《DEVIL IN ME ▹ supernatural[1]》FOUR
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Dean sat at the table near the staircase of the bunker, researching on his laptop. Sam arrived with coffee and breakfast, looking at Dean from the top of the stairs. "Hey, how you feeling?" Dean looked up at Sam before looking back at the computer, ignoring him.
"What are you working on?" Sam asked, this time actually getting a response from this brother. "Dead guy in Madison. Police say it was a home invasion, but neighbor claims that she saw the Vic's dead wife leave the crime scene" Sam descended down the staircase.
"Let's check it out" Sam spoke up. "What, you ready to ditch Damien one and two? What do you wanna do? Leave them in a ring of holy oil with some Netflix and a frozen pizza?" Dean asked sarcastically, though he wasn't speaking playfully.
"Ha. No" Sam started to put the coffee's on the table. "Actually..." Sam sighed for a split second.
"I thought we'd, uh, bring both of them along" Dean scoffed at Sam's suggestion. "Uh, hell, no. What, 'Adventures in Babysitting' the Antichrist? No, thank you" Dean looked back at the computer, Sam taking off his jacket.
"Dean, we can't hide them forever. And, you know, just keeping them cooped up here isn't working" Sam stated, sitting down in the open chair. "Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as they're here, they are not out there doing God knows what" Sam looked down, obviously hurt by Dean's words. "So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn't working? 'Cause I'll say it again, Mom's dead, Sam. Lucifer ripped out her freakin' heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on" Dean snapped.
"So you're saying you want to move on from Mom?" The two shared a look. "Right now, I wanna kill some dead guy's wife" Dean clarified. "Dean, that isn't what this is about. Jack and Jenna need to get out. They needs to get some air. We all do. They're both good kids. They are, just... give them a chance, please. For me".
Sam had checked Jenna's room and the twins weren't there. So, Sam went to Jack's door and knocked. "Jack? Jenna?" When he didn't get a reply, Sam opened the door to find Jack and Jenna watched on the laptop that Sam let them keep.
"Hey" The two didn't respond, still watching the movie. "Clone Wars?" Sam entered the room more, getting closer to the twins.
"The computer said we'd like it. I do like Ahsoka. Kinda hate Anakin" Jenna nodded in agreement. "Anakin's the bad guy, he's evil" Jenna added, not knowing that Sam knew what Star Wars was.
"Uh, that's probably for the best" Sam watched the film on the screen for a moment before going back to what he came for. "Nevermind. Um, hey. You remember when I told you two what Dean and I do? Our, uh, our day job?" Jenna nodded in response.
"You kill monsters, the bad guys because you have to. You are the good guys" Jenna recalled. "Right, right. And we've got a case, so... thought you two might want to come along" Jack and Jenna didn't even look up from the screen, both knowing exactly what the other would say.
"No" They answered in unison, a very netural tone. Sam was a bit taken back at their response. "Jack, Jenna, I really think this would be good for you guys. You know, maybe a change of scenery might-" Jack cut him off. "Get our powers working again?" Sam didn't notice the underlining tone in his voice. "Yeah, maybe" Jack tapped a key to pause the movie, both twins now were looking at Sam.
"So we can be your interdimensional can-opener?" Sam sighed deeply, realizing the twins had heard his and Dean's argument. "You're using us. You said lying is bad but you lied to us" Jack then hit the resume button, the twins wanting nothing more than to continue the movie.
"Jack, Jenna, when you two were born, it ripped a hole in reality" Sam sat on the edge of the bed. "Like a...like a door from this world to another, to a really bad, bad place. So Dean and Cas, and I, we closed that door. But our Mom, Mary, she's trapped on the other side" Jack hit the pause button once more, understanding that he only wanted to save his mom like how they wished they could have saved theirs.
"If we can get your powers back, maybe we can open that door up. Maybe..." Sam sighed, looking away from the twins for a moment. He felt guilty for not telling them sooner, for seeming like he was trying to use them for his own selfish needs.
"You wanna save her" Sam looked back at the twins, both looking at Sam with an understanding expression. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. But... if this doesn't work, if that can't happen, that's okay, because I do care about both of you. But I should've told you guys. I'm sorry. It's a lot and, uh..." Jenna frowned.
"Is Dean going?" When Jenna noticed the look on Sam's face, she frowned. "He wants us dead, he hates us" Jenna reminded Sam, thinking back to the argument that the brothers had. "I won't let that happen to either of you. Listen, if there's one thing that Dean respects, it's effort. So come along, help us out. Let's go be the good guys".
While everyone was packing, Jenna found Sam in the library going through the reports from all of the attacks. "Sam?" The hunter looked up, smiling at Jenna. "Hey" Jenna hesitated before walking over to Sam and sitting at the chair across from him.
"What's wrong?" Sam noticed the furrowed and upset expression on her face. "Why don't you hate us?" Sam was a bit taken back at Jenna's words. "Why would I hate you?" Jenna looked down.
"On the computer, I searched your names and I found these books about you two" Sam's eyes widened, he never thought he would have to explain the Supernatural books to the twins. "Your soul was in Hell, you were tortured by Lucifer. Dean hates us, how can you not?" Sam thought for a moment before planning out what to say.
"Because that's what he did. You aren't your father, Jenna. The only thing you two and Lucifer have in common is your angel grace, that's it. You and Jack, you're both good like Kelly and Cas. I know it".
After the talk with Sam, the four got into the impala and drove to the crime scene. When they pulled up, Jack and Jenna were looking through all of Sam and Dean's fake ID's in confusion.
"Agent Bonham, Agent Seger, Special Agent Anderson...these are all you?" Jack said, going through all of the fake badges the boys had. "Yeah, sometimes" Jenna and Jack shared a confused expression. "But lying is bad, that's what the bad guys do" Jenna spoke, looking at the ID's as she tried to figure out an explanation.
"All right, here we go. Victim, Wes Bailey. His wife, Erica, died six months ago. Heart thing, out of the blue. Uh, question is, why'd she come back from the dead and knife his ass?" Dean ignored the twins' questions. "People come back?" Jenna's head slightly cocked to the side as he was befuddled.
"When a person dies and their soul can't move on..." Dean cut his brother off, not wanting to dance around the truth and not caring one bit. "They're called ghosts. And hanging around makes them go loony tunes" Dean then remembered that they wouldn't' get the reference. "Uh, they go crazy" He finished.
"Yeah, question is, since when do ghosts kill somebody and walk out the front door?" Sam argued back. "So, maybe it's a revenant?" Sam suggested, confusing the twins again.
"What's a revenant?" Sam thought for a moment. "A revenant is more like a zombie" Dean spotted the witness they had to talk to. "Jack, Jenna, we're gonna talk to the witness, check out the crime scene" Then Dean added a "You two sit. Stay".
Jenna recalled when Sam said "if there's one thing that Dean respects, it's effort". Jenna looked over at her brother. "Jack?" The other twin knew what his sister was thinking. "Jenna, Dean said to stay here. We shouldn't make him angry at us again" Jenna sighed.
"Then stay here" Jenna used her angel wings to disappear and teleport inside the crime scene. She looked around, her eyes glowing gold as she tried to notice anything out of the ordinary.
Sam taught her that ghosts leave behind EMF, so she concentrated really hard to hear the frequency it was on.
Jenna didn't hear the boys entering the house until she felt their presence. "Hey! I told you to wait in the car with your brother. What the hell are you doing?" Sam noticed Jenna slightly flinch at his brother's aggressive tone.
"Hey, Dean" Sam stopped his brother before turning to the nephilim. "Thank you, Jenna. Did you find anything?" Dean rolled his eyes at how Sam was treating her like a child.
"It's not a ghost. There's no trails of EMF, it must be a revenant" Sam pulled out his EMf reader and turned it on, finding that Jenna was right. "We gotta check her grave" Dean huffed before leaving the house angrily, Sam right behind him.
"I think I made him hate me more" Jenna murmured before following the brothers.
After waiting till night so they wouldn't get caught, the four arrived at the cemetery where they planned on digging up the dead guys dead wife. "All right, well, you said you wanted to help, so, uh...." Dean threw the two shovels over to the twins. "Dig" Dean walked towards the impala, Sam hot on his trail to scold him.
"Dean, what's up with all the orders? You're starting to sound like Dad" Dean scoffed at his brothers accusation. "That a bad thing?" Dean was acting just like their father did after he lost his wife, their mother. "I'm just saying this—this drill sergeant act worked with you, but it didn't work with me. And that's not the way we're gonna get through to Jack and Jenna" Dean had pulled a beer out of the impala.
"Look, you wanted the kids here, their here. All right? But I'm not gonna hold their hands and tuck them in at night. Pass. I'm not gonna be their mother, and neither are you" Dean glanced over at the twins. "And the kids can dig, so I'll give them that" Sam turned towards the twins who were already done, thanks to their strength. They opened the coffin to find the corpse still there.
"All right, I guess we're back to ghost" Dean sighed. "Yeah. So, a body rules out revenant. All right, I don't get it. I mean, a ghost that won't show up on EMF? Doesn't make any sense" Dean snorted. "Yeah, well, what does" Dean got ready to salt and burn the body. "You know, I mean, we—we've got portals to apocalyptic worlds. We've got, uh, shape-shifting demons. Dealing with a new whole set of tiddlywinks. I say we just... do what we do" Jenna looked at them hopefully.
"Our mother, could she be a ghost?" Jenna asked, knowing that herself and Jack needed to see her, to have some sort of closure. "No, um, we....burned the body" Sam explained. "That's right, and what gets burned... stays dead" And with that, the body was burned.
Sam walked out of the police station and found Dean but not the twins. "Where's Jack and Jenna?" Sam questioned, one hand holding a folder with the new crime scene information. "Across the street, food run" Dean motioned to the twins at a food truck in line.
Jenna was actually talking to a teenaged boy in the line while Jack was looking around curiously. "Dean, they're not our interns. I asked you to keep an eye on them" Sam clearly didn't like the teen boy that seemed to be flirting with her, Jenna oblivious to the boys true intentions.
"I can see them" Sam sighed. "He keeps staring at me" Sam had no idea how to get through to Dean anymore. "Yes, he wants you to like him. Both of them do" Sam then opened the folder, explaining to Dean what happened at the recent murder.
Sam stopped when he saw the twins walking over, Jack holding the food while Jenna held a piece of paper. "Hi guys" Sam greeted warmly, while Dean did the opposite. "What took you guys so long?"
"The man in front of us wanted extra kraut, but the hot dog man didn't have any. He was really angry" Dean took a bite of the hotdog, not really paying attention to what Jack was saying. "What's that?" Sam motioned towards the piece of paper Jenna had in her hand.
"I made a friend, his name's Kaleb. He gave me his phone number so that we can hang out!" Jenna smiled and put it in her pocket.
Dean ignored them, going back to the case. "So let's say that Hannibal chick, is, um, a medium, right?" Sam nodded as Dean continued speaking with food still in his mouth. "She's talkin' to spirits, she's pissing them off somehow. A ghost shows up, notches a kill, and takes off".
"Yeah, but then what? Once it's gone, no EMF?" Dean grunted in response. "This woman can talk to ghosts?" Jack asked carefully. "If she's the real deal, mediums can do all kinds of freaky crap" Dean explained to Jack before taking another bite of the hot dog.
"All right, say you're right. Can't go in as FBI, not with doctor/patient confidentiality" Sam brought up. "All right. So we have to go in as something else".
The impala pulled up at 'Vallens Family Therapy'. The four got out of the impala, the twins stayed behind the brothers. "This is a dumb idea" Dean complained as they started walking towards the entrance. "Just follow my lead" Dean kept rambling.
"Yeah, doctor's gonna eat our liver with some fava beans and a bottle of Chianti" A kind, bald man had just exited the building, a journal in his hand. "Hello" He greeted warmly. Sam and Dean ignored it as they almost entered the studio.
However, the twins turned around to greet the man. "Hello" They said in unsion, waving. The man smiled and nodded. They then went inside as a group, the Kline's making sure they stuck together.
They looked around until they spotted the receptionist. "Hello?" Sam greeted a bit awkwardly. "Can I help you?" They asked. "Yeah, we're, uh... hoping to see the doctor" Sam smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry. You caught us right at the end of our day. Maybe tomorrow" They apologized. "No, today's good. Like right now" Dean said coldly making Jack inch closer to his sister. "Uh, we just need a moment of her time" Mia, the therapist, was almost at the end of the stairs when she overheard the conversation.
"You've lost someone recently" The four turned around to see the woman behind them. "No—" Dean was interrupted by Jack. "Our mother" The nephilim looked between himself and his sister, knowing full well that they both missed the woman who carried them and died for them.
"Uh, our mother. We've having a difficult time" Sam covered, the woman shaking their hands. "Mia Vallens" she greeted. "Hi. Dean" Dean eyed her suspiciously, not believing in her kind of doctors. "That's our little brother Jack and little sister Jenna, their twins, and I'm Sam" The younger Winchester lied about their relation.
They went to follow Mia, but the twins were stopped by Dean. "Listen, you two speak when I tell you two to speak, okay?" Jack nodded before catching up with Sam. Jenna, however, didn't. "We're new at this, Dean. We're new at life. Go easy on him" Jenna spat before following Jack into the room.
"Your mother, she passed away suddenly?" Mia asked as they got into the room. "Uh, yeah" The woman nodded understandingly. "Mm. Most of the people I see are in the same boat. No warning, no goodbye, no closure" They all sat down, Jack and Jenna in two chairs slightly away from the rest of them which didn't go by unnoticed by Mia.
"Right, yeah. Pretty much the same for us. Um... So how does this usually work? You know, with your patients?" Sam asked. "Usually, they just start talking about the person they've lost" Dean decided to be blunt. "All right, well, Mom was great, now she's dead. What's the deal with catharsis?" Mia was a bit taken back. "I'm sorry?" Sam rolled his eyes at his brothers not-so-subtly.
"Uh, we—we were wondering what that is. Um, a patient of yours, Gloria Simon, she referred us. She's a family friend" Sam explained. "I don't talk about my patients, and Gloria wasn't supposed to talk about me" Sam stumbled over his words. "Sure, um... got it. But your process—" She cut him off. "My program is a range of things. Talk therapy, meditation. You ever journal?" She asked Sam. "Uh, our dad did" She looked over at the eldest of the group.
"Dean, you ever journal?" Dean smiled sarcastically. "Ever since I was a little girl" Mia could instantly tell he was in pain, but masking it with sarcastic words. "You think this shrink stuff is a load of crap. Am I right?" Dean smiled sarcastically once more. "How'd you guess?" Mia rose an eyebrow. "Then why are you here?" Sam groaned mentally. "Because, uh, we all agreed we'd give it a shot, right?" He looked at the twins who nodded.
"Right?" Dean smiled forcefully. "My brother, he's not, uh, he's not processing his grief" Dean rolled his eyes. "Really? No, I'm..." Dean chuckled dryly. "No, I'm good, actually. With death, closure, whole freakin' bottle of Jack" Sam was definitely not convinced. "Are you?" This was now an argument that the two seemed to have a lot lately, something the twins noticed and tried to hide from. Mia looked over at the twins quickly to see them inch farther away when they realized an argument was starting.
"Yeah. Because I know that Mom's dead, and I know that she's not coming back" Sam looked exasperated. "Okay, I hear what you're saying, I just wish..." Mia interrupted. "You wish he would be more open to therapy" Sam was gonna say something about mom having a chance and being alive, but that worked too. "Sure, exactly".
"All right, this is a safe place, right, Doc?" Mia gestured that it was. "Okay. My brother's delusional..." Sam shot him a look. "Dean" The green-eyed hunter ignored him. "You said you wanted to give this a shot, right? Here we go. He won't even admit that Mom's dead. Won't even admit it" he continued. "Stop" Sam winced. "Because if he admits it, then it's real. If it's real, then he has to deal with it, and he can't handle that" Sam was fed up with his brother.
"Right, because this is so easy for you, uh?" All the things Sam tried to hold back from his brother were coming out. "No, it's not easy" Sam shook his head. "Yeah, but at least you had a relationship with Mom. I mean, who would she always call? Who did she look to for everything?" Dean was a little bit taken back. "Okay".
"You had something with her I never had! And now I'm just supposed to accept that I never will have it?" Sam exclaimed before leaving the room to cool down. Dean drank from his flask, making Mia scoff. "Problem?" Dean questioned bitterly.
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