《tAGs AnD wAGs!!!!????????》tAGs aND fACtS (Part 2....Lol!)


I am back again with irrelevant facts about me!!! So I was tagged again to do this by and .......Bitches!!!

I am a crazyyyyyy Potterhead!!! I love everything about HP!! I once had a scrapbook filled with almost 500 paper cutouts related to HP world.....Mum threw it away when she found it....I haven't forgiven her and don't ever plan to......

I have a BIG sweet tooth....I love everything sweet.....umm maybe except coconut....yeah!!

I used to play pretend with my cousins a lot!!! Trust me we had hilarious storylines!!!

I am a professional liar....I have a Doctorate in Lying!!

I am really good with kids....

I am really kinky!! I took a BDSM test....turns out I am submissive!! I have a crazy Daddy kink!!!

Tbh I can never imagine anything dirty with Zayn Malik....I love reading everything about him even smut but.....I cringe all the time while reading smut that has his name!! I have a very pure dedication towards him!!

I have lots of stuffed animals!! I love them!! Cute af!!! My favourite one is a small blood red coloured Teddy bear of mine...Its name is Mr. Tess!! Don't judge!!!

I am a lazy ass.....very lazy....I am damn sure I was a fucking sloth in my past life!!

I am an optimist....I don't like reality....

I takes me a lot to get angry... and when I do get angry I turn savage!! U wouldn't want to make me angry!!

I am a procrastinator and I am also very spontaneous....Don't ask how is it possible coz I'm myself trying to figure it out!!

I hate shopping!!! Ughhh!!

I can't walk on heels...I walk like a horse when wearing heels!! Its so damn embarrassing!!

I have a phobia of water animals and also deep blue water....I'll piss myself if I am even ever offered to scuba dive...

There done!!! Phewww!!!

Now my victims.... Mwahahhah!!!
















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