《Helluva Boss: Hellish Love (Loona X Original Character)》Chapter 4: Carters Arrival In Hell


Carter awoke in a dark alleyway in a daze and on top of some trash bags, he pushed himself off and dusted himself off he looked down at a broken mirror against a wall and noticed something off about his appearance way different to how he look earlier in the afternoon after he had his shower. His complexion was paler and he had red eyes.

He tried to remember what had happened, he remembered that he committed suicide by cop and was riddled with bullets, he quickly felt himself over and found no bullet holes, he was perfectly fine he was "dead" confused, one why was he fine and two why was he in an empty dark alley way. Carter decided to walk out onto the street, it appeared to be some sort of high street, a fashion district too it looked like too but something was off about the clothing in the windows, the clothing appeared to look like something you would wear for Halloween, suits and dresses where shades of red and black and some had spiderweb patterns on.

Carter then looked up into the sky and his mouth gaped open at what he saw, the sky was a shade of crimson and the sun was a huge pentagram in the sky, he continued to stare up at the sky until a car pulled up beside him, the driver side window winded down revealing a black colored demon that resembled a pig who was wearing a greasy tank top and had a fag in his mouth who looked at him and then up at the sky and then back at him and said to Carter "Yo buddy what're you staring at, you off yer face or sum?" Carter got out of his trance and was about to reply to whoever spoke to him and turned around and stared at the creature with a gaping mouth in shock, the creature in the car did the same causing his fag to drop out of his mouth and onto the curb before the creature yelled out "HOLY FUCK A HUMAN!" Both Carter and the creature screamed before the pig demon burned rubber and went off into the distance whilst Carter ran the opposite direction and eventually other demons saw him as well and gasped and screamed, Carter was eventually grabbed from around a corner and was dragged into another alleyway with someone holding his mouth so that he couldn't scream.


A male monotone voice whispered into his ear "I'm going to let go of you now Carter but you must not scream, do we have a deal?" Carter nodded silently and the hand let go of his mouth and he turned around to see a demon with a pale complexion like him but he had dark red eyes with a red monocle on his right eye, yellow sharp teeth, red hair with deer like ears, small antlers and a tail and a striped red suit with a cane that resembled an old microphone. The demon then lent over him with an evil grin and introduced himself "Greetings Carter Ryan the names Alastor"

the demon stuck out his hand and Carter with a bot of hesitation shook it anyway and asked "How do you know my name, what are you and what is this place?" Alastor said in response to Carter "Believe it or not Carter I have been watching you very closely, I saw the whole thing that happened on the beach and thought it was quite the performance. I am a demon as are everyone here whether they're 'hell born' or they had died and were judged and sent to the fiery pits of hell such as you"

Carter put his hands in front of his face looking at them puzzled and then he looked at Alastor and then asked "So if everyone becomes a demon in once they died, how come I am relatively the same? I mean the only differences being that I have a paler complexion and red eyes"

"Thats the interesting beauty about you Carter I have absolutely no clue why which is why I am choosing to help you...for research purposes and ongoing entertainment" Alastor said with a large grin on his face. Carter shrugged and then asked "Alright what is the catch Alastor, one doesn't live most of his life in the shit and no know when there is some sort of fuckery about"


Alastor continued to smile "Thats the best part about this deal Carter there is absolutely no strings attached, you quite possibly have the best deal from me in all the 80+ years I have been down here. I also know the reason why you came here also which is why I am going to give you this" He placed a hand on Carter's shoulder and his hand emitted a green aura and it seeped from his hand into Carter's shoulder and disappeared. Carter panicked and swatted Alastor's arm away and said "What the fuck was that, what did you do to me?!" Alastor replied "That is something that will help you for later in your journey down here in hell, consider it a bonus and I will also hand you this" Alastor pulled out a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to Carter , Carter read the card that read "Immediate Murder Professionals" and on the back was a phone number and an address. Carter looked up at Alastor and asked "Why did you hand me this, what's it for?" Alastor responded "If you want to survive hell you will need something to occupy yourself to keep you out of the streets to stop you from being murdered, so you will be getting a job".

Carter then looked back at the card and then said "Well thank you Alastor I don't kno-" Carter looked up to see that Alastor was gone but on the floor in his place was a clip of cash that was all $100 bills that had pictures of an unknown demon on and pentagrams, Carter quickly picked it up and put it in his pocket and then looked at the card again and thought to himself "Immediate Murder Professionals huh, lets see what this place is about" And off he went to follow the address.

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