《Bangtan's Whore [COMPLETE•BTS OT7]》Chapter 5


3rd person POV

The gang watched in amazement as the beauty in the red dress fought her way through Antonio's men. She was graceful and effortless as she killed them all.

She punched a guys throat then snapped his neck with her hands; high-kicked one in the face, then grabbed the knife he was holding and stabbed his throat with it; she got on the ground and tripped one down onto their ass then grabbed one of her heels and stabbed the guy in the eye with the pointy heel. Blood splattered onto her arms, chest and face.

JK: "Shit... She's amazing... and so beautiful..."

Y: "I'll say..."

Jin: "I've never seen the Siren in action before. It's like watching an artistic performance..."

Two guys started going towards Taehyung and Jungkook. The Siren grabbed a gun from one of the dead guys on the floor and shot them both in the back of the head before they could reach them. Leaving the Bangtan members amazed.

Without even looking behind herself, the Siren pointed the gun behind her and shot a guy in the nuts, causing him to drop to the floor and scream, then she point blank shot him in the head.

There were no men for now but a few could be heard coming down the stairs. Siren quickly tore the bottom of her dress and wrapped the material around her knuckles and she hid behind the door.

Bangtan watched in awe as she snuck up on the remaining men that came through the door. She took another man's knife and slit his throat from behind.

One guy actually managed to hit her in the stomach, which she did not appreciate. With the knife she held she stabbed him in the temple.

When she pulled it out of his head, one man started running towards Jin and she chucked the knife at the guy and it went straight into his head.


She was very good at head and neck shots.

Siren waited a minute, puffing a little bit as she was waiting to see if any more men were coming.

When none did, she walked over the dead bodies, picked up the tool she used to set herself free, then she walked towards Jin and started undoing his cuffs.

Jin: "Thank you Siren. Never thought I'd be alive to actually get to say that." He smiled at her and she smiled back at him.

JH: "That was amazing! It's like you're dancing!" he said as she undid his cuffs.

Siri: "Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the show."

Jimin was next and once his hands were free, he quickly pulled her in for a deep kiss, slightly shocking her.

He quickly pulled away then said, "I don't care if you just sucked a dick not long ago, your lips are mine." Then he dove back in for another passionate kiss.

Siren responded with her hands in his hair, pulling him in for more and his right arm wrapped around her waist while his left hand grabbed at her ass. They both moaned into the kiss.

RM: "Hey! Some of us still need to be free! You can finish that off later!"

Siren and Jimin pulled away from each other, both feeling hot and flustered.

JM: "Oh we will definitely be finishing this later. You're coming home with us for sure."

Siren smiled and pecked his lips before turning to Namjoon to set him free.

Siri: "Trust me now?" she said cheekily as Namjoon rubbed his wrists.

RM: "A little. But I'm still going to be cautious with you."

Siri: "I wouldn't expect anything less from the Leader of Bangtan." She gave a sweet smile and surprisingly, Namjoon smiled back, showing her his left dimple.


"Oh how cute! You have a deep dimple!" she said as she pressed her finger in it, leading to some of the guys to chuckle at her.

She turned to Yoongi next and as soon as he got free, he pulled her in for a deep kiss as well.

V: "Me next please!" he said, interrupting their kiss.

Yoongi glared at Taehyung but then gave a sweet smile to the Siren.

Y: "I'm going to return the favour later, Gorgeous."

Siri: "I look forward to it." then she tapped his nose with her finger causing him to gummy smile.

Taehyung was next and as he came free, he scooped the Siren up into a hug and gave her a deep kiss on the lips.

V: "If you're coming home with us, I want to be part of the action and not watch next time."

Siren giggled and nodded her head.

Next was Siren's favourite.

She reached up to Jungkook's hands and he watched her face looking at her features. He really thought she was beautiful, even with some blood splattered on her.

He's into a bit of gore himself when he's out on his missions so he actually thought she looked sexier with some blood.

Her breasts pressed against his chest as she reached up to his hands, making him let out a little hum.

When his hands were free, he took her face with his hands and brought her in for a passionate kiss.

Siren and Jungkook pulled away and they both felt butterflies in their stomach from the kiss.

They looked away to Namjoon to take the lead.

RM: "Ok... Now that everyone has had their chance to kiss the Siren, lets go!"

JH: "Hey! I didn't get to kiss her!"

Jin: "Neither did I..."

V: "Should've done it when your hands were free!"

Jin: "I was being respectful!"

JH: "I honestly just didn't think about it until I saw Jimin do it."

Siri: "There will be other times to do it." she smiled at them. "But there's still one more thing we gotta do. One more person that needs to go down."

Everyone knew who she was talking about. Antonio.

Siren walked in front of the guys, took out a few knives that were in heads and wiped the blood on her dress. She also went to another guy and took his gun.

Siri: "You seem like a knives man, am I right?" She asked Jungkook. His doe-eyes widened and he nodded with a slight smile. She handed him two knives.

Siri: "Who wants the gun?"

Y: "I'll take it."

Siri: "Perfect. Let's go!"


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