《We've Found You (ToothlessXFemaleNightFury)》Putting Part A Into Motion


Twilight's POV

Let's begin, time to put part A of my plan into motion. I need to create a way for Kania to know I'm okay wherever I'm going. I'm not quite sure how though. I'm actually planning on leaving tonight, I have to or Calder might leave the Trade lands before I can find him. I think I will try to get a copy of the map and place a dagger where I am going, yeah that would work. It would tell them where I went so they could come see his body when his life perishes. I'm going to make that monster pay for what he did, not only for what he did to my family but also what he did to others.

"Hey Twilight, why don't we go into town today and look around for some stuff for our house?" Kania snaps me from my thoughts, I almost tripped out of the house actually. I nod patiently, I needed to look like I was calm, laid back, the usual me. So no one thought something was up. We casually strolled into the village, looking around and occasionally talking to other people. Then I spotted what I was looking for, a copy of the map. It was like any other map but the Trade Lands were in a bright colour and labelled 'Trade Lands'. Luckily Kania was distracted by a riding helmet, it was very pretty actually. It was leather mostly except for the inside and just barely on the outside, it was fluffy with fur. The leather was a deep green colour with blue stripes going across the back. I turn back to the map, trying not to get distracted from my original mission. I make sure no one is watching when I smoothly sneak the map under my wing and out of sight. I quickly slither back to Kania, as if I never left her side.


"What do you think Twilight, should I get it?" Kania asks me, she has the expression of someone who is waiting for approval. I give her a brisk nod of approval and lick her hand gently. She smiles and hops a little bit in excitement, I love seeing her happy. I'm going to miss her smile when I leave, but I will see it soon after I get back! I hate having to leave her like this, but everything will get better after this. I know she will understand. Kania buys the helmet and tucks it into the satchel she was carrying, then she turns to me and just as she opens her mouth to say something a loud shout catches my attention. I turn my head to the source and so does Kania, as well as all the other villagers. I spot a man in a mask running through the village with a valuable item in his hand, behind him was a shouting woman and who seemed to be her husband. Then I realized the situation, the running man was a thief. And he had stolen something from the young couple, something important. I am just about to pounce on him when I spot Stormfly just drop down on him and keep him down. Then the other dragons crowd around and I spot Snotlout pull the thief away. I see Toothless and I trot over to him.

"What just happened?" I ask confused, Toothless jumps a bit at me seemingly just appearing behind him. It's kind of a mixture of funny and cute whenever he jumps like that.

"Oh, that? It was just the capture squad taking down a thief." He tells me calmly, regaining his posture.

"Why didn't they just end his life? It would have been easier." I say flatly.


"What?! No no no! Of course not! He's just a common thief, not a murderer and even then! You should always show mercy and give others a second chance! You never know the reason behind their actions, what if they steal because their family is poor and needs money or food?" Toothless starts stressing, his words make me think. Think about a lot of things.

"Always show mercy and grant a second chance, you don't know their story unless you ask. Promise you won't ever kill anyone without a good reason." He tells me sternly, he seems to take this topic very seriously.

"Alright, I promise." I promise, staring deep into his eyes. Making sure he knows I'm serious. His serious face softens and he nuzzles me gently.

"I will see you later, I have some matters to attend to. I love you." Toothless whispers softly, I blush lightly.

"Goodbye, and I love you too." I nuzzle back swiftly before mingling back to Kania through the crowd of people who are whispering about the thief.

"Well, that sure was something, huh?" Kania states, one hand on her forehead. I giggle a bit and Kania joins in. When it was lunch time I ate as much fish as possible and stuffed as much as I could into my extra stomach.

"Wow, you sure must have been hungry!" Kania points out. I look down nervously with a hint of embarrassment. Night time soon falls and I take one last look at the village before I leave. I walk into the house and settle down and pretend to sleep, Kania falls asleep really quick. It's around midnight now, I stand up and walk down into the kitchen. I place and hold the map in place and grab a dagger laying on the counter. I peg the dagger on the 'Trade Lands' part and creep out of the house without a sound. I walk to the edge of a cliff and stare out across the ocean. I spread my wings. Take in a deep breath. And take flight. I take one last glance at Kania and mine's house. With a determined look and fly onward. I will be back soon Kania, I promise. Toothless please understand that I'm doing this for a reason...

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