《Violet Eyes || Haikyuu!! Fanfiction ||》Chapter 9: The three-on-three match
Saturday came and the three first years arrived outside the school gymnasium. As they were about to get inside, Ayame instinctively hid behind Yamaguchi, her heart pounding in excitement and nervousness while confused looks crossed both teens face.
"What's her problem?" Tsukishima thought "One minute she was excited and grinning and then she just turned nervous and started hiding. Is she bipolar or what?"
"She's...she's hiding behind me..." Yamaguchi thought, blushing. They arrived inside and saw the members doing receives. Her eyes sparkled but she kept herself hidden.
"We're here..." Tsukishima announced upon entering "...and we brought a visitor"
"Who? And where? I don't see anyone but you two" the captain, Daichi said, confused. Tsukishima sighed and pulled Ayame out, making her yelp in surprise.
"This is Mizuki Ayame, from Class 4" he said, gesturing at Ayame. She slightly glared at Tsukishima before turning her attention to the captain.
"H-hello" she timidly said, keeping her head down. Tsukishima made a tsk sound before raising her head, forcing her to face the captain.
Daichi's eyes widen and looked at her closely before saying "Ayame-chan? Is that you?"
"D-Daichi-nii-chan?" she asked, surprised. Daichi suddenly hugged her, nearly suffocating the girl in his bear hug "Daichi-nii goes to Karasuno?! And he's also the captain of the volleyball team?! That just made my day!!"
"D-Daichi-nii...you're suffocating me..." she choked. He quickly let her go, and quickly wiped his teary eyes.
"Sorry...It's been what? Seven years? It's been a long time since the last time I saw you" he said "Look at you, you've grown...I can never forget those violet eyes of yours"
"Y-you too, nii-chan...You've gotten taller and bigger..." Ayame answered."And you've got the figure of a captain"
"Weirdo! Get away from our spot!" a boy roughly pushed four year old Ayame on the ground. The young girl cried as the bully kids gathered around her.
"Your drawing's so ugly!" a girl said, stomping the paper with her foot. She cried harder.
"Your eyes are so weird! Ah! You must be cursed!" another boy accused her "No wonder you got violet eyes! No one has violet eyes!"
They all continued bullying her eyes and her drawings when a six year old boy approached them with his hands on his hips.
"Hey! Bullying a kid is wrong! Why don't you leave her alone before I hit your heads with a ball, huh?" he said, spinning the volleyball on his hand in a scary way. They gulped and nervously looked at each other.
"Waah! Run! It's Daichi!" the bullies ran away, leaving Ayame alone. She slightly looked up and sniffled. Daichi picked her crumpled drawing and dusted off its dirt. He stared at her drawings with childlike curiosity. It was a rectangle with a line in the middle and circles and arrows are drawn on both half of the rectangle.
"Here" he gave it back to her. She accepted the paper and sniffled. Daichi kneeled in front of her to look at her closely. Indeed, she really has violet eyes "I'm Daichi. What's your name?"
"A-Ayame..." she replied, shyly looking at him.
"Why are they bullying you?" he asked.
"I-it's b-because of m-my eyes..." she stuttered. Daichi stood up and crossed his arms "What? There's nothing wrong with your eyes! Your eyes are really cute, Ayame-chan! Those bullies must be jealous!"
She felt quite happy when he liked her eyes. She smiled lightly and fiddled with her hair "Thank you, onii-chan"
An imaginary light bulb shone above his head. He kneeled in front of her again and grinned.
"Ayame-chan, from now on, we're friends!" he said, shaking her hand "If we're friends, I can be your big brother and protect you from the bullies!"
"Really?" she asked and he nodded "Thank you, Daichi-nii-chan!" she happily hugged him and he patted her head.
"Just call me nii-chan and you are my little sister!"
"Wait...Daichi, is she the girl that you told us before? Your childhood friend? Mizuki Ayame?" Sugawara asked "Now that's why her name sounds familiar when I met her before"
"Yeah, Ayame-chan is" Daichi said, ruffling her hair "Even though she's my childhood friend, I like to treat her as my little sister"
"B-beautiful..." a shaved haired teen said. You know the look when a guy saw the most beautiful girl in his life? That's the look he's giving her now and it gave Ayame the creeps.
"Tanaka..." Daichi said, pulling him.
"B-but Daichi-san, she's like an angel with those eyes that beautiful!! She even rivalled Kiyoko-san's beauty!!"
"I said knock it off, you're creeping her out. Look..." Daichi said, pointing at Ayame, who is hiding behind Yamaguchi again. The gym door was suddenly slammed opened by Hinata and Kageyama, who were panting from racing against each other.
"Sorry we're late!" both apologized.
"All right!! Finally the latecomers are here!" Tanaka yelled.
"Okay! Let's start the match!!" Hinata said, punching his fists in the air.
"Hold it, dumbass. We've got a visitor" Kageyama said, grabbing the orange haired teen's head and forced it to look on Ayame's direction.
"Mizuki-san!! Hi!! What are you doing here? Are you here to watch the match?" Hinata asked excitingly, bouncing with energy.
"Yeah!" she nodded excitingly.
"Cool! Support us, will you?!"
"Whoa, whoa, she's already supporting our team, shrimp. Find someone else" Tsukishima smirked. The violet eyed girl gave him a deadpan expression, thinking "I didn't say anything about taking sides, megane-kun"
"No fair!!"Hinata whined.
"All right, I'll be on Tsukishima's team" Daichi told them.
"What? You, captain?!" Hinata said.
"Don't worry. Tanaka's a better attacker than me" he assured him, making the orange haired teen sigh in relief "Though, I won't go easy on you, either"
"Nii, even if Tanaka-san's a better attacker than you, you're weapon is your solid receive, not your attack. You're their defence specialist, am I right?" she asked with a smirk. Their faces had a How-the-heck-did-she-know-that and Daichi sighed and answered.
"Sharp eyes as always..." he told her, patting her head "In case if you guys didn't know, she has sharp eyes and her observation skills are amazing since we were kids" Everyone made an oh sound and nodded.
Tsukishima cleared his throat "Um...that little one and Tanaka-san, which one should I crush-I mean block first?" he asked, smirking.
Hinata looked at him and Tanaka's ears widened as he heard it. The blonde continued "Oh, yes, yes. I'd like to see the king lose, too"
"Tsukki, they can hear you. Watch it" Yamaguchi warned him. Ayame face palmed at his provocative personality "Neh, Tadashi-kun, is he always like that?"
"Apparently, yeah" the freckled teen sighed.
"I'm saying it so they can hear it" he continued "I sure hope they lose their cool"
"This guy got character problems" Daichi and Ayame thought. He continued saying things about the black haired teen until Tanaka approached Hinata and Kageyama with the I'm-pissed-at-this-brat-like-you-two-but-I'm-trying-to-keep-my-cool attitude.
"Hey, hey. Did you heard that~? My, the thing he says~! Oh, that Tsukishima-kun, I'm going to really..." he dropped the act and glared at him menacingly "crush him into a pulp"
She stepped between the two teams to stop the tension, which takes a lot of courage from her "I think we should start the match, all right?"
The game started. Their female manager is the referee along with Narita and Kinoshita is the scorer while the rest are the spectators. She sat and observed their game. As expected, she noted that Daichi's team's defence is high. Tanaka kept racking points because of his spikes and she finally understood why the captain teamed up with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.
"I see...so it will be an offense versus defence match...pretty clever and well balanced...I guess...
Shoyo-kun's receives are light but his jump and speed make it up for his skills and Kageyama-kun's jump serve and tosses are amazing and Tanaka-san's spikes are powerful like an ace's spike, perfect for an offensive team.
Even though Tadashi-kun and Tsukishima-kun's receives are light, their heights are perfect for middle blockers and Tsukishima-kun is a good blocker and add Daichi-nii's exceptional floor defense, their team are more on defensive...but..."
"Are they planning to do a quick attack?" Ayame wondered "Shoyo-kun's jump is different than usual and Kageyama-kun's tosses looked like he was going for a quick"
"She can analyze that much?!" Sugawara and the two second years wondered at the same time. Sugawara sighed and shrugged "Probably"
"The toss Kageyama-kun did just now...that was different from a usual toss. That speed...the point of impact..." she placed her hand on her chin and thought deeply "Um...can I watch for a while on the end line? I need to see something"
"Eh? Okay, but watch out for the ball" he told her. She ran to the end line on Tanaka's court and observed Kageyama's toss. I knew it...
"So, what did you see?" Ennoshita asked her. She smiled uneasily "His toss passes the spiker's point of impact. Not to mention the ball's speed is scary. I've never seen tosses like that before but they kept doing it. Shoyo-kun kept jumping for it but...he can't seem to hit it"
"But...why did they keep doing it? The point gap is getting larger every time he misses a toss. Isn't that risky? That toss seems pretty impossible to hit anyway" Kinoshita said, looking at the score.
"That's also the scary part. Not only those two are incredibly good at something, those two are also huge risk takers. They're willing to waste a few points to do it" she sighed "But...with Shoyo-kun's speed and his incredible jump, I'm pretty sure he can hit that toss. Kageyama-kun must use all of Shoyo-kun's skill to their advantage"
"Wha...wha..." she shakily said, after they saw a quick so fast that no one was able to follow "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" she yelled, her voice echoed inside the gymnasium. The members didn't know if they are going to stare at Hinata and Kageyama or at Ayame who suddenly yelled.
"Did you guys see that?! That was really fast!! So awesome!!It kinda went shoop!, then turned like bam!, and before you know it, it went on the other side like whoosh!, right?!" she said, her eyes sparkling brightly in excitement while making animated gestures. The others blinked at her outburst and stared at her.
"I think we just found Hinata's twin..." Tsukishima said, pushing his glasses.
Her face suddenly burned bright red after realizing what she did and sulked at the nearest wall "S-sorry...I-I got overexcited and t-then I-I just went like that..." she gloomily said.
"M-Mizuki-san! Don't apologize! It's not a bad thing to get excited at volleyball!" Yamaguchi tried to tell her.
"Well, it seems a little strange that a girl suddenly acted overexcited at a quick" Tsukishima said. She sulked even more.
"Tsukki, you're not helping!"
"Yeah, well...that's not the only thing that made me feel excited" she gloomily said "It's the fact that Shoyo-kun spiked it with his eyes close that made it so awesome..."
"She's right..." Daichi said, completely fazed by the attack "From the moment he jumped up until he spike, Hinata's eyes were closed. Which means..."
"Kageyama directly tossed it to Shoyo-kun's palm. He calculated his highest jumped, the moment he's going to spike and aimed it there. Add the fact he used that tosses which passes the spiker's point of impact. That was also amazing" she said, still having that gloomy aura.
"I know...it's really amazing, right?" she said, gloomily.
"YES, BUT WHAT AMAZED US IS YOUR SHARP OBSERVATIONS!!" they all thought, staring at her.
"Well, Kageyama-kun said that Shoyo-kun doesn't need watch the ball cause he'll bring it there but he literally closed his eyes..." she sighed.
The first set was taken by Kageyama's team, thanks to Tanaka's spike, where no one marked him. He took his shirt off and taunted Tsukishima with Hinata supporting him. Her face turned red in embarrassment and Sugawara quickly covered Ayame's eyes to protect the young girl's innocence.
"Why are you bragging the most, Tanaka?" Kinoshita asked him.
"That's right. You're scoring thanks to the first years!" Ennoshita told him.
"You have a big attitude!" Sugawara said.
"Don't take your shirt of, baldy" Kinoshita added. Tanaka pointed an accused finger to them "Who's trash-talking me over there?!"
"Quickly put on your shirt, idiot! We have a first year girl here! Show some respect!" Ennoshita told him.
"You're like a stripper!" Kinoshita added, making the baldy's head turn red.
"TANAKA! SHE'S STILL INNOCENT!!" Daichi yelled at him with his most intimidating face.
"I-I'm sorry!" he apologized and quickly wore back his shirt. Her face is still burning from embarrassment as she tried to comprehend what happened "Wha...what happened?" she asked, red-faced. The grey haired setter told her to forget it. The second set started and Tsukishima seemed to have turned a little serious, as what they noticed. However, the match ended with Kageyama's team as the winner.
"Tadashi-kun, Tsukishima-kun" Ayame said, and the said players faced her "You guys did great. Congratulations!"
"But...we didn't win. Why are you congratulating us?" Yamaguchi asked. She smiled and said "Win or lose, you guys deserve to be congratulated"
"Oh...Thank you for the support, Mizuki-san" the freckled teen sheepishly replied. Tsukishima nodded "Thanks, I guess"
"Tsukishima!" Hinata approached him, along with Kageyama. Tsukishima looked blankly at them "What?"
"We're supposed to shake hands before and after a match" Hinata said, as if stating the obvious "Though we didn't do that at first today. Besides, we're teammates now" he grumbled "Though that doesn't make me happy..."
He continued to stare irritably at them. Hinata lowered his voice "Hurry up. Don't you know? They'll kick you out the gym if you don't show team spirit" he insisted.
"The reason why you two got kicked out was because you ignored the captain, started your own competition, and finally, blew the dean's rug off his head" the blonde said, making Hinata and Kageyama flinch.
"Eh? Seriously?" Ayame asked the freckled teen "They did that?"
"Yeah...that happened...they nearly got the club in trouble" he answered. Hinata tried not to act affected "N-never mind the minor details. Let's just shake hands to get this over with"
"No" Tsukishima answered.
Ayame stepped between them "I'll do it. I'll shake hands with you, Shoyo-kun, in Tsukishima-kun and Tadashi-kun's place to end it, all right?"
"Fine by me!" Hinata grinned and shook hands with Ayame. The captain approached them and told them they did a good job. Ayame approached the captain.
"Nii-chan, please let me join as the assistant coach of this team!" she said, bowing at a perfect 90 degree angle "I will do what I can and help the team win and prove to them that Karasuno are not the flightless crows like they all think!"
"Eh?" Daichi blinked, completely surprised at her outburst and her sudden request of joining the team.
"But we have no coach in the team" Sugawara said "Daichi has been our temporary coach for some time since Coach Ukai retired"
"She'll be our coach then" Daichi said, smiling "We could use a help here, Ayame-chan. We trust your skills"
"Yoshaa!! Thank you, nii!!"
"Captain!" Hinata said, holding out their application forms. Daichi took it and looked at it before turning his attention to Shimizu.
"Shimizu! The stuff is here, right?" Daichi asked the quiet manager, who nodded in response. She brought a box and opened it, revealing the black jacket with the name Karasuno High School Volleyball Club on the back. The first years stared at them in amazement and excitement.
"Uwaaa!" Hinata gawked after receiving the jacket. Ayame smiled and let the fabric trail on her hands with a happy aura around her. Yamaguchi smiled, not only because he was part of the club but because he really liked to see her smile like that.
"I think they should fit, but let me know if you need anything" Shimizu said after handing it out to them. The first years, minus Tsukishima, quickly wore their jackets.
"Thank you!"
Tsukishima refused to wear his jacket because he said "it's pointless and he'll do it later". The second years and the third years gave up on convincing him but the girl had an idea.
"Tsukishima-kun, please wear your jacket" she told him but Tsukishima just scoffed. She sighed and added "I'll make you some strawberry shortcake later" Without a word, Tsukishima wore his jacket.
"Wow, Mizuki-san successfully bribed Tsukki by using his favourite food..." Yamaguchi thought. The rest of the team members clapped their hands at her cleverness. The first years stood side by side while proudly wearing their jackets.
"WHOA~" the second years and third years said, admiring their recruits "It suits you guys!!"
"We're the Karasuno Volleyball Club from here on..." Daichi started, nodding at the second years and third year "Ready, and..."
"GOOD TO HAVE YOU WITH US!!" the members said. The first stared at them and bowed "Thank you for accepting us!!"
"Finally, I'm in Karasuno's Volleyball Club!! All right!!" she grinned, tearing up a bit in happiness. The first years noticed it and looked at her.
"Mizuki-san, are you crying?" Yamaguchi asked. She flinched and looked away, covering her face "No, I'm not crying! It's just sweat! Forget it please!"
"She's crying..." Tsukishima bluntly told them.
"Everyone!" a raven haired teacher called, interrupting them "I have something important to tell you! It's decided! The practice match! One of the top four teams in the prefecture. Aoba Johsai agreed to have a practice match with us!" he announced.
"The one nicknamed Seijoh?!" Sugawara asked.
"Yikes" Tsukishima said. Yamaguchi added "No way..."
"Why did they suddenly agree for a practice match?" Ayame asked. However, the orange haired teen was excited "A practice match with one of the top four!!"
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