《Bangtan's Whore [COMPLETE•BTS OT7]》Chapter 27


3rd person POV

BTS were nervously waiting for Serena to come back. They all wondered if she would decide to be with Jackson or come back for them. But then they reminded each other about her motto of honesty and trust- even though they now know that it was Jackson who told her about it.

They all knew they couldn't be mad at Jackson since he and his team saved them. And it's not like he hurt Siri intentionally by cheating on her or anything.

They slowly came to terms with the idea that if Siri wanted Jackson, then they would let her go. After everything she has been through, she deserves happiness and stability, and most of all love. And she can get that either with them or with Jackson.

But Namjoon had an idea that he shared with his members. Something that would benefit everyone. They all agreed and thought it could work.


A car pulled up to the Bangtan house and BTS went to their front door to see who it was since they didn't recognise the car. Relief came over them and they were filled with excitement as they saw their Siren come out of the car.

As soon as she turned to face them, she ran straight to them with a big smile on her face. She immediately jumped into the arms of the first person who ran to her with arms wide open. That being Jungkook, and this time, he wasn't going to stand still. He responded by holding her tightly and spinning her around, making her squeal and giggle. Then they kissed each other with love.

JK: "I'm so glad you're back. I was scared we were going to lose you."

Siri: "Never, remember?" She said, repeating what Jungkook said after Mila almost killed him.

"I could never leave my favourite."


His bunny smile came out and she swooned at the sight, kissing him deeply again.

Once Jungkook pulled away, Taehyung immediately swooped her up and spun her around too while giving her kisses all over her face and then finally on her lips.

V: "I'm never letting you go, Noona." He said as he placed her down.

Siri: "Promise?" She smirked and he nodded his head straight away and kissed her one more time.

Namjoon then came and grabbed her face, pulling her in for a passionate kiss.

RM: "I got worried for a moment."

Siri: "I promised I would come back." she smiled up at him.

RM: "I know. It was only for a moment." he gave his dimple smile and she poked into its making him chuckle.

Siri: "Joonie, Jackson and I ~"

RM: "It's ok. I told you, whatever happens, we understand." He smiled deeply again and Siri kissed his dimple.

JM: "Sweetcheeks!" he said as he hugged Siri from behind and spun her around as well. He then turned her to face him and he kissed her deeply too.

"Don't ever leave us." He said softly while nuzzling their noses together.

Siri: "I'm here to stay this time. As long as you all want me."

JH: "Of course we want you Sunshine!" Hoseok pulled Siri from Jimin's hold and placed a loving kiss on her lips.

"You are our light." he said with his wide sunny smile making Siri smile widely too and her heart flutter.

Another pair of arms hugged Siri from behind and a head rested on her right shoulder.

Y: "We can't function well as a team without you, Gorgeous. Glad to hear you're staying with us."

Siri turned to the right so she was facing Yoongi now and gave him a deep loving kiss. "Good to know you guys still need me." She said and gave Yoongi a wink to which he gummy smiled at.


Jin: "Of course we need you." He started to say as Yoongi stepped away so Jin could be with her. "There's no one else to help me control the maknae line." he grinned, making Siri chuckle.

He held Siri's face in both his hands and leaned down to kiss her lovingly.

"We love you Siri." Jin said as he pressed his forehead against hers.

Siri: "I love you all too."

During Siri's reunion with her Bangtan boys, Jackson watched her from the car as he leaned against the hood. Watched how her face lit up with complete joy for each member. He smiled to himself as he knew she would be happy here and very much loved.

Jackson started to walk towards his driver's door when Namjoon called out to him and was jogging over.

RM: "Hey man. I just wanted to say thanks for saving us earlier today. And thanks for being there for Siri in the past."

JW: "No worries. Just promise me you'll take care of her. Love her with all your heart. If you or any of your members don't, you know I could come and kill all of you while you sleep." He said, giving a cheeky smirk.

That made Namjoon's eyes widen with a slight tinge of fear. He nodded though and said, "That, I can definitely promise."

JW: "Good. Oh, and thanks for letting her have some time with me. I really appreciate that."

Namjoon nodded and gave a small smile, "Anything for her."

Jackson nodded in understanding, "Yep. Anything for her." He gave a small smile back to Namjoon. He then started walking round to his driver's door.

Seeing Jackson look at Siri lovingly just confirmed the idea Namjoon had earlier would be a good idea. Now was the time to suggest it to Jackson before he left.

"You know, Jackson..." He started to say, making Jackson stop in his tracks. "I see no reason why she can't be with all eight of us..." He raised one eye-brow suggestively to Jackson.

Jackson's eyes widened as he was shocked at the suggestion. He didn't think BTS would want to share Siri. But then again, they are sharing her between each other...

"Are you serious?"

Namjoon nodded his head, "I spoke with my members. We all agreed that if she wanted you, then we would accept that. Then I had the idea that if she's going to be in a poly relationship with the seven of us, what's the harm in adding one more person?

There's seven of us that love her and want to be with her. It's also obvious you love her too. And it's even more obvious that she still loves you."

Jackson nodded his head.

RM: "The question is... Would you be able to handle sharing her with all of us?"

Jackson looked to where Siri was and watched her laughing and smiling with the Bangtan members. He didn't want to lose her again. If that meant he had to share her then so be it.

Jackson grinned at Namjoon. "Anything for her, remember. Only if she is ok with this though."

"Come on man. You should know her better than anyone. She would love this idea. She gets to have her cake and eat it too." He chuckled and gave a dimple smile to Jackson.

Jackson chuckled back and nodded.

RM: "Come join us. Let's tell her."


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