《Wrongfully His》Chapter 23
The song for this chapter is " by Eminem and Rihanna.
This chapter is dedicated to
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I sat on the edge of the bed watching Jamie apply the minimal make up that she always wore, not that she needed it but girls tend to believe they do regardless of what we say. My eyes scanned down her slim body taking in her fitted yellow top that clung to her curves and her tight jeans that could literally make me drool. So pretty much that exact outfit I wouldn't want her to wear when I'm not around.
It wasn't that I was insecure in fact I'm quite the catch but that doesn't change the simple fact of what's mine is mine and if necessary I would prove that point. I know how hormonal humans can be, they just want to have a good time and my mate was the absolute perfect candidate for most of those boys. Knowing that half of her school was humans made me extremely nervous not to mention Carter was very close, too close for comfort.
"Who is Austin?" I questioned when the thought came back into my head, Jamie had never brought up the name before but the pointed expression she gave her brother led me to believe she knew him very well.
"He's just some kid I go to school with" she spoke quitely from the bathroom peering up at me through the glass with a nervous expression on her face. As she chomped lightly on her bottom lip I knew she was not only lying but she was actually afraid to tell me who he was.
"I know their is more to that story" I murmured cocking my head slightly to the side watching her gulp deeply as the uneasy feeling in her stomach grew.
Slowly she spun around and walked toward me her bright eyes seeming dull as they met mine briefly before turning away. "Don't be mad" she instructed; usually when someone says that they know their next sentence will infuriate me. "I go to school with Austin and... He's the..." She paused as I waved my hand about persuading her to spit it out already "he's the human I lost my virginity to."
Her face scrunched up as though she was shielding herself from the hateful words as I was about to speak though I was at least happy he was a human; at least she was smarter than Carter. "When did you last sleep with him?" I asked her trying to keep my heart rate at ease and remain calm though in reality the thought of anyone touching my mate in such a way disturbed me beyond belief.
"Three-four weeks ago" Jamie admitted as my whole body stiffened and I could feel my features go hard noting that the last time she was intimate with him was not long before I marked her. "But he knows about wolves, and mates, he will understand" she assured me before I could lose my cool.
"You told him about our kind?" I growled lowly. For her to divulge such a secret she must really care for the kid, stupid humans. Instantly her head shook back and forth trying to assure me she wasn't the one to tell him.
"He knows because his great aunt was mated to an Alpha" she told me still looking nervous and I knew she was keeping something else to herself . "His cousin is... Heather Clark" her voice was barely above a whisper as she told me this a look of pity flashing through her face. So that's how they know each other. "That's how we met" she confirmed my inner thoughts.
I could feel my features contort as a disapproving frown hit my lips and a slight snarl escaped my lips. "Please tell me what you had with him was a casual one night stand" I sighed looking forward at the wall unable to face her. But even as I asked the questioned I knew that wasn't the case considering Trent knew who he was.
"It was casual but it has been going on for about a year" Jamie admitted sheepishly as she wiped her sweaty hands along her pant leg as my head snapped toward hers quickly causing her to gasp with fear.
"I don't want you near him anymore" I growled dominantly and assertively not giving her a chance to object. Even as she said it was causal the fact that it was continuous had me on edge. I don't care what Jamie did before I met her, I'm not going to be hypocritical and say she should be a virgin but she should have kept it to a one night stand. Yet I didn't truly believe that either because in the long run at least she gave herself to only one man before me instead of multiple ones. "You are mine" I spoke confidently like such a cliché as I gripped her face in my hands forcing our eyes to meet. Her head nodded as she agreed with my demand.
"I only want to be yours" she assured me.
* *
Nate and I sat in the car as he drove me to school luckily it was only a twenty minute ride but I still felt bad that he had to take me. He had responsibilities in the pack and instead of helping him I'm just pulling him away from them. Even though Nate said he didn't mind I knew he would over time. "I want to go see Trent later" I spoke up lowly after much thought causing his hand to instantly squeeze mine as they laid together on top of the shifter.
"For?" He asked politely not immediately shooting the idea down like I thought he would. I glanced at him quickly my eyes flickering over his tight jaw that was covered in day old stubble which I adored to be honest.
"I feel bad for what I said to him about not finding his mate yet, I was wrong" I admitted as he nodded agreeing with me that I was out of line.
"Okay when I pick you up later we will go" Nate planned as I smiled widely loving the softer side of him that was becoming his more regular side. "You're going to talk to Austin, right?" He questioned as he pulled his car into the parking lot instantly catching the eyes of the humans who were checking out the ride and the wolves who could smell the presence of an Alpha.
"I'm sure Heather has told him by now" I assured Nate not wanting him to worry as I visibly relaxed, resting my body back against the leather seat briefly just wanting to look at him for a moment before having to leave. "Six hours is too long" I murmured letting out a small sigh as I thought of how long I would be away from him.
"You won't even miss me" he predicted letting out a sexy chuckle as his turquoise eyes held mine attentively and his upper body leaned over the console, his minty breath fanning my face. "In fact I bet you can't wait to tell all of your friends about your super hot Alpha boyfriend" he teased wagging his eyebrows, using a girly voice as his lips twitched up in a conceited manner which made my cheeks redden instantly. Did I seem like one of those girls? The gossiping type? Well I guess everyone is to an extent.
"Someone is cocky" I giggled turning my body slightly in the seat so I could face him better. My statement only made his lips stretch wider showing off his perfect billboard teeth which in turn made butterflies attack my stomach.
"I think I have a reason to be" he scooted closer having his lips hover right above mine "haven't you seen my Luna? I won the mate lottery and have every right to be confident" he whispered his plump lips taunting me as they parted and his tongue darted out gliding against both of his lips in one fell swoop.
My eyes were now glued to his mouth as I contemplated smashing mine into it or exiting the car like a good girl but no one likes a good girl, right? Without another thought I closed the distance between us roughly pushing my lips against his, the need to feel him dominating my body as he clutched the side of my head holding me in place as he kissed me back. The blonde hair on Nate's face tickled my chin as I took ahold of his bottom lip in between the two rows of my teeth and pulled back slightly breaking our kiss.
I couldn't control the blush that grew on my face as his eyes turned black as the lust over took him. "Jamie" he groaned huskily as though he was trying to calm himself instead of letting his urges take over. "Come here" he ordered lightly as he used his free hand to grab my face again when I was close enough. His fingers stroked my cheeks as his thumb pushed my jaw upward exposing my neck and the mark he had given me. Casually he moved himself closer now hanging over the center counsel and placing a small peck on the area as if sealing our fate before turning my head to the other side.
The confusion began to take over me but I didn't question Nate as his lips met my skin on the opposite side of my neck. His tongue then traced from my collar bone to my ear lobe making sure to go slowly as my body shook and goosebumps decorated my flesh. His lips concentrated on a certain spot underneath my ear as he began sucking on the delicate skin eagerly causing my head to fall back and a small moan to escape my lips. As he pulled back he noticed my questioning looks, even though I enjoyed the contact I was confused as to why he felt the need to give me a hickie. "My bite tells all the wolves you're taken but that" he pointed to the purple colored oval on my neck "tells the humans you're taken" he reasoned gesturing his head to the side as I rolled my eyes.
"Trust me after a night with you their is no way anyone else could be on my mind" I murmured not meaning to actually confess that out loud. I do not need to make Nate's ego any bigger if that's even possible. "I'm going to go now" I added extending my thumbs and gesturing out of the window.
He smirked as his cheekbones rose up happily. "Have fun Jamie" he teased as I rolled my eyes, school was anything but fun.
"I love you Nate" I admitted sheepishly. Even though it wasn't the first time I had confessed my love to him it was the first time I had stated it without him doing so to begin with. His blue eyes lite up happily as his wolf confirmed my words and a feeling mixed of joy and contentment stretched through his body.
"I love you too" he vowed honestly his features turning pleasant before his gaze darted out of the window behind me. I spun around taking in Lynn's warm smile.
"I want you to meet her" I whispered spinning back to Nate briefly as he nodded in agreement.
'I would love to' his wolf told mine as I reached for the door handle and he did the same. Nate and Lynn had seen each other briefly the day that I left to be with him but they never formally met and it was over due.
"I have heard a lot about you Lynn" he spoke confidently strolling around the front side of the car holding his shoulders back making himself look even bigger then he normally did. Nate extended his hand to her as she grasped his and shook it, her fingers looking tiny up against his large ones.
As he got closer his nose wrinkled up and his eyebrows pulled down as he inhaled deeply catching onto the same scent that I had, Carter. I watched his beautiful pools shift a shade darker as his top lip lifted up and he stifled a snarl. "As I have about you Nate" she chirped back ignoring his actions in the process.
"I want to thank you for what you did for Jamie, disobeying your future Alpha for her happiness was pretty nobel" he recognized leaning back against his car to force some separation, making sure his body was touching mine as he wound his fingers with mine to keep himself under control.
"What are best friends for?" She chuckled repositioning her books so they wouldn't fall through her arms.
I turned slightly to Nate whose eyes were already fixed on me, a mysterious twinkle in them as I caught him staring at me. "I better get going" I whispered holding his intense gaze as he let out a sigh of disdain. Without uttering a word he shifted his body to face me as he clutched the small of my back lifting me slightly as he pulled me into him smashing our bodies together.
Reaching up to the tops of my toes I kissed his lips shortly and lovingly. The interaction was more than a peck as our lips moved but our tongues never joined the party, yet it left us both satisfied.
'I love you' my wolf promised his as he let my body go firmly back on the ground.
"I love you more" he vowed kissing my blushed cheek lightly before pushing my hair behind my ear showing off my new hickie causing a triumphant smirk to grow on his handsome face. I stepped back toward Lynn as he got into his car and began to drive away but not before giving me one last look that made my heart flutter once more.
"Oh, puppy love" she joked linking her arm in mine and tugging me down the corridor though as I spun around I faced all of my peers who were staring between me and at Nate's retreating car. The werewolves were looking at me with admiration about our interaction as well as a few who were confused since they previously saw me with Carter while the female humans were gossiping about how attractive Nate was, perks of being a wolf I could hear their detailed whispers. "He seems nice" she added after a moment of me not saying anything.
"He is" I boosted with a cheesy grin "he's great" I vowed not realizing my rambling mouth as I blurted out every detail of meeting his pack and how compassionate he was with Annabelle though Lynn didn't seem to mind as she took in all the new information about Paquete de Luna de Sangre.
"He's hot and good with kids?" She questioned with fake shock "what a winner!"
Though even through all the playfulness my mind kept going back to Trent and the awkward encounter we had last night. "Trent came over last night" I muttered out staring at the ground as I bit my lip anxiously. Lynn nodded her head letting me know she already knew that.
"Wyatt told him not to go but he was worried about you" she stated the same thing my brother had the night prior. Why was everyone so worried about me? What happened with Nate was in the past and besides I pushed him to that point, I egged him on practically begging him to come after me. Things were different now though, we didn't have tension between us like we did when I wanted Carter, our relationship was flawless. "He wasn't happy when he got back Jamie, what happened?"
"He wanted me to come back with him, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave Nate like that, he's my mate. I don't know it was weird it was like he was saying 'it's us or him' without actually saying it" I confessed letting out an exaggerated sigh for finally being able to get that off my chest. Of course, Nate was willing to talk about what happened to my brother but I still felt like there was something I didn't know, some piece of the puzzle that I was missing.
"I don't think he meant it on his behalf" Lynn began and even though she said "think" I knew she meant she was positive he didn't mean it. My old pack was very open so there were no guessing games, everyone knew how everyone felt all the time. "It's just..." Her brown orbs darted around the hallway nervously as though she was debating on whether or not to say what she was thinking. "Nate doesn't seem like the friendliest of guys, in fact, he seems possessive so I don't think he will be willing to let you keep ties with La Meute de La Lune Bleue knowing we don't like him."
"How can you say you don't like him when you don't even know him?" I spat defensively my wolf becoming enraged that my 'best friend' who was the one to help me get with Nate was now changing her stance. Did my happiness not matter to anyone?!
"Calm down Jamie" she instructed touching my forearm lightly as my chest began to rise and fall my wolf threatening to change. "I just mean that the things we all know about him aren't generous deeds. He marked you against your will and then attacked you when you didn't cooperate not to mention leading Heather on" she rambled protecting her feelings as well as the packs. Though the mentioning of Heather sent me over the edge.
"Oh but you like Carter and he's just as bad! He disobeyed the golden rule of his pack and then lied to me about it! Nate is just the easy enemy and you just don't have a mind of your own!" I yelled my strong voice echoing through the hallway as she bowed her head as I took my authoritative tone into effect.
"I'm not trying to disrespect you Jamie" yeah right "you've always been my best friend and now you are a Luna so I understand I need to tread lightly but I'm just saying look at everything from an outsider view."
"Exactly you guys are outsiders, you don't know him or what he's been through yet you feel you have the right to judge him?" I continued to attack her aggressively as I pulled my arm back from her. My wolf in protective mode as she stirred around angrily. Why was Lynn acting like this? What made her change her mind about Nate? About my choice?
"You're right I don't have the right to judge him but I'm just observing how he acts with you. I see the giant hickie he gave you and I'm ninety percent sure it's so everyone is clear you're off limits. What does that tell you, Jamie? That he is controlling you" Lynn argued persistently crossing her arms over his chest as if telling me she wasn't backing down.
"You're wrong" I assured her not needing to hear anymore as I began to walk past her though she wasn't finished.
"Nate is the predator and Carter is his prey but he's using you to be his personal leech to suck the life from Carter" she vowed clasping her hands together and bringing them to her mouth as though praying I would relate to her and turn my back on Nate. Instead, I rammed my shoulder into hers and past her forcing my wolf to stand down though she wanted to protect what was hers.
But one thing was now clear no one would understand my relationship with Nate and no matter how much I wanted my family and friends to accept him they would never look at him as anything but a monster.
Oh hi, there you gorgeous thing! ;) haha! I hope you all are well! So how are you feeling about good old Nate these days? Do you think Lynn is right and Nate is still just after Carter? How about Austin being related to Heather?! Talk about awkward. O_o
Once again thank you for your support and please light up that star and ! I you guys!
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