《do u think we'll be in love? ~ cheongsan x gwinam imagines》(11)


Gwinam dragged his bloody knife on the wall beside him with his other hand in his pocket. He didn't know what he was doing to be honest, his new found power sent from the Gods filled him with superiority. He felt like a God. He wanted to make everyone's life a living hell simply because he found it entertaining.

'the bullys gofer', hm.

He had already taken out his 'superior' and watched him be eaten alive by the zombies who surrounded them. He was on the hunt for another target. He found it fun to watch zombies eat the souls out of people. Watching the life drain from their eyes and a wave of blood fill them. It was so satisfying.

Luckily, he found a boy who had his back turned from him. He was evidently looking for the best route to run.

Gwinam didn't waste a minute admiring him and ran at him before stopping by his feet. He grabbed the back of his head and swivelled him around.

"hello pretty" he put the knife next to the boys head, the blade grazing his cheek. The boy trembled and gulped quietly. The pace of his breath quickened and his heart rate began to race.

"what do you want?" He stuttered. Gwinam could smell him, his distinct smell made him easy to track. He thought for a moment.

"I want you to run" his eyes lightened up and he twitched a huge grin. Finding the situation amusing. He let go of the boys hair and lowered his knife.

The boy stood confused, looked back at the zombies and then back at Gwinam. He was getting a little bit impatient.

"are you fucking deaf?" Gwinam tilted his head, he grabbed the boy by his wrists, holding his hands up above his head, making their faces inches apart. The boys cheeks burnt up and began to turn a shade of rose.


His first plan was to chase him around the building seen as his smell was so prominent and he was easy to find but times change.

Gwinam chuckled.

"what's your name? I want you to stay with me a while" the boy nodded his head and opened his mouth, trying to form the words.

"c... cheongsan" he stuttered once again. The name cheongsan repeated continuously in Gwinam's head.

"you're mine, cheongsan" he began to maniacally laugh, just thinking about his plans with his new 'friend' made him laugh.

Cheongsan just nodded. Being threatened with a knife during a zombie apocalypse wasn't an encounter he expected to have, and definitely was not prepared for so the best thing he could do was go along with it.

Gwinam took him to a room where he tied him to a chair.

Cheongsan uncontrollably looked Gwinam up and down, Gwinam quickly and unsurprisingly took advantage of his urges.

"you like me? you think I'm hot? you wanna fuck me? or want me to fuck you? whichever you prefer" he shrugged, teasing the boy. Cheongsan stayed silent but he still had bright red cheeks, this time most likely from embarrassment.

Gwinam sat on his lap and tugged his hair, making his head go back. He chuckled, "you know, I'm not into guys but you are good-looking" he partly joked, Cheongsan had a scent which he felt something different for and he couldn't deny cheongsan was good-looking but he didn't actual want to do anything to him even though he began to admire his facial features, mainly eyeing up his lips. He didn't know what came over him. Maybe it was his smell which enticed him but who knows.

Cheongsan stayed silent. Gwinam didn't waste his time holding back, he had nothing to loose and it wasn't as if his classmates were alive to judge him. He lifted Cheongsan's head and kissed him, holding the back of his neck, as he pulled away, a string of saliva connected the two for moments after.


"fuck you," cheongsan blurted. Gwinam looked at him, smiled and scrunched his face. Getting up off the boy, he chuckled.

"what?" Gwinam put his hands in his pockets, standing up straight and looking down at cheongsan. He felt short-lived embarrassment.

"I'd like to fuck you," he began, "but I can't if I'm tied to a chair, at least not good anyway" Cheongsan gave a smug smile back to Gwinam. Gwinam weirdly enjoyed his efforts for dominance.

He gave a breathy laugh.

"whatever" he shrugged, acting as if he didn't care at all, honestly, he didn't think Cheongsan would actually go through with it and was about to enjoy regaining the little dominance he would've took off of him. He then crouched down and untied him and as he did, Cheongsan got off the chair, Gwinam was on the floor in front of him. Cheongsan looked down on him and knelt.

He leaned forward, now being on top of Gwinam and Gwinam's heart raced, for once, Gwinam was anxious. Cheongsan knew Gwinam was panicked as he noticed his chest going up and down at an alarmingly fast rate but he didn't care.

He leaned in to kiss Gwinam and began to unzip his jacket, earning breathy whines of excitement from the supposedly tough boy. Cheongsan smiled, he hadn't even properly undressed him yet.

But unfortunately for Gwinam, he wasn't going to. When he got his jacket off, Cheongsan leaned him up against a wall as he crawled further into Gwinam, while Gwinam slowly tried to move away as he felt a wave of weakness and embarrassment, cheongsan gently bit Gwinam's lip and pulled away for a moment, smiling at Gwinam. Gwinam looked into his eyes, his expression had nervousness and pleasure written all over it as his eyes were wide and he was a little bit shaky but he refused to stop even though they both knew if Gwinam didn't want it, he would threaten his way out of the situation.

"you're so pathetic" Cheongsan whispered to him, Gwinam was too embarrassed to rise to his insults in his position.

With cheongsan realising he could do anything to Gwinam at that moment, he grabbed Gwinam's jacket and wrapped it around his neck, fast. He tightened it and watched Gwinam choke. Yet, he got up and ran, not holding the jacket tight enough to kill him but long enough to be able to run as Gwinam catches his breath.

"fucker" he mumbled. Gwinam needed to get cheongsan, he couldn't have him telling someone about their encounter. He had to kill him or at least threaten the boy so he rubbed his neck as he got up and walked out of the room, swearing to himself to find cheongsan.

Luckily for him, he knew his smell, and after that experience. He knew it very well.


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