《A Deadly Kiss | Gwi-nam》[2]
You're Pov
We saw Cheong and Su-hyeok trying to go down the manage to go inside safely
"Close it before they get in!" Na-Yeon shouted, she whined "Would you just close it already?"
"What's wrong with you?, Cheong-san is still out there?, You want us to shut him out?" He questioned the girl
"Is it a crime to want the window close?" She asked the boy ignoring the boys question.
"How can you be so selfish?" The glared at her,she glared back "I can't stand you, stupid welfie"
Then Gyeong pushed her making her sit on the chair "what did you just call me?" The boy asked with rage almost hurting Na-Yeon, Cheong held his arm to not hit the girl.
"You just hit me?" Na-Yeon said and stand up "Yeah" They both exchange glares to each other miss Park walked to them
"Hey, knock it off"
"What's going on here?" She asked
"He just hit me" Na-Yeon answered "Only cause you called me a welfie" he added "is it not true?" The girl asked "you can't say shit like that" Cheong defended Gyeong-su.
"What's a welfie?" asked miss Park
"Tell me, what is it?" she added Everyone stayed silent
"What's a welfie??" She asked us
"A person on welfare" someone answered
"What?" The teacher asked again
"It means person on welfare, welfie for short" he added. The teacher stared at Na-Yeon, "Na-Yeon that's wrong, don't ever say that again,
She turned to Gyeong-su "and Gyeong-su, when you hit people you're the one who ends up losing" she added
"Do you understand?" She asked the boy "No I don't" he answered"we can't be fighting each other in a moment like this,we don't know what's going on out there with those— she was cut off when someone asked
"Are they zombies?" The teacher looked at him
"What about the other teachers?,Has anyone called the cops?" Ji-Min asked
"Don't worry, I'm sure someone already has,I just don't have my phone on me rn" miss Park said "we called them but they're not coming, neither the police nor first responders" Cheong said.
While they are talking I saw the hose swinging, Joon-Yeong walked to the computer and try to log in to the internet it's slow but it worked "I'll try facebook" said Joon-Yeong "or Instagram" said Dae-su "do you have followers?" He asked him "lets go with facebook" he quickly responded.
It logged in and we checked the notification we heard a glass breaking we all jumped and gasped the hose is breaking the window "Get over here said miss Park to not get us hurt.
"Did someone not make it in?" i asked "No,one" Cheong responded ,"wait don't go too close" Gyeong warned his bestfriend "Cheong-san, be careful" I looked at him and he looked back he continue to walk to the hose
"Do you see anything?" His bestfriend asked while he followed him "It's just the wind" he said everyone signed in relief.
Cheong looked but and saw a zombie hanging on the hose we all gasped and backed away.
Cheong found a mop and try to smack it with the mop,the window broke and it broke the mop only the stick part left, Cheong and Gyeong struggle to push the zombie Gyeong-su backed away.
Su-hyeok grabbed the mop and accidentally hit Gyeong "are you okay?" I asked him "Yes (Y/N) I'm okay he got up and while pushing the zombie he throws the computer to make the zombies fall, but there is only one problem we cannot go to the internet again cause he threw the computer.
"Hey you" Na-Yeon his nose starts to bleed "Gyeong-su you're bleeding" I said to him "i am?" He asked he wiped his nose and he saw the blood "It's because Su-hyeok hit me with a fucking mop" he added
"Stay back,stay where you are" Na-Yeon Freaked out "Calm down Na-Yeon" I told her
"but he is bitten (Y/N) believe me!"
She screamed "I saw him got hit Na-Yeon" I responded "Stay there (Y/N)" she ignored what I said, I signed and let them figure this out.
"Look at you're hand" she said "I got this by throwing the computer, didn't you see that?" He asked "Don't you trust me?" He added
"I do Gyeong-su" I said to him "Thank you (Y/N) you're a true friend he smiled at me and turned to the others "i can't believe this,i got this trying to save all of you" he added he rub his hair in annoyance.
Cheong walked to him and checked his arm "it's not a bite,it's a scratch, whoever wants to check come look" everyone go to check Gyeong except Na-Yeon "It's a scratch".
Miss Park looked at the scratch "well it doesn't look like a bite" I signed in relief "he's okay" miss Park added.
Another argument started, that Gyeong-su is bitten miss Park settled it that Gyeong-su stay in the recording room within 10 minutes or more, Gyeong-su finally agreed to go in the recording room to settle this, he sat down on the chair and we waited 10 and more minutes.
I smelled my clothes which smelled the strong sakura scent on me, "how do you still smell good (Y/N)?" Dae-su asked
"My father make me spray a strong perfume to my clothes for concerts and TV shows so I don't smell bad" he nodded "good for you" he smelled himself "why do i smell bad" he said "it's sweat Dae-su" Wu-Jin said while whipping wipes on his face.
Person's Pov
Cheong looked at the recording room and Gyeong isn't forming to be a zombie the boy just sneezed and exhaled.
(Y/N) is tired from all of the running and fighting, she fell asleep at the table to pass her hunger.
You're Pov
I woke up I rubbed my eyes and got up and went to the glass window to see miss Park talking to Gyeong-su. After miss Park talked to Gyeong-su she walked out of the recording room
"He's staying full hour" she said "I'll go in" Cheong responded "If anyone should it's Na-Yeon" Ji-Min added I stared at Na-Yeon and everyone too
"Why should I?" She questioned "he's like this because of you" Ji-Min responded On-jo stopped her walking to hurt her.
"What did i do?" she questioned again "like you don't know" Ji-Min responded "was it wrong to suspect him?" she said back "youtube to everyone did,it wasn't just me" she added.
"I believe him" I said some agreed, before an argument start miss Park stopped them "that's enough Ji-Min" miss Park and walked to Na-Yeon and talked to her.
She finally stand up and goes to the recording room to apologize to Gyeong-su.We can't really hear what they are saying,but she grabbed his hand and wipe a handkerchief on his hand I saw Nam-Ra stand up to see what's going on.
"The to make a sweet couple not gonna to lie" I chuckled Dae-su agreed "issues Gyeong's type?" Dae-su asked "i have no idea" said Wu-Jin and chuckled.
"Kiss kiss" Dae-su whispered I chuckled and Wu-Jin too. She comes out of the room
Gyeong approach her but got stopped "you're such a fucking cheat" Gyeong-su mumbled
Time skip
It is night i was with Nam-Ra while they are talking. "Is something wrong Nam-Ra?" I asked the girl "I want to tell you something (Y/N)" she whispered "Yes what is it Nam-Ra?" I whispered back "I saw Na-Yeon wiping the handkerchief on the bloody mop which has a blood of the zombie and wiped it to Gyeong's scratch" she explained I looked at Na-Yeon "how could she?!" I whispered I calmed down.
"You have to tell them" I whispered to Nam-Ra "I will don't worry (Y/N)" I nodded and saw Gyeong trembling and defending himself.
Cheong can't believe his best friend is a zombie, he lives for our safety i feel bad,while his struggle to walk out before he turn into them "Stay alive" he said almost opening the door he looked at us and he started freaking out we watch in horror as he turned into a zombie.
He approached Cheong, but he dodged it he climb outside the window, suddenly the is playing a whistle. We stayed silent the the zombie approach Cheong out the window Cheong grabbed the hose to not fall, the zombie falls to the ground and tremble then it runs off.
Cheong lost his one and only bestfriend and try not to cry, i wipe my tears as Nam-Ra hugged me.
Dae-su can't help but to cry "i told you all,he was infected" Na-Yeon said "well,are you happy now?" Dae-su still sobbing the girl ignored his question.
"Hey" Nam-Ra spoke up and caught her attention Nam-Ra walked to her "i saw everything" she said making the girl stand up "what?, what did you see" she asked "you are the one who did it" Nam-ra said
"Did what?" She asked again "while we're they are watching Gyeong-su you were in the back alone"
She explained what she saw, what Na-Yeon did.
Everyone looked at her i stare at her with disappointment she saw it and feel guilty she denied,but they seem to believe Nam-Ra.
"Then Nam-Ra slapped her, "That's enough miss Park walked to them, "Looked at her handkerchief" Nam-Ra while pointing at her skirt. Then the girl throw the handkerchief at Nam-Ra,she pickled it up and saw the blood, Nam-Ra claims she did it and wiped it to Gyeong-su hands.
We watch them argue, Cheong almost approach her but they stopped him.
Na-Yeon grabbed the handkerchief and almost placing it to her scar on her knees miss Park stopped her, before she can but the handkerchief on her scar.
Everyone stayed silent, Cheong is out of there hands and pushed the girl making her fall to her butt.
"Murderer" he muttered
She stared at me,I looked at her with disgusted she started to tear up making me fell guilt, but she is a murderer I stared at her worried she seem to see it and looked at everyone.
She got up and walked out of the door, I feel worried what would happened to her I approach the door but, miss Park stopped me and blocked the door.
"No matter what happens you stay alive" miss Park said "also you must never take a life" she added and goes outside I followed her I heard scream from the room but I didn't care I followed miss Park.
Person's Pov
"(Y/N)!" Nam-Ra screamed for her friend to come back, but she didn't tears formed in her eyes while On-jo patted her shoulder to comfort her.
Miss Park is pinned by a zombie (Y/N) kicked it she stepped on the zombies neck and crushed it with her heels,"(Y/N) you shouldn't be here" she said while standing up "Go Run!" (Y/N) yelled which attract the zombies attention
"But (Y/N)—) miss Park was cut by (Y/N) "I fight zombies than die on you're sight" the girl smiled at the teacher, "Okay if that's what you want (Y/N) please be safe" tears formed to the Lady's eyes and runs with Na-Yeon she stared at (Y/N) leaving to fight zombies.
(Y/N) breathes heavily,more zombies are coming for her she decided to run and try opening the classroom doors, she found one and got in side she didn't locked it. She saw zombies as they approach (Y/N) she dodge there attack whick make the 1st zombie fall to the ground she stepped on the zombie and breaks its neck.
The 2nd zombie pinned her to the table she kicked it making it crash to the wall,the 3rd zombie approach her and scratch her on the chin "ouch, you piece of shit" she whispered furiously she kicked it and breaks it's neck angrily.
She walked to the 2nd zombie and kicked its head off it's came flying to the other corner she sat down to relax then a man stand up "Who are you?!" She flinch "it's me the principal" he responded with his hands up "Oh it's just you" the girl responded and walked to peek through the window o the office to see no zombies are on the door she signed in relief.
You're Pov
I sat down while my costume is drenched in zombie blood, I touched my scratch, the door opened and a boy comes in freaking out, he locked the door he threaten us with a knife.
"Who are you" he asked holding his knife
"I'm (Y/N)" and this is the principal of the school" I pointed at the man.
The boy sighed in relief as he sat down with us "What's your's?" I asked him the boy looked at me like he seen a ghost "you don't know me?" I can see his mad,I stayed calm then he said
"Are you the school idol probably have daddy issues and seems to get controlled by other's like a doll" he chuckled. "How does he know—" I thought to myself
"That's it he hit the nerve there" I thought to myself, I could feel my nails hurting my hand then I smiled "oh are you that pathetic bully, that bully other people to be more great about yourself" I stared at him and smiled
"You're such an immature jerk" I said "oh did I hit a nerve?" I asked him he just looked away furiously, I chuckled and wiped my skirt "at least the costume has a shorts" I thought to my self looking at it.
I signed caught the boy's attention, I looked at him "what?" i asked the boy but he just looked away again "so strange for a bully" I thought and sleep.
I woke up the principal shaking me "hey hey (Y/N) wake up" the man said "Get you're hand off me" I felt uncomfortable I pushed his hand off me.
I sat there thinking of what to do, I saw the principal grabbed the knife and Gwi-nam grabbed it and grabbed the knife from him, I stayed back Gwi-nam held the principal down.
"Hey, (Y/N) help me tie him" he said "(Y/N) help me" the man mumbled, then someone entered the room.
"It's Cheong!" i thought to myself "Cheong!" i went to him and gave him a hug "(Y/N)!" He hugged back he broke the hug he turned to Gwi-nam, "hey help me tie this man up" he said
Then he pulled a phone and starts recording "I will report you to the police and this is the proof" Gwi-nam cuts the mans throat he waled to Cheong and whipped the bloody knife to his clothes. The approached Cheong and swung the knife at him we dodge it and cut some of my hair I run to the corner and watched them fight and don't know what to do.
He kicked Cheong making him fall to the ground Gwi-nam walked to the phone and Cheong jumped to him and they both fell to the ground. Cheong got up and grabbed the phone before Gwi-nam could I watch in horror the two fight "I'll be back" he said to me and left to catch up with Cheong.
I looked the door before a zombie could get in i sat to the ground and peek through the window as they chase each other.
Gwi-nam turned into a halfbie and hunts for Cheong-san.
You're Pov
I can't stay here any longer so I run and fight as i can,i run to find no zombies I walked to the infirmary room and peek to the door i entered i sat down to the ground and rest.
I hear footsteps and the door closing I flinched which make the curtain move I stand up slowly "I'm not bitten" I said,a girl lowered her bow in relief.
"Who are you?" i asked them "I'm Jang Ha-Ri" she said "have you seen my brother?"she asked "No I haven't" I responded
She signed they approach the computer I walked to them too Joon-Sung place the computer up and Min-Jae tried but it isn't working "try the phone" he said Park Mi-Jin calls on the phone but it doesn't work she drop the phone furiously.
"Fuck assholes" she swears "They cut our phones and internet" she added
I patched my wounds with bandages they did too
Park Mi-Jin and Joon-Sung are talking "what will you do?", "Keep looking for your brother?" She asked Ha-Ri
"The archery training center has an emergency phone" I responded "it connected to 911 automatically" I added
"Really?" Ha-Ri question "Yes" Min-Jae responded "we got it installed in case there were accidents" he added
"What if it isn't connected?" Park Mi-Jin asked I stayed silent "it doesn't matter" Ha-Ri responded "thats all were the arrows are anyways" she added.
"Okay let's go" Park Mi-Jin said "let's go to a supermarket or something" she added while picking up her stick "hey you, how did you survive?" Park Mi-Jin asked me "oh me I learned self defense when I was young" I responded "So you're not just a school idol" she said "let's go" Min-Jae said and he opened the door, Ha-Ri followed and shoot a zombie.
Min-Jae opened the window and jumped I followed "look out behind you!" Park Mi-Jin said and Ha-Ri shoots it.
I'm still on the roof and waiting for them "Damn,Why is it so fucking high?,fuck!" She said
"Just jump already" I shouted at her she finally jumped I think she got pushed "are you okay?" i asked her "yeah I'm okay she stands up Joon-Sung and Ha-Ri jump out.
Minutes later
We reach the archery training center "Joon-Sung is injured" I said
Park Mi-Jin chased Min-Jae I chuckled and Joon-Sung falls to the ground "helo me (Y/N)" he said I helped him and he thanked me.
Time skip
It's night i sat down and watch Ha-Ri train Park Mi-Jin she missed
I laughed and she approach me "you do it then (Y/N)" she put the bow to my hands and pulled me up I signed formed the pose and strikes the arrow hit the red
"Woah, you aren't just a pretty face" Park Mi-Jin said I just sighed and sat down again on the chair.
Ha-Ri trained Park Mi-Jin, they both sit down.
"I miss my friends mostly Nam-Ra, Gwi-nam, Yoon Gwi-nam is there something about that boy" I thought to myself "No I can't be thinking if him right know, I'll go to my find friends" I shaked my head to clear my mind off.
On-jo's Pov
Dae-su is singing I wonder how's (Y/N) doing I'm worried that she turn into a zombie she is the only friend that I have and Cheong I don't want them to die,I thought and looked at the fire.
They sang as I think of (Y/N) she is sweet and strong girl I hope she survived.
Person's Pov
They are sleeping (Y/N) saw a paper and a pen and write "I'm happy to be with you but It's time for me to leave and find my friends they mind be worried about me" and leave it on their arrow bag and she runs of.
They saw the note "She left?!" Park Mi-Jin "let her be" Ha-Ri signed and they let (Y/N) do what she wants they cannot stop her now.
She walked in the school and zombies everywhere she walked quietly. Then she is stepping on glass with make a sound the zombies followed her she runs as fast as she can till she found the music room she entered and close the door she looked at the glass door she signed in relief.
Then a girl stands up in fear wait "Who are you" (Y/N) recognize that voice "is that you Na-Yeon?, it's me you're friend (Y/N)" she responded "(Y/N)..." she runs to her and hugged (Y/N)
You're Pov
I hugged her back "are you okay?,are you hurt?" I asked her "I'm fine (Y/N), thanks" she pushed me gently
She grabbed a camera and she pulled me in a room.
She watch at the camera while I got a bread and eat,"Finally food" I said as I bute to the bread i signed in relief there are foods here.
I eat quietly I sat beside Na-Yeon to watch with her, I smiled as the group is alive, the battey is going low we didn't care we watch them say they final message.
I looked at her she looked back "we can go together and apologize to Cheong" I smiled at her she smiled back she just nodded and she picked up a bag and placed the camera she starts picking the bread and juices.
For her friend I smiled that she did the right decision i looked at her with pride.
Then Cheong-san said his last message, we froze "It's my fault he's dead" he said that make Na-Yeon guilty what she has done we listen to Cheong-san last message.
- In Serial20 Chapters
He hadn't even gained a consciousness yet that he was bound to lose everything if he ever came to life. He hadn't offended anyone, but they offended him. He hadn't cursed anyone, they cursed him. He hadn't killed anyone, they killed everyone related to him. Thus, he silently vowed. "They plan to offend me for their own interest? I shall give them plenty of reason to do so. Do they want to curse me? Please do so, since I'm more than willing to be your living bane. Kill me? Sadly, you won't be the last having this type of wishful thinking."- The Devil -------------------- I think that I can manage 1 chapter per week now, maybe 2 but certainly not three. PS: As I think that there should be small mistakes here left and right, I'd gladly welcome a proofreader.
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