《Fully Demon》(REWITTEN) Chapter 3: 'Brief' Moment of Hell


*In Assiah with the human 'Exorcists'*

3rd Pov: (Though some of the wording I guess is technically 2nd pov, I dunno I don't usually read or write in 2nd pov)

"Does everyone understand the plan." Though it was worded as a question it didn't sound like one, and everyone knew it wasn't, everyone knew it that it wasn't asking if they understood- no... it was simply stating and demanding for anyone who disagrees to step forward and be wrongfully accused and will suffer the fate of the death penalty.

That's how it works in a corrupted organisation.

It's as simple as that, don't step out of line, don't talk back, don't think, don't speak, if you think keep your thoughts to your self and if you much as step a foot out of line you die. If you say the wrong thing you die.

Easy rules.

"All you have to do is fallow orders"

Everyone has at least heard it once.

But right now isn't about what's wrong with the Grigori or True Cross Academy- well it is but we're also talking about something else.

Right now we're talking about a plan. A terrible and stupid plan.

"I'll go over it again to make sure no one is left unknowing of what we are doing" A short and fat man with a receding hair line named Ernst said speaking into the microphone for everyone to hear. Him and some other corrupt and trained exorcist are standing on the 'stage' with him.

"We have recently created a device made for opening the Gehenna Gate- which would usually be impossible to do with out the power of Satan. I cannot tell you how it works for that it is classified information. If anyone tries to figure out how I works... they will be immediately fired and banned for life, no longer able to continue as an exorcist and will have their every moved watched to make sure they don't spill our secrets."


In other words, they'll be killed.

"But back to the plan. We want to open the gate, travel in and then hopefully capture a demon or demons in hope of finding more about them- we wish to be able to defeat Satan in the future. Quickly. No longer will we be afraid of a demon apocalypse or demons in general! We'll be the only ones in control of our world!" A crazed look was in Ernst's eyes. The man was insane. He ordered is own daughters death- not that anyone knew about that. Nor did anyone know that she escaped and is now perfectly happy and safe living her life to the fullest. Ernst didn't even know this and he didn't acknowledge the 'loss' of his daughter.

Most 'exorcists' in the room were nodding their heads, agreeing with his madness and while doing this were throwing away their humanity. But there were some actual exorcists with worry in their eyes, looking like they'ed rather be anywhere else but hiding it for the sake of their life and their friends and family.

Some of these people with a sense of right and wrong were made up of a team of exorcists- Yukio Fujimoto Shura Kirigakure, Ryuji Suguro or Bon, Izumo Kamaiki, Shiemi Moriyama, Renzo Shima, Miwa Konekomaru and with the edition of the current paladin- Shiro Fujimoto.

There is someone else on their team named Nemu Takara that neither portrayed disgusted or pleased with the 'speech'. Just neutral or blank if you would.

This continued for several more minutes until everyone was dismissed, finally able to escape their 'brief' moment of hell.

Bon's Pov:

'Finally.' I thought with a scowl.

'I don't know how much more I could last listening to that bullshit- I mean if I did speak up I would have lost my job... and my life.' Me and my 'team' you would call it split off to our separate ways a few blocks back. We don't really talk- never have. Just enough to talk to each other with out much problem, where we stand with each other and thoughts on demons.


We respect each other and sometimes will bicker but we're not exactly friends. I am closer with Shima and Konekomaru than Kamaki and Moriyama considering I was childhood friends with Shima and Koneko but we kinda all went our sepret paths that just so happen to be in the same place right now. So far- it works, we get our jobs done without too much interference with our personal lives.

I continue walking my everyday path to my apartment. The cars pass me and offer a background noise and keep we grounded enough so I don't lose myself entirely in my thoughts.

'Why can't people just have morals or just common sense?! It's not fucking that hard!' I think back to the meeting that happened not to long ago.

'I never thought human decency was something people lacked before I began training to be an 'exorcist' and now that I am one... I just can't with people.' My hands are in my pockets as I look to the sky. It clear and is vibrantly blue- I would usually consider today to be beautiful but... my thoughts keep me from thinking or believing it.

'Kami help the poor creature these so called 'exorcists' take.'

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