《Wrongfully His》Chapter 47
The song for this chapter is " a video is attached.
This chapter is dedicated to who is going to slap the sh!t out of our dear Natey pooh.
After a little convincing Jamie, Austin, and I were heading to Paquete de Lune de Sangre and not for the reason you are probably thinking. Jamie and Nate weren't making up not on my watch. I've worked way too hard to lose her again. "It's okay" I whispered reaching up running away the fallen tears from her eyes. As much as I felt like I had won in aiding Nate to cheat I felt just as much guilt. In reality it was my fault Jamie was hurt.
"It will never be okay!" She cried out burying her face in my chest as my eyes locked with Austin's through the mirror as he held the steering wheel tight enough to make his knuckles go white.
"We'll get threw this together" I vowed running my hand in her hair in the process as I tried to ignore the regretful feeling brewing in my gut.
'What are you doing?' My wolf boomed loudly, his voice echoing in my head forcing me back to reality. My eyes shot open taking in Heather's pleased expression as we kissed. 'Stop' he ordered causing my lips to cease their movement on hers. What was I doing?! Releasing my deathly grip on her hips I stepped back needing distance between us.
As soon as I did that Jamie's feelings swirled threw my body smacking me around like a tornado. No no no. This wasn't suppose to happen! "Jamie" I whimpered out loud watching as Heather slid her body off of my desk and manuvered closer to me.
"Don't worry, Nate, she won't hurt you again" she whispered in a seductive way causing my eyes to go wide and bug-eyed. "You don't belong with her any way you know that" she continued as she ran her finger down my chest slowly. Though instead of a pleasurable shiver running across my body I instantly became disgusted by her and myself.
'Jamie' I called to her only to be greeted back with silence. 'It's not what you think' I promised practically begging for her to let me explain but she wouldn't. To be honest, I didn't blame her.
'How did she know where Jamie was?' My wolf questioned lowly through a breathy howl raising a valid point that I hadn't thought of.
"How did you know where Jamie was?" I demanded without trying to solve it for myself, nearly yelling as my hands having a mind of their own darted out and latched onto her wrists. I held her tightly as I stared into her face connecting all the dots that my wolf was putting in front of me. There is no way Heather could have known unless Austin had told her. And if Austin had told her then she would have the opportunity to tell Carter who in turn would have the time to go to Jamie. Then they could make it look as if something was happening that wasn't.
"Nate get off of me!" She let out an ear piercing scream as she jerked her body from side to side in the hopes that I would release her. "You are hurting me!" She squealed pitifully but I felt no remorse. Instead I held on tighter yanking her forward until our chests smacked together.
"You did this" I accused baring my teeth at her which only caused a terrified expression to dominate her other wise beautiful face. My wolf who hated me beyond belief right now wanted revenge on her, much like I did. His white fur began to poke against my skin, pushing its was out until my body was slowly covering in it.
"Nate please! Nate!" Heather begged ramming her tightly wound fists against my chest over and over as the salty tears flooded from her eyes causing black smears of make up to dominate her cheeks. I could only guess the thoughts in her mind at this point. She knew how strong I was, she could see how pissed I was, and she was aware of what I had done to Jamie.
"Nate stop!" Chloe demanded with a rough shove of the doors, letting herself in. I didn't listen nor turn to the side to know Brett and Brody were along side her. "You don't want to hurt her" she added but she couldn't have been more wrong. I wanted to do much more then just hurt her. I tried that and look what it got me.
Heather's fighting stop as she realized she may have hope now. "Jamie didn't know did she?" I asked through a clench jaw. Peering up through her wet eyelashes I caught sight of the sheer terror laying in her dull brown eyes. "Did she?!" I growled sternly applying more pressure on her wrists.
"No!" Heather cried out as I pushed against her arm flinging her away from me until she tumbled to the floor. Her body made a loud thud as she collided with a standing lamp near the desk. Turning I went to exit the room, I needed to find Jamie but Heather being the dipshit she was stopped me. Her manicured hand wrapped around my ankle preventing me from moving. Though if I really wanted to I could have dragged her body around with little effort.
"Let go" I seethed bending my leg at the knee so my foot was no longer planted on the floor. I wagged it about hoping to free myself from her grimy hands without actually forcing her off.
"You don't understand why I did it..." She whimpered as if what she had done wasn't that big of a deal. As if she didn't just ruin my life and cost me the only thing that kept me sane and the only person who has made me feel complete. Within a second I spun back toward her and dropped my body so I was squatting next to her glaring at her as I fought to keep my angry wolf at bay. "I love you" she admitted with a weak yet hopeful smile that almost caused me to bust out into a fit of laughter.
My lips parted slightly as a horrendous snicker escaped them leaving her at a loss for words. "You've lost your mind" I theorized harshly. "You don't love me. You love the idea of me. Of being mates to a pure breed, of having powerful pups, that's what you love" I accused stubbornly as she took it upon herself to make me believe her by holding my forearms gently. Slowly she shifted her body to where her knees were supporting her weight forcing me to look directly at her.
"No, you're wrong" she whispered softly. "I've loved you since I first saw you" yeah right before Carter mangled your face with his tongue. "You know we should be together, we belong together" she grinned brightly making a nauseous feeling over take me as I became more and more repulsed by the second.
"So that whole thing with Carter was just...a ploy?" I pried trying to understand the complex situation she had gotten us in. Lord knows Carter isn't smart enough to devise a plan as such. Cocking my head to the side I awaited her response nearly forgetting about the three people sitting in the room probably confused even more than I was.
Nodding, her cheeks tinted pink. This girl is sick. Worse than I am. "If you loved me you wouldn't have gone to such extremes to hurt me" I voiced nobly as I stood up letting her hands fall from my arms and slide down my legs until they smacked against the hard floor.
"But," Heather called out as a last attempt "you love Jamie" she said her name with pure distaste "and look what you did to her" she concluded with much less confidence then when she started. I wasn't sure if she was talking about the marking, or the attack, or both for all I know. Either way she was out of line.
My perephial vision blurred as I stared at her, nothing else was clear but her doll like eyes and her pouting shaky lip. I was going to kill her just like- "Nate" Brett called knocking me from my vivid thoughts as he stepped in front of me blocking me from the lunge I wanted to take at her. "Think about Jamie" he whispered unknowing of the betrayal that had just taken place.
"Too late for that" Brody spoke up for the first time wearing a sinister smirk across his aged face. "Right, Nate?" He taunted, his forehead wrinkling up in the process.
'What is he talking about?' Chloe asked my wolf in a hurry though by the blinded sided expression on her face she already knew deep down. 'You cheated?' She gasped causing me to look away from her and set my sights back on Brody. Using my wolfs previous theory about Heather and Austin I knew that the only way Brody could have known what just happened was if he was in on it too.
"You two?!" I screamed as he kicked the office door shut with the heel of his leather dress shoe. I couldn't wrap my mind around it as I stared at them in disbelief. If it wasn't bad enough that Carter and Austin were in on the scam now our previous Beta was a part of it! How many people had it out for me?
"You said he would never know!" Heather bellowed now jumping to her feet and wiping away the stains her make up created on her cheeks. "Why would you-" she started only to be cut off by Brody who was easily taken control of the entire situation and playing with my emotions.
"We will talk about it when the others get here" he reasoned lightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. What others? Who was coming here? "Never mind, they're here" he smirked while opening the door allowing Jamie to step in followed by none other then Carter and Austin.
Her eyes lids appeared heavy as though she had been crying since the second my lips made contact with Heather's. The puffy skin underneath her eyes confirmed that theory. "Jamie" I whispered stepping forward a small step resisting every urge I had to hold her in my arms and force her to listen.
"Don't" she begged as Carter's tan arm snaked around her waist protectively. This can't be happening! "You are a liar Nathaniel Ryder" Jamie spat cold heartily making sure to dig deep as she used the same she knew I hated. "I trusted you" she concluded leaning back against Carter's chest just to support her body that looked as if she would tumble over at any second.
"Please just listen" I pleaded not caring about her personal space as I leaped forward standing as close as I possibly could without touching her. "They set us up" I declared choosing my words very carefully.
I didn't even realize her hand was lifting until it connected with my face. My cheek stung instantly as I stared at her realizing I couldn't explain myself and even if I could, she wouldn't listen. I broke the number one rule of a mating bond, don't cheat. "And you took the bait!" She choked out not bothering to sympathize with me as her breathing increased when her eyes locked on Heather's. "And you are a sorry excuse for an Alpha's daughter."
"Jamie" I called out again not bothering to note on her bashing Heather actually I agreed with her. She didn't even bother to look at me instead she kept her eyes fixiated to the right just to avoid my gaze. Taking in her clenched jaw and quivering lip I knew she was holding back waves of tears all because of me. She's right, I did take the bait. I should have known. Hell if she was doing something wrong with Carter I would have been the first to feel it. But, instead of being logical I believed Heather Clark of all people. "I'm so sorry" I lilted without a smidge of confidence.
"I don't care" she groaned immediately causing me to see red. Drifting my gaze upward I looked at Carter trying to understand the bewildered look dominated his appearance. He didn't realize I was even looking at him as his gaze moved from Heather to his father as he attempted to piece together the same fucked up puzzle I was working on.
"I only kissed her because they made it seem like you and Carter were...after the picture-"
"What picture?" She interjected as her eyebrows knitted together followed by Carter's doing the same once again him being left out of the group.
Now I turned to Austin who was as pale as a ghost. "I had to" he spoke up defending himself before I could out him. "You don't belong with a guy like Nate, look what he has done to you" he justified foolishly. With the hopes of being seen as sincere he placed his hand on her upper arm giving her an encouraging squeeze. His actions only caused me to lose it. My wolf let out a hearty growl letting him and Carter know that by touching her they were crossing the line.
Jamie's neck snapped back to where she was facing me again stunned by my outburst. "Can't you see what they are doing? It's all of them!" I pointed around the room to the four people who manipulated the situation. "Carter only came to you to make me think something was up. Heather used Austin to get the picture so I would react and then-" I rambled on.
Catching on to what I was saying Jamie stepped away from Carter and to the side where Chloe and Brett stood not feeling safe enough to step toward me. "You guys are all so sick!" She accused peering from me to Heather to Austin to Carter and then to Brody. "Why?" She asked him as her gaze froze on him not seeing what he was gaining from this situation.
"I have my reasons Jamie" Brody spoke smoothly as he turned to Carter. "Nate hasn't only hurt my family but his own" he glanced a Chloe causing me to gulp. "Isn't that right Nathaniel?" He spoke that name on purpose just to get a rise out of me. "I'm done covering for you."
"What is he talking about?" Chloe inquired shifting her feet so she was staring in my direction. My mouth propped open as I prepared to tell her what I would have said earlier had Heather not shown up. Though my mouth went dry as I attempted to form a sentence. Three simple words and one fact seemed to torture me beyond belief.
"Why don't we ask the person who knows exactly what happened?" Brody offered at obsure idea. We can't ask him, he's dead. "Who's behind door number three?" He joked before craining his neck toward the hallway. A moment later my mother appeared dressed in the same attire as earlier with her hand latched onto her leech boyfriend.
"You said she wouldn't be here!" Chloe panted stepping right up against me. Without thought I pushed her halfway behind me so my arm was blocking her. Reaching out I grabbed a hold of Jamie's forearm and tugged her effortless toward me not trusting my own mother near her after our talk this morning. Jamie didn't fight against me like I thought instead she obliged in being at my side knowing that I would protect her if push came to shove.
"Get out!" I ordered huskily though the two of them only entered due to Brody's invitation. Shutting the door he locked me away with all of the people I have fought to protect, and the ones who I have fought to destroy. Everyone standing around me played an important role in my life and he knew that. He planned it that way.
"Chloe, hunny" my mom spoke up, flipping her golden hair over her shoulder as she set her sights on my sister. On instinct Chloe shifted a little more behind me taking on the scared child persona she had right after our mom had left. "Don't be afraid of me" she half demanded threw her growing frustration. "He's the one you need to fear!" She bellowed pointing at me.
Instantly my heart rate increased as my chest began to rise and fall at a quickened pace. This is it. "No. Nate was there for me when you left!" She fought back wanting to protective me from the truthful slander that our mother was spewing.
She looked hurt as her turquoise eyes went cold just as they had done earlier. She hated me just as much today as when she started hating me five years ago, if not more. "He never told you why I left" she whispered turning to Brody who nodded his head giving her the okay. "Tell her" she spat looking straight up at me as I glared down at her. Glancing to my left I saw Chloe, wide eyed and confused, to my left stood Jamie, broken and defeated. I knew once this came out I risked losing them both. Around the room everyone watched me, waiting for the unknown piece to the puzzle, needing to know why my mom left and why I turned out to be the spiteful guarded man that I was today. "Tell her!" She screamed deafening me with her high pitch.
Looking back to Chloe I let out a small sigh. As much as I hated to admit the truth she needed to know, she should have known before. "Chloe, you know I love you and everything I did was to protect you" I started off with hearing a horrible snicker from the opposite side of the room. "Dad wasn't attacked by rogues..." Now she shook her head from side to side as she mumbled 'no' over and over again as though she knew exactly what I was going to say before I said it. "I killed him" I admitted for the first time since the day it happened.
Gasps were heard from every direction as I stunned everyone with the hidden truth. Only three other people knew that fact and one of them was dead. "No" Chloe cried out her body collapsing to the floor right away. "No" she muttered again using her palms to cover her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the reality.
"I didn't mean to" I reasoned ducking my body low and grabbing a hold of her shins "he just wouldn't stop" I begged her to listen as that day flooded back to me. The memories hit me like a tidal wave, bringing on every emotion I had felt. Everything that I fought to keep locked away was pouring out of me all at once and I couldn't stop it. But she needed to know.
"Faster!" My dad yelled his voice booming through out the forrest, bouncing off the trees and burning my ears. "Move your ass!" He continue to bash me as I pushed myself harder ignoring the immense pain in my muscles and joints just to make him happy. It will be over soon I mentally assured myself as well as my wolf even though I never knew when one of my dad's 'training' sessions would end.
Within seconds I made it back to where he stood peering up to him for a look of approval. I knew I had beat my mile running record from last week by at least three seconds but, he didn't look pleased. Extending my arm out I leaned against the tree to catch my breath. "Do it again" he ordered carelessly as I jumped up so I was standing tall now parallel with him.
"I'm finished" I huffed staying directly into his emotionless blue eyes before spinning back around and moving toward the pack house.
"Nathaniel! Get back here!" He demanded hatefully while reaching out to grip my shoulder. Once I was in his grasp he squeezed tightly causing me to wince and for him to smile. "Look at you, you're weak!" He exclaimed his point releasing his hold on me in the process.
"I've been out here for three hours, I'm tired!" I yelled back awakening the beast in side of him which was pretty much a death wish.
"You're a disgrace" my dad growled baring his teeth at me as a warning not to challenge him any further. "No son of mine would wimp out from a challenge. I bet you aren't even my offspring you certainly don't possess the characteristics of a highbred" he taunted me using the same line he always used to push me farther. He knew that when he doubted me I wanted to prove him wrong but I couldn't anymore. My body wouldn't take the abuse anymore.
Angrily I let out a low menacing growl of my own. "I can out run, out lift, and out fight everyone in this pack" I stated the simple fact he already knew. It was clear he had reached his breaking point when his orbs flashed from the same blue shade as Chloe's to a careless black. I could see from the corner of my eye as he balled up his fist tightly and seconds later he plunged it deep into my stomach.
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