《Last Girl》Chapter 1


I woke up only to discover that I had died. This body that I found myself in, was not my own. Rather it belonged to Aiko Uchida. A young girl who was the daughter of a wealthy neurosurgeon.

Rubbing my eyes, I tried to discern my current whereabouts. Satin sheets and a crystal chandelier. This certainly was not my bedroom. Back home, my living situation was completely different.

It was just your typical middle-class family. Nothing eventful ever happened. Unless you count how I was murdered. To be fair, I deserved to face repercussions for my actions. It's only natural that his wife would have a vendetta against me. But murder? In my opinion, she took it way too far by doing that. I think it was unwise for a grown woman to throw her whole life away for some dumb and naïve teenage girl.

In hindsight, it was probably unwise of me to have an affair with my teacher. At the time I didn't know any better. He was suave and attractive, while I was just a naïve high schooler who got taken advantage of. I was such an idiot to believe he truly loved me. I didn't even know he had a wife until she angrily stood there before me with her kitchen knife.

Now it seems like the universe has given me a second chance for redemption. A clean slate to turn over a new leaf. I was fortuitous enough to be given this golden opportunity. You could say it was almost too good to be true. And you would be right in saying that.

In my previous world, I felt like everyone was against me. Although, I suppose you could apply that same logic to this world too. Everyone truly is against me here. The odds of my survival are slim to none.


My memory was still quite hazy, but it didn't take long for me to recall the reasons for why I felt so isolated. The answer to my sneaking suspicions of impending futility? Well, that's simple. It's because this is a world where females are scarce.

It was a conundrum to me as to why the universe felt the need to play this wicked trick on me. Was it truly necessary for me to be reincarnated into the body of what could only be considered a species verging on extinction? I might as well be nothing more than an endangered animal on display in a zoo!

I lifted myself from my bed and proceeded to draw the curtains open. The natural lighting brought warmth to my rather pale complexion. With the beams of sunlight directly hitting my black cherry waves, I was reminded of the stark contrast between who I once was and who I am now. gaudy girl has now formally died. And all that remains is this delicate flower. If I'm not careful, this body will easily wither in this world.

Outside was a skyline of monstrous buildings. This did come across as a shock since I was previously more familiar with the suburban lifestyle. Looking downwards, I was met with a sense of vertigo. Being this high-up caused a wave of uneasiness to arouse inside me. I truly was not one to take kindly to heights.

I rubbed my thumbs over my temples like a magic lamp, hoping for three wishes. If I could make a wish right now, I'd wish to reverse time and prevent myself from engaging in that perilous liaison.

I swooped my bangs out of my face and released a disheartened sigh. Why must I be reincarnated into a dystopia? In this world, there's no way I can survive on my own. After all, the men here have become somewhat more barbaric. You could say they have regressed to their more primitive instincts.


From the dawn of time, people have always wanted power. Those who had food, water and shelter always triumphed. You can now include Women in that list of power too. Aside from that one new addition, this world isn't all that different from my previous one, is it? The principles of power remain more or less the same, but the location itself resembles a fusion of fantasy and urban modernity.

No matter how aesthetically appealing this world looks, it still does not acquit the tubulous social pressures there are here. The government has decreed that all women in this world must marry at least five men by the time they reach eighteen years of age. If you don't? Well, refusal is simply unacceptable. You must conform to societal expectations here.

If you don't marry on your own accord, you will be forcibly wed to whoever the government chooses for you. It's better to choose someone out of your own volition. If you don't, then there's a high chance that you will be wed to some affluent man who's well past their prime. I see that not much has changed in terms of greed either. As long as you have money, you can just about buy anything in life.

Considering I just turned seventeen a week ago, I still have some time left to get married before the state intervenes. The clock is slowly but surely ticking. Sooner or later, I'll have to give up my chastity yet again...

I don't wish to get married for the sake of convenience. But with my hands tied together, it looks like I have very little say in the matter. If worse comes to worst, I'll take matters into my own hands. I Aiko Uchida, vow to find my own husbands! Now it just begs the question, how do I begin with such a feat?

As I pondered what to do while looking out the window, the sound of the door opening could be heard.

Hastily, I turned around to face the individual in question.

"Miss? Will you be ready soon?"

Ready? I wasn't sure what he meant by ready. I looked down at myself to only realize I was still wearing my pink baby-doll dress. Instantly my face reddened. How could I possibly conduct myself like this in front of-


I couldn't remember who the man was. A butler? No. He wasn't wearing any butler attire. A family member? No way. My father was the only other family member in my household that I was aware of.

"Miss? Are you alright?"

As the young man stepped closer in concern, I was able to make out his features. Those cold icy eyes full of worry and smooth black hair were all so familiar.

How could I possibly forget his name? I practically grew up alongside him. If anything, my memories of him should have been the first thing to come back to me.

I wanted to beat myself up. How could I possibly forget the face of Haruto Kurosawa, my personal bodyguard.

"Hello? Miss?"


Haruto's face was dangerously close to mine. It was as if he never heard of personal boundaries before! Not knowing how to react, I ended up blundering and make a fool out of myself.


It's likely that I'll die from embarrassment. So, I wonder if I can try my luck and transmigrate a second time?

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