《Wrongfully His》Chapter 12
The song for this chapter is "" by Nickleback a video is attached.
This chapter is dedicated to
"It's not nearly as extravagant as your room" I chuckled as I finished showing Carter my feminine purple bedroom. I spun back toward him, biting my bottom lip as I waited for his approval. Mine differed so much from his. His was destined perfectly for a two whereas mine was set up solely as a girls' room.
"Or as neat" he laughed jokingly, picking up one of the multiple dresses that were scattered on my bed in the process. His eyebrows arched as he took in the small amount of fabric that decorated the suggestive piece of clothing.
I could feel my cheeks blush instantly as I watched him examine dress after dress. "In my defense, I thought I was just going out to a club and coming home I didn't think I would be abducted" I attempted to joke back though just as quickly as I said it, my face turned into an emotionless stare. It was way too soon to be making fun of my encounter with Nate. Actually, it didn't think there would ever be a proper time to joke about it.
His features twisted sadly upon my words making me feel guilty for trying to joke about the situation. "I'm sorry" we both murmured at the same time.
"It's not your fault, Carter" I promised as he stepped closer and engulfed my body, squeezing me tight as if trying to mold our bodies into one. It was as if he felt that he needed to constantly be there for me in order to ensure that he was the only male wolf on my mind.
He snickered into my hair as he sniffed deeply. "It feels so nice to hold you whenever I want" he groaned causing me to let out an overly girly giggle and pull back so I could see his chiseled face and coffee-colored orbs. I lifted myself up on my tiptoes bringing my lips to his without hesitation. It took only a second for Carter to respond as he wrapped his arm around my waist and slowly pushed me back until I was laying on my clothes covered bed. His tongue plunged into my mouth as the need radiated through our wolves.
'You're hurting him' my wolf reminded me of Nate though I could feel his emotions as well I didn't need her telling me. Good, I thought. He should have a taste of his own medicine. I laced my arms around Carter's waist entwining my fingers in his belt loops as I pulled his core harder into mine instantly feeling his member awaken with desire.
Though Carter didn't seem to have the same want as I had at that moment. He pulled his body up as he shifted to the side so he was no longer dominating me. "Why did you kiss Nate?" He pried abruptly.
"W-what?" I stuttered as he stared at me with a blank expression, way to kill the mood, Carter. Using my palms I pushed myself upward until I was in a full sitting position.
"Last night you kissed him- don't even deny it, Jamie, I could feel it hence why I yelled at you this morning" he blurted out of nowhere his features scrunching upon his face while his tone took a jealous turn. It wasn't that his question bothered me it was his accusing tone that rubbed me the wrong way and his assumption that I would even lie to him.
I shook my head briefly as if trying to tell him it wasn't what he thought. "He told me that if I kissed him and felt nothing he would let me go and I could be with you" I gulped realizing how stupid that sounded and how dumb I was so falling for Nate's trick. "I didn't think I would feel anything toward him" I added quietly almost feeling ashamed that I had feelings for a monster like Nathaniel Ryder. Though it wasn't my choice it was nature... And my wolf.
"Oh" Carter chirped almost looking embarrassed by his pointed outburst. "Do you like him?" He questioned with a gulp as he concentrated his eyes on his fingers which were fiddling around with one another like he didn't really want to hear my answer. Even though there was a part of him that already knew.
"It's not me. My wolf feels connected to him after the marking" I explained easily though it wasn't the complete truth.
His neck snapped up so he could look at me fully. His expression was no longer those of an understanding guy, instead, he looked downright pissed. "That's great. I'm glad to know she gave up on us so quickly" he shrilled as if it was my fault. Honestly, I couldn't blame him for feeling betrayed by his wolf's chosen mate but he was punishing me for her loyalty or lack of depending on how you look at it. In fact, I hated what Nate had done to me. "I'm sorry" he sighed grabbing my thigh and applying slight pressure in an attempt to comfort me though him doing so just felt wrong.
"I get it" I nodded turning my body to the side to face him as my knees brushed against his chest. "She might feel connected to him but she will come to her senses" I vowed though I wasn't sure she would- or could.
Carter flashed him a slight weak smile his pearly whites almost glowing as he pecked my lips again. It was time to face the facts...this would not be easy. "You can't just bust in there!" Wyatt exclaimed from the distance "they could be... You know busy" he added as I heard two steps of feet trotting closer.
I shifted closer to Carter nervous that Nate was outside the door though I knew neither Wyatt nor Trent would allow him on the land let alone in my house. However, that didn't ease my mind or put an end to the erratic thoughts filling my brain. Carter's arm wrapped over my waist protectively as he leaned up hovering near me ready to attack if necessary clearly having the same thoughts I had.
My bedroom door swung open revealing Lynn having a worried look on her face as her dark eyes met mine. She ignored Carter's presence completely as she ran to my bed and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you so much" she squealed as her warm tears strolled down my bare shoulders as her sepia colored cheek smushed against it. "I was so worried" she added as tears of my own formed
"I'm sorry," I told her as she pulled back and examined the wound on my nose without trying to hide the fact that she was doing so. I knew it looked bad, hell I couldn't even stand to look in the mirror but as her eyes widened dramatically it made me feel self-conscious.
As if catching on she decided to change the subject "I'm Lynn" she stated turning her attention to the hunk on my bed. She extended her hand to him as he did the same, slowly they shook hands in an awkward way.
"Carter" he replied his voice deep and confident. Lynn smirked slightly and before she could make some snarky perverted comment Wyatt chimed in.
"Why don't us guys go talk downstairs?" He offered peering over Lynn's shoulder to see Carter. "My dad and I have some things we want to talk to you about involving you joining the pack" he added as Carter shifted to get up but not before kissing my lips lightly and lovingly. He seemed to have an extra pep in his step, enjoying the thought of becoming a member of my pack. Leaving Nate and that mess as a thing of the past.
"He's joining?" Lynn shrieked as soon as the guys were gone and the door was shut. I could hear the shock in her voice followed by a small glimmer of excitement. I shrugged my shoulders unsure of what was really going down with Carter and Nate. Though I thought I wanted nothing more than for Carter to break all ties with Paquete de Luna de Sangre I felt bad that Nate would be deserted. Even as I thought that I knew it was crazy. "I want all the details" my best friend chuckled as she scooted my body so there was room for her on my bed as well.
Here goes nothing.
* *
"The thing is Carter" Trent sighed after a couple of minutes of him, his father, Wyatt, and their Alpha expressing their concerns about me leaving my lifelong pack.
"Is Nate going to lash out?" Jamie's dad stepped in asking the question everyone wanted to know including their current leader.
I sighed lightly as I looked around at the men who were all focused on me intently acting as if I was the one on trial. "Believe it or not I don't think Nate actually wanted to hurt Jamie" I stated as they all looked at me with dumbfounded expressions.
"He wrongfully marked her, held her captive, and then attacked her" Wyatt spat harshly as Trent's face tightened with anger as he thought of what my own Alpha did to his sister.
"I know trust me I hate him for that, more then you guys will ever know. My point is now that Nate has time to reflect I don't think he will attack. His problem is that he gets so frustrated and he doesn't take time to fully analyze the situation that's when he flies off the handle. Besides no one in the pack will back him up if he tried so if I'm wrong about him the only person we will have to fight is Nate" I rambled barely pausing to breathe as I choked it all out. I knew they all understood when the four of them nodded their heads in perfect unison.
"I can't offer you a Beta position as you have now" the current Alpha informed me honestly as I bowed my head back immediately. I didn't expect a high ranking position or even a placement in the pack, to begin with, to be honest.
"I don't care about ranking hell even if I'm an Omega it will be worth it just so I can be with Jamie" I promised as Trent smiled brightly, pleased with my answer. Though, I was secretly hoping I wouldn't become the packs punching bag.
"So how was the man talk?" Jamie questioned when we were back alone in her room. Even though I thought it was dumb for her to barricade herself in her bedroom she was set on staying hidden until her face healed. Everyone was aware of what happened, the entire situation from Nate's mark to his attack yet she wanted to pretend like the entire ordeal never happened.
"It was good and how was girl time?" I chuckled peering around to see that her room was picked up now.
"Oh, you know the typical girl time talking about boys and makeup" she played along sporting a genuine smile that was becoming rarer to see. Her happiness caused a wide grin to stretch across my lips as I gawked on how perfect she was. Everything about her was truly adorable.
"I like your hello kitty pajamas" I complimented changing the subject as my eyes drifted down her body. Within a second a deep red color stained her cheeks. She looked adorable when she was embarrassed.
"They're my favorite" she admitted tugging nervously on the pink strings that dangled on her fluffy sweatpants.
I couldn't control my urges as I stepped closer to her and picked up her hands. Her warm skin was teasing as it meshed with mine ."For the record they make your butt look amazing" I purred lowly my lips brushing against the top of her ear. Now not only were her cheeks stained with embarrassment but her entire face took on a similar shade.
"Carter, " she whispered as I buried my head into her neck just taking in her scent that was unfortunately mixed with Nate's. "What happened with Heather?" She asked causing me to gulp deeply. "I know what you told me but I also know Nate's version too..." She trailed awkwardly. "Did you sleep with her?"
Shit. Nate can never keep his mouth shut. I pulled back from the warm nook and looked into her questioning blue eyes as they begged me to tell her he was lying, unfortunately, he wasn't. "I did" I murmured honestly as she gasped not expecting my response. "I didn't know she was his mate Jamie you have to understand" I exclaimed tugging her wrist as he attempted to step away from me.
"You guys had a pact!" She shrieked quickly jumping to defend Nate. "My pack has the same rule but we don't break it!" Jamie emphasized loudly. I could feel my wolf growing annoyed with her as she chose to protect Nate again, after all, he had done to her!
"If I had any idea that she was his mate do you think I would have slept with her?" I retorted easily and truthfully. The last thing that I would ever want was to lose my mate because of this. Or even hurt Nate for that matter. Had I know who Heather Clark was I would have steered clear.
"It's not just that Carter you lied to me. You told me Nate met her too soon after his dad died and he couldn't handle it" she reasoned and I couldn't lie again to get out of it. When I concocted that story I just didn't want Jamie to think any less of me before truly getting to know me. I planned on being honest with my mate when I met her. However, I never would have thought I would have to compete with my Alpha for her heart.
"I'm sorry" I echoed throughout the room, pulling her as close as I could before she stopped me. "I just didn't know what to say" I explained as she rocked her head from side to side as if trying to shut me out.
"I just can't believe you lied to me" Jamie whispered as I felt the betrayal run through her body. "I'll talk to you in the morning" she whispered as she leaned up to kiss my cheek lightly before dismissing any further conversation. I opened my hands letting my hold on her loosen as she pulled herself out.
She scurried into bed making sure to face the wall so she didn't have to see me. "Jamie" I whimpered after a moment of silence. I can't let her go to bed angry at me. I needed her to understand that sleeping with Heather wasn't malicious, not like what Nate had done to me. I kneeled on the bed, tugging on her ribcage to force her to face me. "Do you believe me that I didn't know they were mates?"
Her cold eyes glanced into mine as she shrugged unsure of what do believe. Or better yet who. "I believe you but if you would have just controlled yourself none of this would have happened" she informed me harshly in a low voice that filled with disappointment. I could feel my heart drop as her words set in.
I knew when she said 'none of this' she was referring to her being marked and attacked. After Nate's confession, she blamed me for it all. I couldn't help but feel she was right. If I would have just controlled my lust for Heather she would be safe. But, I can't take all the blame. Yes, I made a mistake but what about Nate? What he did was very well thought out and out of pure spite.
* *
"What's going on with Carter?" Brody asked me as I stood in the kitchen waiting for our dinner to be done cooking. Carter. I sneered lowly to myself. Everything is about Carter.
I rolled my eyes harshly at his question. "You should know, he's your son" I shot back rudely. Though I knew Brody didn't deserve my anger or disrespect feeling Jamie and Carter kissing and touching had me on edge. I didn't expect to become so invested in Jamie after marking her. But, I couldn't help it. I didn't want her kissing Carter, or hugging him, or talking to him for that matter. I wanted her all to myself.
"I heard you let Jamie go" he whispered hoping to continue the conversation by coming with a different approach. The thought alone of letting Jamie go and the possibility that I may never see her again had my wolf howling with disappointment. This wasn't Heather, I couldn't just push her out of the door and pretend she doesn't exist. I actually bonded with Jamie. We talked, we kissed, I marked her... Upon seeing Heather I denied her, not allowing a deeper connection to take place. Unless Carter and Jamie consummate their relationship I will be connected with her and even then she will always have my wolf's heart.
"What's your point?" I growled after shaking my head to dismiss the disturbing images of them getting cozy in the sheets. I jerked up forcing my body up from the counter as he stepped backward realizing he had awoken the beast inside of me. His bushy brows pulled together over his nose as he stared at me trying to figure out where my thoughts were and just how far I would go to get what I wanted.
Honestly, I felt bad for being rude to Brody regardless of the fact that his son was a no-good piece of shit he had always been there for me. After my mother left he became that father figure that I so desperately needed while his wife took on the mother role. If it wasn't for him training me the proper way to take on the Alpha position, I never would have made it to this point. If I would have tried to take on this position years ago, only having the opinion of my father to go on, this pack would be a mess.
Being that I was so young when my father died, Brody could have taken over as the rightful Beta. However, he chose to only run the pack for a short time while teaching me the way my father should have. Running the pack became my life that was until Carter fucked up and my plan for revenge began derailing all of Brody's teachings.
"Is Carter leaving to be with her?" He asked point blank breaking me from my racing mind of how I got here with all this power. My body began to tremble as my knees grew weak at the thought. If Carter fully left the pack then his relationship with Jamie would progress, and I didn't want that.
"How should I know?" I groaned becoming increasingly annoyed with his gamesmanship of twenty questions. Angrily I sidestepped him and rammed my fist directly into the drywall in the hallway the thought of Carter always getting what he wanted burning in my brain. A dust-like powder filled the entryway as I pulled my hand out of the wall ignoring the throbbing pain in my hand and bloody knuckles.
Maybe Carter was right and I was a danger to everyone around me? I knew Jamie was better off without me but that didn't help the burning desire in the pit of my stomach to go to her and plead my case.
So whatcha thinking about the whole dynamic with Carter leaving the pack and how Nate is handling it?
Please don't forget to !
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