《Helluva Boss: Hellish Love (Loona X Original Character)》Chapter 27: The Death Of Carters Abusive Father


We sat on the curb of the footpath by the driveway and I looked angrily towards the house, he was in there alright, I could see him through the front window on the settee watching TV with a can of Tetley's in his hand probably watching the football, I believe 'The Villa' was playing which was both his and I's favorite team but from there the similarity ends.

I also saw my Mom come through to the lounge from the kitchen and brought him his breakfast which was a Full English. I felt pain when I saw her face, it was an expression of sadness still with tears in her eyes slightly, she was obviously still distraught about my death. I had been selfish and killed myself just to be with Loona but leaving my loving mother behind with that bastard, I was angry with myself to say the least.

Loona put her hand on my shoulder and I turned to face her, she asked me "Carter are you gonna feel okay about going through with this?" I smirk briefly and look down and I said to her "I left my Mom all alone with that man, but I don't want to make her alone entirely. I want her to be free and happy, I will have to show myself but only when he's dead" She then looked and me and nodded understandingly and said "So how are you going to kill him?" I transformed back into my Hell Hound form and flexed my claws and growled angrily and sadistically "I'm going to kill him with these" Loona then also transformed back into her Hellhound form as a disguise and we got out of the car and we bolted to the back gate and kicked it in. We ran around the back t the rear sliding door and I slid it open and charged in, My own mother didn't recognize me and screamed as she saw a furred beast run in and I charged at my father. He didn't have time to defend himself as I picked him up by the neck and I pinned him against the wall and he choked. I said to him in a deep voice "You will never hurt this woman again, I have been sent by the depths of Hell to punish you for the abuse of your wife and son, the fiery pits of hell await you John Ryan!" I then stabbed my free claws in his stomach and slashed up and Loona, my mom and I watched as his internal organs and blood spilled out onto the carpet below and I dropped his lifeless corpse on the floor.


I turned to face Loona who was holding my mother, they were both terrified and what I had just done, Loona was used to the deaths that her adopted father Blitzo did but she must have never have seen it to the extend that I have just done in front of her, her pupils shanks and through her fur she was pale as a ghost. I looked at my mother who was crying and shaking with fear. I then realized what I had done in front of them and I slowly walked towards my mother who then managed to say whilst frozen with fear "S-stay b-b-back p-please!" I hesitated and I felt hurt that I scared my own mother, since I was 7'5 in my Hellhound state I had to crouch down to my mothers face, I glance at Loona and said calmly "You can let go of her now" She let go of my mom but my mom still stood there frozen in fear.

I placed my paws on my moms shoulders and looked at her with tears in my eyes and a smile and I said in my regular voice "Hi mom" she had a look of shock and confusion and so I turned back into my human form and as soon as I finished my transformation, she started to cry and she had a smile on her face, I was instantly embraced in a hug and my mother cried out happily "C-Carter!" I returned the hug and I began to cry tears of joy and I rubbed the back of my moms head and said "I'm here mom, I'm here" and we both collapsed to our knees whilst still crying happily to see each other. whilst still in our embrace and glance up to see Loona who had her own tears in her eyes at our happy reunion.

Mom let go of me and looked at my face and said "B-but you're dead, h-how are you here?!" I smiled and said "I wasn't going to leave you alone with dad, I had to come back to free you, he won't be hurting you no more" She smiled and turned to look at Loona who was still in her Hellhound form and jumped a little when she saw her, I said to mom "Mom it's okay, this is Loona...she's my girlfriend" Mom then looked at me in shock with her mouth open and then back to Loona, Loona rubbed her arm and waved "Hey I'm Loona" Loona then turned back into her human form to make it more comfortable for my Mom and when she saw Loona she got up and walked over to her and said "My goodness you're beautiful and what a pretty name" Loona blushed and said "T-thank you Mrs. Ryan" mom placed a hand on Loona's cheek and smiled as she then said "You can call me Michelle, Loona".


I then got my moms attention and said "Mom I won't be able to stay here long, I will have to go back to where I came from" Not wanting to tell my mom that I went to Hell I continued to talk to her "When Loona and I leave I want you to call the police to say that the house was broken into and that a gang of Chav's slashed dad open, when everything with the police is sorted out I want you to sell dads car and the house. I want to you then take my car and go live with Aunty Tammie in Manchester where you will be happier" Mom looked at me understandingly and had tears in her eyes again and asked me "Will I ever see you again Carter?" I hugged my mom again and I said to her "You won't be able to see me again as I could get in trouble, but know that I will always be watching and looking out for you beyond the grave" I then hand mom my car keys and I walk out the back door again with Loona.

loona calls Blitzo and puts him on speaker phone and says "Hey Blitzo it's Loona, Carter and I are done here and we will be heading back" Blitzo then said awkwardly "Actually you guys never needed to go through the whole airport thing as I called Stolas and he said that I could open up a portal anywhere in the world" I sighed in annoyance and asked Blitzo "Well do you mind opening a portal by us then and we will come back?" Blitzo opened up a portal that appeared in front of us on the floor and Loona jumped in. I look back at my mom who was on the phone to the police and she was watching me, I smiled and waved goodbye and I myself jumped into the portal and then it closed. I stood there in the office and I thought to myself "My duty is done, my mom is free from my dad and will now be happy and safe".

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