《reborn in the beast world》Ch7: meeting Curtis


To leave the house, i choose to wear a revealing top so that Winston mark can be seen.

I can see the shocked and jealous expressions of my brothers and the other males around. But who cares today I'm going to meet my third baby, Curtis, well I hope he lives already in the same cave before two years.

In the novel, it's said that the heroine fall in his cave while walking in the east side of the village.

I tried my best to separate from my brothers, while Winston is still hunting, and run to the east direction, it didn't took long for me to find a big hole and a cave inside it , when I went down I finally found the snake fabric and it was really beautiful and confortable to the touch, I liked it from the moment I touched it. So I hugged the fabrics and looked around to search for my baby. It didn't took a while when I heard a hissing sound out of the cave and a handsome man with red hair and bloody snake eyes come to my sight.

He looked at me surprised by my beauty and my reaction to seeing him (not afraid of him), than he looked at the fabric in my arm and smirked.

Oh god, this is so evil, my heart, why do you smile like that.

It didn't long for him to wrap his tail around my waist and to approach me to his face.

« I see that you like my shedding skin"

"Umm" I was so frustrated by being close to him (he is so fucking handsome)

"Good you are mine now"

"Ohhh you want to be my mate , okay you'll be my third one then"

"Third?" He questioned angry "well I saw this mark on your chest, but I don't see a second one" he said while glaring at the mark on my chest .


"Well if I kill him i will be your only partner"he murmured

Oh god, he's so possessive .I started to get scared in here .

"Well , you known that snake hibernate in winter so you're not thinking of let me be alone in that dangerous time"

He just hissed and looked extremely sad.

"Well anyway if you want to become my third mate, you can come with me, I promise to love you " I said as I gave a kiss on the cheek

He just stiffened because of my physical approach than smiled.

"Of course I will become your mate" he said hugging my waist harder.

"We should leave, my mate and my brothers will come searching for us in no time."

He just picked and run toward the village.

It wasn't surprisingly that the males in the village refused to let him in and even thought that he kidnapped me.

"No he's going to be my mate so he will be coming with me"I said as I walked toward the entrance.

As soon as I spoke, I felt a tight hug around my waist.

"Don't do it again, don't leave without telling me "Winston said while rubbing his head on my cheeks

"I'm sorry, I got bored so I went to see around the village and I saw his shedding skin in a cave and accepted him as my mate. Curtis, this is my first husband Winston, I hope you got along" I said while pulling Curtis toward us.

I did feel a little bit guilty for Winston, but in this world every female has to have at least 5 males to be protected. Even if I was strong enough with the spring and from the marital exercices that I learned in the study.(and there is nothing stopping me from creating my own harem hahahaha)


Winston just give Curtis a nod and returned to the house with me in his arms. There is already Harvey inside because I called him to get used to each other.

We are leaving in two days, so I got to learn that stupid brother of mine how to treat a female so our heroine doesn't suffer.

"The bed should be soft so she can sleep well , put all this furs in a good way, I already taught you how to cook normal meals, this clothes are for her to wear, this is for her heat and don't rush her to mate with you"

"Okay sister, why am I always the only one that you keeps nagging on?"

because you're stupid and made our dear stupid heroine suffer, I said in my heart

"I don't really think I would find a decent female comparing to you anyway, so you're just teaching me something useless"

I hit the back of his head. "whether you will find a female or not that is your problem not mine so just learn to not let my sister-in-law suffer"

"You are always harsh to me hmph" he said while gritting his teeth

"Well this sister is only helping you to seduce your female in the future, while being harsh on you, I'm learning you good thing" I said while patting his back

Well this sister is helping you even to have your female all by yourself by tacking all her other mates.

He just grinds , turn into a leopard and rubbed my head, so I just patted his head like always.

He does this all the time.

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