《Violet Eyes || Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ||》Mizuki Ayame (update)


Mizuki Ayame (美月 菖蒲)

The Violet Eyed Assistant Coach of Karasuno.

Violet eyed cutie/beauty/genius

Cutie-chan (by Oikawa)

Angel (by Tanaka and Nishinoya)

Karasuno's sharpest observer

Chibi (by Tsukishima)

Aya-chan (by Kazumi and Yamaguchi)

Coach (by the National team)

16 (first year high school)

22 (As of 2018)

24 (As of August 2021, during Olympics)

December 12, 1996

154 cm (High school)

160 cm (Time-skip)

99.8 lbs. (High school)

110.5 lbs. (Time-skip)

Mizuki Kazumi (Mother)

Mizuki Kaito (Father, deceased)

Assistant Coach, Strategist (High school)

Sports Trainer (Timeskip)

Coach of the Japan Men's National Volleyball Team (As of August 2021)

Karasuno High

Irvine Polar Bears team (when she was interning under Takashi Utsui in California)

Japan Men's National Volleyball Team (As of August 2021)

Volleyball, sweet foods and drinks (especially chocolates), super duper EXTRA spicy pork curry, cooking, sketching, helping others, being ruffled on the head (regardless who the person might be), those who work hard

people underestimating her team, people who judge people by their appearance (like those who insult them), dogs (depends, was chased by a rabid dog once. It scared her.), guns, trapped in the dark alone.

to have Karasuno play in Spring Nationals and for the Battle of the Garbage happen.

To become a coach of a volleyball team.

Grow taller to at least reach 165 cm.

Ayame is a petite girl possessing rare violet eyes, her most distinguished features and her trademark. She has long brown hair that reaches the middle of her back and bangs that covers most of her forehead. On most days, she wears her hair down, but she wears it up in a ponytail when concentrating on some occasions. Recently, she started wearing glasses when watching or using her tablet to protect her eyesight.

When she was in junior high, she used to have short hair that goes a little past her chin. Post-timeskip, she kept her hair long and trim it a little. She had also cut her hair for it to frame her face and she would usually wear her hair up in a ponytail when in official matches.

She's described by most as a cute and beautiful girl, possibly rivaling Shimizu's beauty (as told by Tanaka). Yachi would sometimes think that Ayame is like a female lead in a shoujou manga with a face and personality like hers. Because of this, she would be confessed nonstop by the males from every class and to Tsukishima's amusement, count the number of confessions and guess the males' reaction when she rejects them.

She mostly sports an innocent and curious look off-court but her expression morphs a more analytic and focused look when it's about volleyball.

Ayame is noted to be a kind person by many and an understanding person. She treats those she's close to kindly and gently, though there are times where her switch was flipped but luckily, those are rare occasions. Because she loves volleyball and chocolates, she is easily baited by it but it changed after graduating high school.

She's also innocent and naïve and the guys had to explain certain things to her for her to understand, an effect after growing up under a very protective mother and graduating from an all-girls school. She's dense to the point of not noticing Yamaguchi, Lev, and Oikawa's feelings for her (as well as Kuroo's small crush on her last year but he said that he has moved on.), even thought it was obvious as hell.


Despite all that, she's shown to be quite clever and devious. There are times where she outsmarted Tsukishima by giving him strawberry shortcake she baked, and she's aware he likes it. She can be seen teasing and blackmailing Daichi about his crush sometimes. When pissed, she would cuss the other sharply or give them a single but strong punch when her chocolate is taken from her without her permission. When worried too much, she would also punch the other in worry, a trait she inherited from her mother.

Since she's a chocolate lover, it's advisable you don't mess with her chocolates.

She used to be shy to new people but her motor mouth mode would turn on if someone talks about volleyball. After opening up about her past, she became more expressive and a little childish that it's found to be very endearing. There were also times when Tsukishima's personality would rub off on her.

She used to be the type that couldn't think and decide rationally when pressured and she would overthink things because of it. Ayame have certain habits that are noticeable. When she's lying or hiding something, she would bite her lower lip and stay quiet. When thinking or a little nervous, she would twirl a few strands of her hair unconsciously. She also have the tendency to bite her pen or the nail of her thumb when slightly frustrated or when thinking deeply.

Due to the effects of her past, she sometimes have mood swings but not to the borderline of bipolarity.

After going out with Yamaguchi, she was a little shy and easily embarrassed at first, but she proved to be a loving and supportive girlfriend and Yamaguchi noted that she's a little straightforward when asking for intimate contacts.

She has very low alcohol tolerance and she turns into a giddy drunk after a glass or two. At the same time, she's brutally honest and doesn't hold back her tongue when cussing at someone. When with Yamaguchi as a drunk, she's a clingy person to him and wouldn't let him go for a second.

Ayame is also shown to have a height complex, sulking when someone would point out her short stature, even though she had already long accepted it, or when she sees tall guys. She wished to at least reach the height between 165 cm to 170 cm.

Her hometown is Miyagi, where she is childhood friends with Daichi. The two have a sibling-like relationship and she calls him "nii-chan" like they are true siblings. When she was nine years old, she was held hostage by a deranged man in shop mart and her father tried to save her by tackling down the man. The gun was thrown to her feet and she scrambled to pick it up when she saw the man about to stab her father and shot him to the chest. Shocked, confused and scared, she couldn't think straight and started hallucinating, barely hearing her surroundings due to the ringing in her ears. Kaito tried to approach her to tell her it's all right but the shock from earlier made her think it was the deranged and she instinctively shot him. The trauma was too much for her to bear and Kazumi asked the police to falsify the report to protect her, to which they complied. They moved to Tokyo afterwards to find a psychiatrist for Ayame to recover but it was never easy and she suffer from PTSD when shown a real or toy gun.


It was her biggest secret and no one must know about it. However, when she was in junior high, she was betrayed by her supposed best friend when she told the violet eyed girl that she can trust her. Her secret was leaked to the whole school and was called as "murderer", "monster in disguise", "horrible person" by many when she was in third year. It came to a point where she was bullied and they trapped her in a dark storage room for one night, leading her to fear being trapped in darkness alone.

She met Nekoma at that time and developed friendship with them, and it helped her ease up from her suffering from her school.

They moved back to Miyagi for her high school and Ayame reunited with Daichi and became the club's coach for a while the moment the spot was unavailable and became their assistant coach when Ukai came. She supported the Karasuno volleyball team as their strategist and assistant coach, despite her young age.

High School Post-timeskip

Speed 3/5 4/5

Power 1/5 2/5 (5/5 when pissed or worried)

Jump 2/5 2/5

Game Sense 5/5 5/5

Technique 4/5 5/5

Stamina 2/5 3/5

Ayame may not look like it but she has fast reflexes. She can dodge a stray volleyball in the last minute when aware of it. Many noted that despite her small size, she can pack a punch and she's demonically scary when intimidating someone seriously.

Her physical attributes may be low but her game sense and technique are her strong points, making her another genius next to Kageyama. If Kageyama is a genius as a volleyball player, Ayame is a genius in the fields of volleyball tactics and plays. Her observation skills are unparalleled and nothing escapes her violet eyes in terms of volleyball.

Her mind is also very versatile. She could understand complicated terms and gibberish in volleyball, like Nishinoya, Hinata and Kageyama's gibberish. She memorized more than 100 attack patterns and rotation formation.

She never played volleyball but she could do her job as an assistant coach and currently, a coach, amazingly, as if she were a player once. It was said that this was the effect of Kazumi playing volleyball without knowing that she's pregnant with her, causing Ayame to grasp the feeling of being on court.

She has a skill called whole court observation where she can observe every player within the span of 10 meters from her line of sight. She could then mentally record everything she noticed from each player and figure out its strength and weakness before relaying it to the players.

Like Hinata, she has the ability to see the court in slow motion if she concentrates deeply.

· Favorite food: super duper EXTRA spicy pork curry.

· Pre-timeskip concern: She keeps wondering why was she was born short even though her parents are tall.

· Post-timeskip concern: She's worried that her alcohol tolerance is still low despite that she's of drinking age and feels bad for declining their offers for drinking.

· When Ayame becomes drunk, she has the tendency to call Tsukishima "Tsushitshima". It's probably because she was releasing her inner frustrations at the megane when he's being snarky. Iwaizume and the Irvine Polar Bears team were once traumatized that one time she was drinking with them. But with Yamaguchi, she turns into a clingy person.

· In the post-timeskip, her PTSD rarely happens now and seeing a real gun doesn't scare her that badly and being trapped in the dark only unnerves her.

· She still draws from time to time, even after becoming a coach. She would make a quick sketch and she would use the sketch to point out what she sees in the players' capabilities, making it easier for them to understand what she means.

· Her star sign is Sagittarius.

· She can speak up to seven languages: English, Italian, Korean, Filipino, German, Portuguese and Chinese. Eight if you count Japanese as her native language.

· She can cook Japanese and American dishes.

· Academically, she's smart and ranked third in their year, followed by Tsukishima.

· Tsukishima sees her as "an annoying little sister you can mess with". He practically took over the big brother role after Daichi graduated.

· By the time they're second years, she began calling Tsukishima "Tsukki" and Yamaguchi "Taa-kun".

· She began making attack patterns at a young age of six but she was bullied for it because they mistook her drawing to something "ugly".

· She has never experienced doing a part-time job.

· Hibarida and Iwaizume noted that her usual play styles she would teach the team consists of risky plays but for some reason, they never miss or fail at all.

· She likes patting Yamaguchi's hair because of how soft and how green it is. His freckles reminds her of stars and she thought he looks cute with it.

· There are times where she's just like her delinquent mother when pissed.

· She'll literally eat any chocolate given to her without checking its contents.

· During her high school days, an average of 18 guys would confess to her each day, as calculated by Tsukishima.

· She's a genuine Bokuto fan even now.

· A protection squad exists that she's not aware of, called the "Ayame protection squad" which exists in four division:

o Karasuno division – this is the main unit (leader is Daichi, of course).

o Nekoma division – the sub-unit (leader is Yaku)

o Polar Bear squad – when she was in California (headed by Iwaizume)

o National Squad – the national team where she is the coach now (still headed by Iwaizume along with Yaku, with their second-in-commands: Atsumu, Kourai and Sakusa.)

o The National squad is the most chaotic among the four.

· When there is no Olympics, she would coach the MSBY Black Jackals and is also a freelancing sports trainer, where high school teams would ask for her help.

· Originally, she wanted to coach Karasuno after graduating but Coach Ukai told her that she's meant for a bigger world and told her to explore other teams.

· She eats more than the usual amount other people eat. Also a meat idiot.

Ayame (菖蒲) "iris (flower)", because her father loves irises and her eyes are the same color as the said flowers.

Her family name Mizuki (美月) means "beautiful moon".

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