looked around. then i looked out of the window and saw Negan standing down there.
He looked at me.
I mouthed "thank you"
He nodded and walked away.
I walked up to Judith and smiled at her. Then i saw Rosita talking to Gabriel and you could see Gabriel's face growing sadder by the second.
Judith realized what was going on and froze.
I walked with Rosita upstairs in one of the rooms. Coco was lying there sleeping.
Maggie and Carol said there goodbyes.
Rosita sat down on the bed and laid down next to Coco.
She looked at Coco while the others grabbed the baby and walked out with her.
I looked at Rosita in tears and grabbed her head "I'll make sure she remembers the woman her mother was. A bad ass. I will tell her how her mom loved her more than anything and how she protected her from everything. That you gave your life for her"
She looked at me in tears.
Me "She will be loved, Rosita. i promise you that. She has a beautiful family and who will do anything to protect her - to make sure she has a future. You can rest in peace knowing your daughter is in good hands. "
She nodded in tears "please, Keni, no tears"
I shook my head in tears "after everything,...how dare you to leave us like that"
She cracked a smile.
Me "Thank you, Rosi, for everything..... we couldn't have made it this face without you. Thank you for being my friend - my sister"
Tears rolled down my cheek.
Me "You will see her again...it will take a while but you will be with her again. Well, you may see me sooner but that's okay too"
She cracked another smile "Keni"
Me "I know you will watch her from the other side. I know you will be guardian angel"
My voice cracked "wh-when you see my father and my brother on the other side...tell them i love them...tell them i miss them soo much, tell them Judith is in good hands ...tell them that we have everything in control"
I held back a sob.
Rosita nodded "i will tell them, Ken, i promise"
Eugene walked in" it's time"
I looked at Rosita and gave her a kiss on her forehead "Rest in peace, Rosita. We will see each other again"
She nodded and cracked out "i'll see you"
Then i walked out in tears.
I walked into the garden and sat down on the steps.
Daryl walked over to me.
I ran over to him and hugged him.
He hugged me back and buried his face in the crock of my neck.
Then he whispered "i love you"
I looked at him surprised.
Daryl "i am sorry, Ken, for everything..i-i- i don't know what had gotten into me but i am so-"
I pulled him in for a kiss.
his grip on my tightened.
I nodded "it's okay, D. It's okay. We're human, we make mistakes."
Daryl nodded "i love you, Princess "
I nodded "i love you, D."
A year later. At Alexandria.
We had built the old Commonwealth up again.
Ezekiel was Governor and Mercer was lieutenant governor.
They are doing a good job.
I walked over to Daryl who walked in "hey, baby"
Daryl "hey baby"
Me "how's the frontier?"
Daryl "quiet for now"
I nodded " i missed you"
Daryl nodded "i missed you too, baby"
Aaron walked to us "I never thought we'd get back to any of this. I had a hope, but we're all very lucky. "
Gabriel "Not luck, it's effort. We have a lot to be proud of, my friends. It's our family, our community. Yeah."
Maggie walked to us "Can we talk?"
Daryl "about what?"
Maggie "our future. There's a lot out there to find out about. And I think it's time we did. "
At a lake.
Me " It's a beautiful day to head out. "
Daryl nodded "Yeah. Are you sure you wanna come with me?"
I nodded "Yes. Judith is old enough now to know how things work around here. It's not like i will never see her again. "
Daryl "it's not like we will never see each other again, baby"
I shook my head in tears " I don't wanna ask myself where you are or what you are doing or if you are still alive. Daryl, you are my best friend, the man that i love, i would follow you to the end of the world. "
Daryl grabbed me and pulled me into a hard kiss.
At the bike.
The kids ran over to us and Daryl hugged them.
I kneeled down to hug them.
Judith "I'll keep an eye on Dog. "
I nodded and gave her a kiss on the head "if you need anything, try to radio us, the radio is always on, okay?"
She nodded.
Me "i will Michonne home, okay? I will bring dad home, i promise you that, okay?"
She nodded.
Me "you are a Grimes, Judi, born a leader, you run this place for me okay?"
She nodded "i won't disappoint you"
Me "trust me, there's nothing you could do to disappoint me. "
Judith "i love you, Kenny"
Me "i love you too, baby"
Daryl hugger her.
Judi " Uncle Daryl? "
Daryl nodded "Yeah? "
Judi "You deserve a happy ending, too."
Daryl looked at me while talking to her trust me, i have found my happy ending and i would rather die than to ever let it go "
I looked at him, smiling.
Daryl nodded to the bike before getting on it.
I got on it behind him and put my arms around him.
Daryl "scared?"
I shook my head "how can i be scared when i have you by my side ?"
He smirked before driving off.
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