《mijin x joonyeong & nayeon x gwinam!》Eat lunch with me? -Mijin x joonyeong-


( this is all before the zombie apocalypse and Mijin and Joonyeong are the same age and in the same grade & kind of friends?? )

I was standing by my lockers with Wujin/Woojin ( idk which way to spell it since I've seen it done different ways ) and Daesu, we were enjoying the time we had before class started. Daesu was talking when I noticed Mijin walking down the hallways I could see her arms were a bit longer than her skirt, she was definitely gonna get dress coded for that-


"Mijin-ah!" I heard someone yell behind me, when I looked back I saw Joonyeong.I slapped his arm for shouting so loud

"Why are you shouting so loud huh? "

"Ouch! Don't hit me so hard- Oh! By the way I just wanted to tell you that your skir-"

I sighed knowing he noticed and stopped walking to look up at him ( he is a bit taller )

"Is it really that noticeable Joonyeong..?" He opened his mouth while putting his hand on my shoulder and said :

"Not so much Mijin, dont worry about it.. The skirt is just a few inches above your fingers!.."

The slightly shorter girl suddenly grabbed my wrist and took me outside and into a dark alley by the school.

"Hm? What are we gonna do here.?"I asked in obvious confusion.

"I wanna smoke. I'm stressed out right now."

She took out a cigarette and lit it up.

"What are you stressed about Mijin-ah?? Your skirt?"

"Nope." She replied and took out a cigarette before reaching out her hand to give it to me.

I just stood there looking at the cigarette not knowing what to say.

"Come on Joonyeong.. I'll teach you how to smoke??.." She said waiting for me to take the cigarette from her hand.


"No thanks, that could be the death of me. And you too, you know that right.?" She sighed knowing I always respond with that.

"I'll see you later, I gotta go to class now." She said , while I was trying to read what she was feeling since she wasn't expressing it so good.

It was now time for lunch and luckily none of the teachers had noticed my skirt throughout the whole day.

I took rather a smaller portion of food since I was probably not gonna eat anything, not because I'm not hungry though.

I went up to the roof where I always go to eat lunch, I can actually smoke in peace there.

As I was sitting on the ground with my back on the wall of the roof I heard someone open the door

As I open the door to the roof I see who I expected to see, smoking. Mijin.

She just gave me a glance as I came to sit next to her and continued smoking again.

"Aren't you gonna eat.?" I asked her putting my tray down on the floor and sitting beside her.

"I'd much rather smoke then eat." She replied quickly. I just sighed in defeat and took up a piece of rice with my chopsticks and held Mijin's chin up to my face (😨😰)

As I was smoking I felt the only person on the roof with me, sitting beside me hold my chin with his fingers. I mentally cursed at myself for gasping a bit, hoping he didn't hear it.

"Eat." I heard him say holding up his chopsticks by my mouth. I was too shocked by his actions that I just sat there with my mouth slightly open, wanting to push him away and punch him but I just couldn't.


"Come on, eat up." He said letting out a small chuckle. I slowly opened my mouth and ate the rice from his chopsticks. After that he let go of my chin and I quickly moved my gaze to the floor starting to smoke again. I heard him get up and leave with a small chuckle.

"See you tomorrow!" He said with a childish voice and probably went to class. After he left i slapped myself and cursed of embarrassment for not saying anything when he was gonna feed me- how can THE Mijin be feeling whatever this was???

Yet another day of not eating, and another day of hell = school.

It was now lunch again, what I wasn't looking forward to. Today I actually got a bit of food, on my way to the roof when I heard someone shout my name .

"Mijin-ah! Wait up for me!!" It was Joonyeong, as always.

"Joonyeong.. WHEN WILL TOU EVER STOP SHOUTING?" I asked scolding him, he just stayed quiet for a while with a slight smile on his face.

".. What are you smiling at, huh??"

" I see you have food on your plate today! It's good seeing you take care of yourself." I just let out a small chuckle which I didn't mean to let out but couldn't do anything now. I looked at him with the smallest smile to not make me seem mad and went my way. At first I didn't hear anything assuming Joonyeong was gone but I was wrong,

"Hey Mijin!" I looked back and he was still standing in his place looking at me with a goofy smile.

"Wanna have lunch together..?"

That's what he asked me, and of course I couldn't decline it.

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