《Dragon's Heart (Toothlessxreader)》Thank you
Your P.O.V
In front of you was Firecracker pinning Windshear to the ground seemingly out of breath. They both seem to have been beat up a bit. It was an odd scene to stumble upon which brought your curiosity about the situation up. Windshear starts to smile in between her pants as she makes eye contact with my brother. Firecracker lowers his head down with a grin, letting out a whisper in Windshear's ear.
"I win" he says lifting his body off expanding his wings as he sees Windshear arch her back in a stretch. My brother then begins to dust himself off and give a nod of acknowledgement towards Windshear as she began to walk next to him.
"You can all come out now we know you are there" Firecracker had said with a knowing look. We all flinched a bit due to the atmosphere changing as he spoke to us.
'What was going on?' you thought to yourself wondering about their relationship. Its not that you didn't like Windshear far from in fact, what you could tell was that she had a strong character that you liked. But it hasn't been long since you first made acquaintances with her much less Firecracker. If you remember correctly he seemed to be very wary of her during their first encounter, for good reason. You all decide to come out of your hiding spots although in reality it was not much of a hiding spot.
"Is there something you need" Windshear asked with a carefree expression as if the sudden appearance of us was expected. Something was indeed going on but it would seem that these two dragons where not going to let that information slip.
"Is there something going on between you two?" Silvereyes and I ask in unison getting an amused snort out of Stormfly and windshear. It was rare in times that me and Silvereyes could take any information out of Firecracker so we turn our attention towards Windshear hoping she would be more compelling to talk. To our full surprise it was not Windshear who answered our question.
"Yes" Firecracker bluntly said, leaving no room for hesitation in his voice. Completely ignoring the fact that we want details on the relationship and situation.
"Come on Spark we don't need to bother them for answers" Toothless purred rubbing to the top of my head with his chin helping me feel relaxed.
"He's right, Windshear will eventually let it slip" Stormfly said as she rubbed her head on Silvereyes chest, he looked content at her contact.
"If you say so" I reply as Toothless started leading me towards I guess Hiccup since we have not seen them in a few days. At the sight of Toothless, Hiccup went running towards us happy to see us again.
"Toothless!" Hiccup said as he jump on Toothless giving him a giant hug. Getting a lick full of saliva from Toothless in return.
"You KNOW that doesn't wash out" Hiccup backs up a bit looking down on his wet clothes wiping as much off as he could before turning in my direction.
"(Y/n) glad to see you doing good" Hiccup reaches towards me giving my head a good pet and rub, I nuzzled my head on his chest raising him of the ground a little bit as he chuckles.
"Come on bud I want to show you what I had prepared for Astrid for our anniversary" Hiccup said as he began to lead the way. Toothless looked my way for approval while I quickly nod my head with a smile.
Knowing that Hiccup had something planned for Astrid you went to see what Astrid would do for Hiccup. You spread your wings in order to take off towards the scent of Stormfly who you know would be with Astrid. As you caught on to her scent you have noticed that it had changed a little bit. You wondered if it was due to the mating ritual her scent had blended a bit with Silvereyes, in curiosity you sniff for your brother Silvereyes and sure enough his scent had changed as well. They both had the same scent and you wondered if your scent had changed as well.
"Hey (y/n)!" you hear from below noticing Astrid waving for you to come down. You descend in front of her next to Stormly. She leaps lightly at you giving you a hug from your neck with a giant smile and small happy sigh. You nuzzle your head on her back bringing her closer to you.
"I am so glad that you are doing okay after the whole incident I was worried that the dragon hunters did something horrible to you" Astrid said as she looks around my wings and head. I shake my head in an attempt to make her feel at ease. Once she's done she points to a table with an object on top of it.
"Come look and see what I have prepared for Hiccup" she said with an excited tone as she led us to the table.
"Oh, something for Hiccup?" you hear a familiar voice from the side. Astrid turns swiftly towards the voice with a smile.
"Yes Heather he is taking me out today so I prepared a gift for him" Astrid ran to grab Heathers wrist pulling her towards the table we where in front of. There sat a very fancy looking dagger with a fine sharp point. Picking it up Heather admired the craftsman of the dagger.
"I have never seen this craftsman before where did you have it made" Heather looked towards Astrid.
"Really I'm glad, In reality I actually made it myself" Astrid put both her hands behind her back letting out a prideful smile.
"Wow this is really great, I did not know you could make daggers, where did you learn?" Heather asked as she set it down carefully.
"Oh I had to practice a lot before getting this good, but since you are here you can help me get everything ready for my date with Hiccup" Astrid grabs Heathers arm guiding her.
"Of course, hopefully tomorrow you can spar with me hand on hand" Heather responded with a chuckle. They both start to make their way inside with Stormfly and me staying where we where.
"Really you don't want to combat in pairs with our dragons?" Astrid tilts her head to the side slightly with an eyebrow raised.
"Not at the moment, lately Windshear has been hanging around Firecracker for some reason so I'll let her have her time for now" Heather stated with an understanding tone as they made their way inside Astrid's home. That statement made you more curious about what is going on with your brother and Windshear.
"I wonder what the situation with my brother is with Windshear" obvious curiosity seeping from my gaze.
"We will ask her when we see her again, trust me that dragon can't keep something like this to herself" I nod as she told me this.
"Should we go follow them around to see what they are up too?" I ask Stormfly with an uncertainty in my voice wondering if she would tell me to let them have their privacy. But unsurprisingly enough without giving it a second thought she responds.
"Absolutely" leading the way swiftly as I follow behind her with a small laugh
'of course'
We started to make our way towards the spot we last saw them. We caught their scent and it took us into the forest where the lake was. There we caught both of them resting near the lake facing each other. We could hear a them talking back and fort with a pleasant atmosphere among them. Although it seemed that this should be something you would see any other day. Firecracker is always on guard, even around us his siblings due to him always being the oldest brother. It made me think about how much of a responsibility we were to our brother.
"He seems so relaxed" stating it out loud made you realize how rare it was for you to say that making you feel a bit guilty inside.
"It seems that they are getting pretty close" Stormly added with an interest in her eyes. We both keep an intense gaze at the two.
The conversation takes a turn to something a bit more serious than what they have originally have been speaking about.
"When should we let them know?" Windshear licks her paws while keeping eye contact with Firecraker. His gaze not leaving her eyes as if he is mesmerized by anything she does.
"I think now would be appropriate since Heather said that she would like to stay for a few more days, I think it would be best not to leave it to the last minute" Firecracker licks his own paws while wiping his head in the process.
"I agree should we go look for them?" Windshear sits up ready to leave stretching her back a bit.
"No need, they are already here, You can come out now!" Firecracker says very loudly looking at the opposite direction from where we were hiding from. To my surprise I see Toothless and Silvereyes popped out covered by tiny little leaves. Windshear then swiftly turns towards our direction startling us both.
"You both can come out now" laying back down Windshear smiles a knowing smirk. Our groups meet together sitting around the mysterious couple. Very curious about what they wish to tell us although we all had the same sneaking suspicion.
"I have decided to go with Windshear and Heather whenever they decide to leave" Firecracker was the first to speak surprising us all at the sudden declaration.
"But--"I first try to speak having the words clog in my throat, my mind seemed to be going through a million questions and thoughts before settling with acceptance. I look at my brother with a smile and knowing look.
"You know that I am going to miss you" I walk towards him nuzzling my head on his neck in an embrace.
"I wont be gone forever, Windshear and heather often visit" Firecracker pulls me in with his head responding in a casual tone.
"If that is your decision I fully approve of you going" Silvereyes joins out embrace feeling at peace in this moment.
"I am very happy to see you finally do something for yourself" I respond honestly to my brother knowing how much he had to do and give up for us.
"I'm surprised how well you both are taking this, I am starting to believe that you both wanted to get rid of me all along" Firecracker lightly chuckles at his own joke followed by me and Silvereyes.
"From my earliest memory all I can recall is you protecting me, now you have the chance to actually do something you wish to do because you want to do it." I tell Firecracker through sincere words. Silvereyes nods in agreement before we move apart. We eventually leave the pair alone since we did interrupt their alone time I bet they really wanted some space as well. In reality I believe we all needed time to think about this big adjustment.
Few days later
Firecracker stayed his last days at berk in the barn close to Windshear. It seemed that he would ask Windshear to be his mate once they make it back to where Heathers home was. As this was the last night he would be staying here in Berk Silvereyes had proposed that we all spend this night together to which I agreed. We near the Barn an peak out heads in seeing Firecracker already curled up in his heated bed surprised to see us there.
"Firecracker if its okay with you we would like to spend your last night here together" I speak first with a closed eyed smile. Firecracker seemed to be pleasantly surprised at our presence
"Of course" he motions with his head for us to come in. I enter first having Silvereyes follow behind. We got to our respected spots from the first night we spent here at Berk, this seemed to have triggered our thoughts and speak about a lot of the memories we had together. The beginning of the night seemed to be filled with laughter and corrections about stories being retailed.
"It's interesting to think back on these times and know them now as memories" SIlvereyes stated as he tried to control his laughter. He seemed to be the one laughing the most during these stories. I chuckle at his expression in trying to hold back his laughter, he seemed to not be succeeding.
"We are now bound to make new memories now" Firecracker chuckles at Silvereyes expression.
"Of course but now a lot of our memories won't have all of us in it" Silvereyes stated a truth that I have not thought much about. Now thinkin back on it all of my memories until recently always had my brothers in it. For the longest time it was only just the three of us but now that we all have our mates it will be different. It was a bittersweet thought but one that to this date I do not regret making. Choosing to spent my life with Toothless, I also know for a fact that my brothers do not regret their decision.
"No matter what happens we will always be with each other in our hearts and thoughts" Silvereyes looked up at us being completely serious. Firecracker and I both smile and nod in agreement feeling happy to be together like this one last time.
"Its getting late now we should rest" Firecracker speaks calming getting himself comfortable for the night. Glancing outside you notice its gotten pretty dark Silvereyes soon follows Firecrackers lead getting in a comfortable position to sleep in.
"Before we go to sleep I would like to tell you the news I've found out today" I say trying to hide my excitement as I turn to face my brothers.
"I'm expecting a litter of dragons" both my brothers seemed to have froze in place and open their eyes wide in surprise. This is probably the first time I've shocked my brothers this much.
"No way" Silvereyes spoke first as his shocked expression changed into an excited expression.
"Are you certain" Firecracker sits up making his way towards me.
"Of course, Valka checked on me today" I state in a confident tone sitting down looking at my stomach. You can't tell upon looking but I definitely know for sure.
"How did Toothless react" Silvereyes asked in anticipation knowing Toothless expression would be amazing.
"You should have seen him, his smile could light up a million stars in that moment" In the beginning he was shocked as well but that soon changed once the news really sink in.
"He was incredibly happy and has become extremally protective, kind of reminding me of you two" I chuckled at the memory.
"I am surprised he let you sleep without him" Firecracker stated with a tilt of curiosity.
"It was not easy but thanks to Windshear I was able to convince him, you really got a keeper there Firecracker" I say grateful towards Windshear for helping me spend this moment with my brothers.
"I know, she's my breath of air who I cannot live without" my brother said with complete sincerity. Surprising Silvereyes and me, we never get to see this side of Firecracker so this sight was indeed something to remember.
"Okay miss mother to be now for sure you need to get your rest or else we wont hear the end of it from Toothless" Firecracker curled up next to me as Silvereyes leans in on the opposite side of me both filling me with warmth.
"Whatever you say" curled up together we all seemed to be the most relaxed we have ever been in years. Content with how our lives are right now seemingly going in different directions but ones that we will not regret. Sleep began to creep in all of our eyes and minds having us drift off smoothly.
"Goodnight" We all said in unison before my brother Firecracker spoke softly.
"Just so you know, I know mom and dad would be so proud of you" his sincere tone made me smile warmly.
"I know you will be as great as a mother as mom was" Silvereyes added snuggling next to me, with that I could feel our conscious slip more and more but before I could fully fall asleep I let out a faint.
"Thank you"
- End1304 Chapters
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