《Just A Human》Questioning


(Context: After Josh was put in the jar Oliver turned back into a human and they started to ask questions)

I walked over to Josh "Why the f*ck would you do that sh*t to us!?" I yelled "Humans are meant to be toys! I was using you for your only purpose!" he yelled "Oh really," I looked over towards and smiled. I then jumped off the counter, and turned into a giant. I grabbed Josh and started playing with him like a toy, I then swung him around a lot. "Please, have mercy!" Josh yelled "See, it's not fun when it's being done to you!" I set him down on the ground the lifted my foot, he rolled out of the way and I stomped down. I then did it a few more time but not hitting him "Imagine doing this everyday!" I picked him up "Please I'm sorry! I will never harm a human again!" I set him back in the jar and turned back into a human. "I'm not done with you, you have not learned your lesson yet."

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