《Bangtan's Whore [COMPLETE•BTS OT7]》Chapter 7


Your POV

After my fun in the shower, I changed into just Jin's pink shirt as it was quite large on me and met with the others downstairs in their lounge.

They all knew what I did as obviously I wasn't very quiet, and some of them were pouting that they didn't get to have me first.

JM: "How come he got to have you first?" he pouted and pointed to Jungkook as he came down behind me, looking all proud as he was adjusting his shirt since he was just putting it on.

"If I had known we could just take you whenever we wanted then I totally would've gotten in the shower with you! I've been thinking about finishing our kiss ever since it happened!"

JK: "You'll have your turn another time Hyung." he said with a cheeky smirk.

JM: "You little shit!" he said as he grabbed the chair pillow that was behind him and chucked it at Jungkook who caught it and laughed.

I chuckled too as I sat down next to Jin on the long couch. Jungkook gave me a kiss on my head and a smile before he walked over and sat next to Taehyung on the other end of the long couch.

He really did give me butterflies every time he did something small and sweet.

RM: "Settle down. We need some answers from you Siren before anything else happens and before any more of us become more... involved with you."

I smiled at how polite he was trying to be.

Siri: "First of all, I think you all should know my real name since I know all of yours."

They nodded.

"My name is Serena Shields and I'm 25 years old. I like my friends to call me Siri though so feel free to call me that too." I gave them all a sweet smile. They all smiled back, even Namjoon.

V: "Ooo you're the same age as me and Jiminie! When's your birthday? Do I get to call you Noona?"

I giggled and told him it was July 9th so that would technically make me his Noona. He seemed quite happy with that.

RM: "How do you know about us and where we live? Only those who work closely with us and those we trust know."

Siri: "You all know I'm a lethal assassin, correct?"

They nervously nodded their heads. Namjoon was watching me cautiously now.

Siri: "I was assigned to kill you all." I said casually and shrugged, then laid back against the couch looking chill.


They all stared at me wide-eyed in shock. Namjoon then all of a sudden pulled out a gun he had laying behind him and aimed it at me. I only smiled at him.

RM: "I knew it. You're here to kill us. Who sent you?" He gave me a death glare.

I noticed the others moved too and they had weapons in their hands as well, all pointing at me. Including Jungkook.

Only Jin didn't move from next to me. He still trusts me.

Y: "Jin-hyung, get away from her before she hurts you."

Siri: "Seriously? I told you, if I wanted to kill you all, you would be dead by now. I have no intentions of killing any of you. As I said before, you all are special to me."

I moved to sit on Jin's lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek to which he smiled. This confused the others.

JH: "What do you mean we are special? How can we trust you?"

Siri: "I thought I proved myself back at Antonio's? And the special thing is for me to know and you guys to find out." I said with a cheeky grin.

They all still kept their guns on me and were reluctant to believe me.

Siri: "Look. There are two words I live by. Honesty and trust. By being honest, you gain one's trust. I believe that if I was honest with you guys from the start, you would trust me.

Jungkook, you saw the words tattooed down my spine didn't you? Or were you too busy fucking me to look properly?"

I looked at him for some kind of confirmation and his eyes were slightly confused but he nodded his head once and he started lowering his gun a bit.

JM: "You still didn't answer who sent you, Sweetcheeks." his gun was still on me.

Siri: "That doesn't matter anymore."

Y: "And why not?"

Siri: "Because I killed them and their organisation already." I smiled at them. "You won't have to worry about them anymore."

I started running my hands through Jin's soft hair which he was enjoying as he was giving me a smirk.

They all looked confused and started lowering their guns.

RM: "Who was it?"

Siri: "BigBang Group." I said softly while looking at Jin's handsome face and running my hand through his hair.

RM: "No way! They were our allies!"

Siri: "They wanted you to think you were allies. But they didn't like how powerful Bangtan was becoming. So they hired me. But I looked into you guys and found that you didn't deserve to be killed.


I don't just kill people for the thrill of it. Well actually I do, but they have to deserve it at the same time. I make sure the people I kill deserve to be punished.

Bangtan doesn't deserve it. Your crimes aren't as bad as others. Drugs aren't a big deal in the mafia world unless they kill people. Bangtans drugs don't kill people. And I know you guys have also stopped human trafficking before. You guys are protecting the people more so than harming it. That's why I want to join you and help you. We both have common ground."

JK: "Then why were you there tonight if it wasn't for us?"

I changed my position on Jin's lap so I was now straddling him. His hands went to my waist. The guys were still cautious of me and thought I was going to hurt him so they raised their guns again. But I only touched Jin's lips, like I did when he was tied up.

He's so fucking handsome and his lips are so plump. I really want to kiss them. He smiled at me as I ran my thumb over his bottom lip.

He knows I want to kiss him again.

Siri: "I was there for Antonio and his men." I said as I continued staring at Jin and he stared back at me.

"Did you know he's not just a drug trafficker? He's dipped into human trafficking too. Selling poor young girls as sex slaves."

JH: "We thought it was just the drugs? We were actually trying to poison him as his drugs have harmed people."

While straddling Jin's lap, I lent back so I was looking at some of the guys upside down. Yes I am weird. Jin held onto my waist tighter so I was steady. And what everyone noticed under the pink shirt was my pointy nipples as they were hardening. I was getting horny again.

As I lent back, holding onto Jin's arms, the shirt I was wearing had slightly lifted and from where Jin was sitting, he was the only one who could see that I wasn't wearing anything under his shirt. His eyes widened slightly but he didn't give anything away.

Siri: "I knew you guys were there for that reason. I told you. I've been watching you all."

Jin: "How long have you been watching us?" he spoke up to distract himself from the view he had in front of him.

I lent back up and gave him a cheeky smirk as I could feel his cock hardening underneath me from what he saw.

Siri: "Long enough to know your favourite foods," I started lightly grazing my lips on Jin's lips now and slowly grinded on him.

"And what you do in your spare time." I then took Jin's bottom lip in my teeth and tugged on it a bit. His hands squeezed tighter around my waist.

I heard a low 'fuck' being whispered somewhere. Someone was enjoying the show I was putting on on Jin's lap.

Siri: "And long enough to figure out where you live of course." I then grinded on his cock a bit harder. He moaned a little and was looking flustered and slightly angry at the teasing I was doing.

One more hard grind and a smirk from me and Jin couldn't handle my teasing anymore. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a deep kiss. Fuck his lips were so soft.

I could feel his hardness even more as he moved his hips up and pulled me down on him at the same time. Both moaning into our kiss.

My hands were in his hair and I grinded on him a bit more. His hands went round to my ass and he grabbed them firmly, making it so my ass was on display for those sitting behind me.

JM: "Holy shit... no underwear."

Oops, guess they can all see...

Jin pulled away from our kiss but continued to stare at me with lust filled eyes.

Jin: "Ok. I think we can trust her. I'm the one with a good judge of character and I believe her. I'm going to my room now."

With that, he stood up, taking me with him and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist and went back to attacking his lips with mine.

JH: "Fuck me... You can see it all! It's fucking beautiful!"

That reminded me, I should let them know now so they don't need to worry- I pulled from Jin's lips and said to all of them, "By the way! I'm sterile so any of you can cum in me all you want!"

V: "Oh shit!"

JH: "Good to know!"

Jin started walking towards the stairs and as he did, I could hear some whining coming from Jimin which made me giggle.

He'll just have to wait his turn.


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