《Last Girl》Chapter 15


The whole notion of running away was completely preposterous! It seemed as if my chances of escape were slim. Considering my gender, status, wealth and lineage, there was no way my disappearance would go undetected!

But alas, I was foolishly on board with this plan. I didn't care where I would end up. All I cared about was who would be by my side. And that individual was Haruto.

"On Thursday night we will escape. Everyone will be too preoccupied with drinking to celebrate your marriage. The coast should be clear"

It seemed simple. simple. If anyone were to catch us, I would put my bets on Sanada-san. He seemed to lurk around the corners at the most inconvenient of times. How can Haruto possibly assure me that we would not have a run-in with him?

Call it stupidity, but I didn't press Haruto any further about the matter. I didn't want to risk him getting cold feet. So, I blindly accepted the plan. I can safely say that was poor judgement on my end. By the time Wednesday rolled around, the cogs of chaos were already being set into motion.

"Is the plan to tell or not to tell her Father?" Sanada-san suddenly asked.

We were both taken aback. I guess we expected Sanada-san to maintain a professional relationship with us within the bounds of the classroom.

The lump in my throat prevented me from replying. Even if I wanted to, what should I say? I feel like whatever I do say will be taken and used as ammunition against me.

"What are you talking about?" Haruto sternly asked Sanada-san.

"Let's not beat around the bush. You two aren't exactly subtle. I know you both want to be together. But you can't, because of her engagement. That's why you were looking for a loophole."

I can't say I was surprised. It seemed very likely that he was aware that we were conspiring together. He even lent us a hand.

"I would advise you to discuss such matters with her Father. He wouldn't take too kindly with you proposing marriage to her, behind his back."

"We don't need your meddling." Haruto barked back.

Curling his lips frustratedly, Sanada-san's eyebrow started to twitch. "I was trying to save you the hardship, but I guess that's out of the question now. Either you tell him, or I will."

Why is he so adamant about sabotaging my life!

"Go on. Try to prove there is something more. I've been here longer than you have. My word against yours is stronger."

And like that, Haruto stood up from the table and violently slammed the chair in. I was surprised that he was going to leave mid-lesson, but it was warranted.


"Let's leave Miss." Haruto grabbed my hand to drag me out, alongside him. I had no qualms with doing such, but was it really okay to ignore Sanada-san's threat?

When we returned to my room, I was thankful to finally be at ease. As I was about to embrace Haruto, I was quickly taken aback as I felt myself being pulled away.


Ah. I guess I was lucky, in that I didn't pull any romantic gestures on Haruto just yet.

"I was just escorting her."

"You don't need to. I don't wish to see you ever lay a finger on her again. You're dismissed."

I am standing right here. What right did Kaoru have in ordering Haruto around? He wasn't my husband just yet. He holds no power over anyone else. Haruto who was also aware of this was contemplating what to do. Adhere to Kaoru's orders, or stand his ground?

Disappointingly, Haruto made no protests against Kaoru. It may have not been what I wanted, but I suppose it was a wise decision.

Being left alone with Kaoru made me feel anxious. I wasn't prepared for any stunts he might pull. I just wanted to be away from him right now.

Spinning me around to face him, he grabbed my hands and pulled me in closer towards his body. "I've missed you." He cooed.

It's been a day! Kaoru has been so insistent on seeing me every day leading up toward the wedding, that I haven't been able to have a single breather day.

"Surely it's a bit excessive to be making daily visits like this. We will be living together after the ceremony. So why not use this time to make other preparations?" I tried to reason with him.

Kaoru raised his eyebrow in disbelief, before shaking his head in dismissal. "But I cannot bear to be apart from you. Every day is miserable without you."

Kaoru stroked my face before leaning in for a kiss. Quickly catching onto what he was trying to do, I ducked my head.

"Call me old-fashioned but I still believe in superstitions. So maybe you should avoid coming here tomorrow. They say it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding."

"But that's usually when speaking about the day of the wedding?"

"Well, I just don't want to jinx anything. Besides, I have a lot of last-minute preparations to make. Like right in this moment. I have stuff to do as we speak."

Making haste, I gently push Kaoru out the door to close it behind him. I thought he was gone, but I didn't notice him stopping the door from completely shutting with his foot. If I had known he was watching, I wouldn't have started packing my bags immediately.


That was my biggest mistake. Kaoru's mind started running wild thinking of how I was planning to run away.

By the time the clock struck midnight on Thursday, the cogs started to shift again. It was time to embark. Haruto would be waiting in the foyer. He had previously informed me that all of my Father's guests were either asleep or drunk in the dining hall. They wouldn't be able to hear us.

Carrying my heavy backpack, I made my way down the corridor. Freedom was near in sight. Just as I was about to turn down the staircase, someone from the shadows grabbed me. They muffled my mouth with their hand and held a tight grip on me.

"Where do you think you're going? ."

I tried to scream but only an inaudible grumble could be heard. It was no use. No matter how much I tried to squirm, he wouldn't let go.

"I knew it, he was right! He told me you and that rodent were planning something!"

Sanada-san? Sanada-san told him? ... of course he did. He probably did it in retaliation too.

"Like I told him, I'll take matters into my own hands. With or without your Father's approval."

With that bone-chilling remark of his, I felt something cold and sharp pressed up against my leg. Looking down I saw that Kaoru had an axe in his hand. And might I just add how sturdy and dangerous it looked. There was no doubt in my mind that Kaoru intended to dispose of anything that stood in his way.

My mind was running rampant about what I should do. I needed to come up with a quick idea if I wanted to make it out of this alive. But I couldn't. Instead, I closed my eyes in defeat.


Huh? That familiar voice has returned. But it's helping me this time? I decided not to question it. Instead, I took its advice and forcefully crashed my heel down into Kaoru's foot and elbowed him in the face.

The quick velocity of my actions temporarily stunned him. He tumbled back against the wall and cupped his nose while groaning in pain. I didn't stay long enough to face his anger. Seeing what little time I had left for this small window of opportunity, I bolted down the stairs.

Haruto was tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for me to finally arrive. He was distressed upon seeing me in such a feral state. It didn't take him long to understand what was going on. Kaoru staggered down the stairs soon after me.

Not wasting any more time, Haruto grabbed me and ran inside the first room we saw and proceeded to lock the door.

"ARE YOU OKAY? DID HE HURT YOU?" Haruto asked in a panicked voice.

I shook my head as I gasped and tried to catch my breath. Soon after, a loud and violent thumping could be heard against the door.



The insistent banging temporarily stopped. Not even for a second did I believe that Kaoru would just give up like that. And so, my gut feeling was right, when no more than a few seconds later, the sound of chopping could be heard.


Almost demonically, Kaoru started screaming. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU! I HATE YOU! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!"

I covered my ears and shut my eyes. I just wanted to be away from here. I wanted to be somewhere far away and safe!

Haruto started slamming his body against one of the locked windows trying to break the glass. I just prayed that he was quicker than Kaoru with his axe.

The door was deteriorating at a worrying rate. Slowly opening my eyes once more, I could see a portion of Kaoru's eyes peeking out behind the door.

He looked as if he was about to burst into tears as his movements started to slow down.

"I... I... I just love you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me, Aiko. I don't want to be alone again."

For a second, I was brought back to a happier time. The Kaoru before me resembled the boy I used to know. He was fragile and over-emotional, but he would always mean well. I know I shouldn't, but a part of me was feeling sympathetic towards him.

I almost leaned forward to take a hold of his hand and comfort him. Reassure him and apologize for my distant behaviour. But I couldn't. I knew that if I stayed and apologized, I would never get out. I would be eternally stuck in this prison.

My only chance of freedom and true love existed with Haruto. By the time the glass finally shattered, I turned around to face Haruto before giving Kaoru a sorrowful farewell smile.

I can't be with you Kaoru. I don't want to lose my wings forever. I need to fly.

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