《My Brothers Gang》Chapter 1 ~ My brother
I get off the plane, The flight only took 11 hours but it felt like a life time. I've always wanted to come to Los Angeles but not like this, Not to stay with my stupid brother!
Ever since he left my family, I haven't really wanted him around. He was never there for me and I didn't even know him! I saw him once in a while and we never really spoke, he doesn't care about me. And nothings changed
I get my luggage and head to the taxi driver. The entire ride to my brothers place, I think about what I'm about to walk into. The stories I've heard about my brother from my parents are bad. Apparently he once went to jail for nearly killing someone. And apparently he got kicked out of school because he would hurt the teachers. He was a rebellious child and he never had any respect for anyone. I hate that we are related....
I arrive at a huge house. This can't be it, He can't live here! How could he afford something like this? I step out of the taxi and a boy is standing at the door of the house.
"Maddie right?" I turn around to see a guy tilts his head, waiting for my response. I look him up and down with a little confusion running through my head, who is this guy?
"Who's asking?" I reply, not wanting to give my identity to some random stranger.
"I'm Zack, I'm your brothers friend" he explains as he grabs my luggage from the boot of the taxi. "He told me to help you with your luggage"
I stare at the guy holding my things. He leaves the luggage next to me as he pays the taxi driver the amount that's due. The taxi drives off and the guy walks back over to me.
"So, your Max's sister" He says as he looks at me, "hmm, not what I was expecting" he looks me up and down before smiling, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
"Where am I staying?" I ask, turning to look at the big house that is supposedly 'my brothers'. The driveway is long and I'm surprised this kind of house is even in a neighbourhood like this, it's a little expensive to be near all these small houses.
"Liam just finished your room" Zack brings me back to reality as I look at the house. I turn to look back at him with narrowed eyes.
"Liam?" I say more as a question, How many boys live here? He can't seriously be living with a bunch of people he met here!
"He's one of the guys that live here" Zack claims, like that was supposed to tell he who he is! I don't know anyone named Liam, so how is that little piece of information supposed to help?
I turn and look back towards the house, a window opens and I tilt my head a little. So I guess my brother actually lives with a bunch of random dudes... that's cool?
"We should head inside" Zack nudges me along as he starts carrying my stuff into the house with me following close behind him.
I follow Zack through the main door and into an entrance that leads from the stairs to the kitchen and what looks like a living room. He continues to walk straight and we stop in what I guessed was the living room.
"Guys, this is Maddie" Zack points to me as he introduces me to the 2 random guys on the sofa. I plaster a smile on my face as the guys move to grab the T.V controls.
The 2 guys pause the T.V and look at me while Zack puts my things down beside a cabinet on the floor. I awkwardly stand as still as possible as the boys look at me with wide eyes.
"Wow... your umm... different" one of them says with a hint of amusement in his tone. My eyes look down at the floor and I quietly curse myself out for even getting off the plane.
"Shut up jackass" The other one says as he swats the guy on the back of his head. Zack crosses his arms beside me and lets out an annoyed sigh.
"Your both a bunch of idiots" Zack chuckles as he relaxes more. I look up at the guys again and I notice them all looking at me with excitement.
"This is Cole" Zack points to a golden haired boy who looks as if he's had a few fights within the last month. His lip had a scare on it but it wasn't that noticeable, I wouldn't of noticed if I didn't pay attention to details.
"And that's Payton" Zack adds, Payton has dark brown hair with a lip piercing. He has a tattoo on the side of his head that I can just barely see as he looks from Cole to me.
"Has she seen Max yet?" Payton asks, looking between me and Zack for an answer. I turn to look up at Zack for his response because I didn't want to answer Payton's question.
"Not yet, he's not back yet anyways" Zack explains. I look at Cole to see that he has an eyebrow raised and his face is relaxed as if he has no cares.
"Well Liam's back" Cole adds with fluency. We all look at Cole as he slumps back into the sofa, his arms behind his head as he relaxes.
"He is?" Zack is almost taken back by the news. Cole nods and smiles.
"Yeah, he came back just before you went outside to fetch her" Cole says, then they all look at me. My eyes fall to the floor again as they all stare at me for some apparent reason.
"Maybe you should show her the room?" Payton suggests, trying to ease the mood and change the subject of conversation. Cole nods in agreement to the suggestion.
"Umm yeah! Sure, follow me Maddie" Zack says as he picks my things up again. He starts walking towards the door that leads into the main entrance again and I turn to follow behind him.
"Okay?" I say, sounding as if I'm shaking, which I am... but I don't want them to know that! I'll look weak and that's one thing I'm not.
I follow Zack upstairs and through a corridor, which leads to a set of doors, all within a hallway. They all have names and numbers on which I find a little weird, but I can get used to all the doors.
"Number 3" Zack says, which I don't understand at first until we walk to the 3rd door on the right. "This is your room" he says, which help me understand.
We walk inside and the room looks... great! The walls are white but the room gives off a pastel pink which is a great colour, With a little bit of mint green which is my favour colour. The bed is a double and is big enough for me, their is a desk on the side with a picture frame but no picture.
Zack drops my things down at the bottom of the bed and huffs. His muscles tense and relax, like it was effortless and easy. I roll my eyes and look around the room again.
"You have a lot of things" Zack exhales, making it seem like a lot of effort. He stretches his arms over his head and breathes, making his elbow click. I cringe with my nose crumbling up to make a disgusted look on my face.
"Yeah well... I'm a human, I have needs" I respond, making us both laugh. Zack pats me on the shoulder and smiles.
"Well I'll leave you get your things out and whatever you want to do I guess... I'll be downstairs" he assure me. I nod and then he closes the door behind him, Leaving me alone in my new room.
I start to unpack everything as I think about my situation. I did not expect to live with my brother and his friends... it's weird, but I guess it could work. I just don't want to come face to face with my irresponsible brother. It's been years since we've even seen each other and now I'm living under the same roof as him... HIS ROOF! HIS HOUSE!
I finish unpacking and I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, How did I end up here? The door clicks and then opens, a guy stands at the door, wide eyed as I sit up
"Sorry... I didn't know you were here" he mumbles as he looks at me with confusion. I sigh with a smile and nod.
"It's fine..." my voice slowly fade out as I finish the words. I look at the confused guy at my door, some of his tattoos are visible and I can't keep my eyes off them; They are so mesmerising.
He goes to close the door again so I open my eyes wide and try to think of something quick. But I did not expect myself to actually say anything to stop him.
"Wait!" I shout as he gets Halfway out of my room, Why did I just say that? He opens the door again with a blank expression before it turns back into his confused face.
"Yeah?" He says as he looks at me in the eyes, looking more confused than he started as.
"Who are you?" I ask more bluntly than before. He becomes tense and become stiff, his shoulders raise slightly but I would not be as noticeable if I wasn't paying attention to him.
"I'm Zed" he reply's with a hint of harshness in his tone. I nod at his quick reply then I look down at his lips, they part a little and then he speaks.
"Your Maddie right, Max's sister?" He asks and I nod again, not knowing what to say in return. A silence comes between us but I'm kind of thankful because of it. I part my lips and sigh.
"Where's Max?" I question as I move to the end of the bed, wanting to close the awkward space between us. My feet dangle on the end of the floor as my body sits at the end of my bed.
"He came back with me about 4 minutes ago" Zed's tone changes quick and sharp, so quick that I didn't see it coming. His voice sounded worried and I'm not sure why.
"Where did you go?" I don't know why I ask but I do, I'm curious now. I'm a very curious person, it's a gift and a curse.
"Just some place" He shrugs, I guess that's the only answer I'm going to get. "You should come downstairs, he's probably waiting for you" Zed tries to persuade me.
"Why?" I snap, starting to get a little angry that he's prying into my life all so suddenly. He looks up then back at me with some sort of annoyance then he adds a low sigh.
"He's your Brother" Zed reminds me. I roll my eyes, starting to get more angry as he continues to try and get me to talk to Max.
"Maybe I don't want to" I shout, Anger quickly running to my head with every chance it gets. Me and Max's business has nothing to do with him so why is he being so Nosy!
"Well..." he pauses for a second, "he's downstairs if you change your mind" That's the last thing he says to me before he leaves my room, leaving me in complete silence again.
I'm back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. There is nothing to do here! Like... nothing at all. Out of every place on earth, I get sent to the most boring part of the world!
I decide to pull myself off the bed and up to my feet. I have to get something to eat, My body hurts from the lack of food I've had. My feet drag my body out of my 'room' and into the long hallway.
I walk down the hall and then down the curved stairs, stopping in the middle of the front passage way that leads from the front door. My eyes wander around and end up landing on a room full of people.
I walk in and I realise it's the living room! All the boys are sitting in chairs and on the sofa, only one was standing. He rubs the back of his neck and then turns to spot me, eyes wide with shock.
My brothers brown hair is slicked back with gel or hairspray sticks out to me, he's wearing dark ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. His emerald green eyes shoot into mine, All the boys look at me.
"Sis" Max stares at me, his jaw drops a little. My eyes roll and I cross my arms, how dare he call me 'sis' after so many years of ignoring me!
"You haven't got the right to call me that" I snap while anger builds up inside of me. One of the boys stands up in case something happens so I send them small daggers before looking back at Max.
Max steps towards me "it's good to see you" He says, trying to calm me down. I scoff at him and look to the side, not wanting to look in his eyes anymore.
"How lovely, considering the fact that you haven't wanted to see me in, what, 7-8 YEARS?" I shout, my eyes close then open again. I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths but it doesn't work, I'm furious.
"Maddie, it's not like that" He tries to walk closer to me but I step back. He stops in place. He takes a deep breath then sighs. Just as he tries to talk, I cut him off.
"You haven't even tried to talk to me; Get my number, text me, NOTHING!" I shout as my head turns to look back at him, my eyes burning hot into his.
"Mom and dad wouldn't let me!" Max tries to explain but I don't really want to to listen to his lame excuses for not talking to me. If he wanted to talk to me so badly, he would of tried harder.
"Sure they didn't" I roll my eyes again, annoyed that he's still trying to defend himself with stupid excuses.
"Can you stop with the teenage attitude" He snaps, getting frustrated at my 'attitude'. I step forwards with my arms crossed over each other, keeping my body straight and up right.
"You sound like dad, jeez" I say with a quick change of tone. My arms come to my sides and he step back again, making sure that we have a good distance between us.
"Can we talk" He pauses and looks at all the other guys that I forgot was even here, "somewhere else?" Max turns back to me with a pleading look.
"No! I want food because I haven't had anything since the plane" I admit while shaking my head. I turn to look at the other guys and see that one of the guys stands up. I realise it's the guy that was standing up before.
"We have cereal" He points out to try and make me feel better. I look at him with confusion, who is this guy and why is he talking to me?
"Who are you?" I bluntly ask with confusion clear in my tone. He doesn't look surprised by my question which makes me relax a little, at least someone is okay with my bluntness today.
Cole; the guy I was introduced to earlier, looks at the guy and then me. "He's Liam, the one who fixed your room up" Cole tries to explain to me.
"Oh, thanks" I smile a little but quickly mask it with a straight, thin line again. I don't want these guys knowing I'm afraid. I know it's weird but I sometimes smile when I get scared. And right now, I'm terrified I might actually like it here.
Liam nods, "So, cereal?" He tries to change the subject back to food. I look at Max and then at Liam. Maybe I should just agree, at least it's food.
"Yes please" I half smile at Liam, a slight nod is added when I begin. Liam walks to the kitchen leaving me with my brother and the rest of his awkward friends.
"Can we talk now?" Max asks me again, this time with a little more softness. I shake my head and look up at him.
"Later okay?" I reply, "it's been a long day" I explain as I stand near the door again. This is not the kind of welcome I wanted when I got off the plane.
A chance at glory. The Queen’s Cage. Where the Olympians select their Chosen and pit them against each other in a battle to the death. The Cage’s bars only open twice every five years - once for the twelve Chosen, and another for the Victor, the last one standing. The last person standing gets a surname, an imperial title, and a claim to the Emperor’s throne. Imperial Princess Seraphina Queenscage wasn’t always like she was now. She was once simply a duke’s daughter, hailed as Athena’s Chosen. A bringer of ruin. But that year she stepped out, bloody and glorious. History is written by the victors, they say. It was probably a good thing she murdered the rest of them. around 4k+ words / chapter, now every Thursday
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