《Just A Human》Josh...


* After explaining everything* "Oh my god," my mom said. After that we all went home and bought some human things like beds, and other stuff because we had a feeling he would be stuck like this for awhile. He moved into my room which was just a small box.

*The next morning*

"Ahhhhhh!" I got up and saw the door open I went to it looked down and saw Jake lying on a pillow. I jumped down I landed right next to Jake "I forgot to mention since your human now you are subjected to Sam's pranks." I told him "Jesus! you wake up to that every morning!" "Yup, it sucks. But I have gotten used to it.". After that we just sat their talking "It's so weird seeing you at eye level," I told him "Same with you," he replied. "Time to do something extremely risk," I said "What do you mean?" he asked "Well usually you come and carry me over to the main house but since your human we can't do that. So I was thinking we drop the pillow down, then jump." I said "I'm not doing that," he said "Alright stay here," I said I as I jumped down onto the pillow. I sat up then walked towards the kitchen and got mom. She carried Jake over and put us on the table. Jake look very intimated "Don't worry, you get used to it. Remember their your family and they would never hurt you." I told him then we finished breakfast. Because humans are the inferior race stuff for them is very cheap. Like the bed we bought for Jake it was only $10. We needed a way to entertain ourselves so mom bought each of us 1 phone in total it was only $30. Then we lived happily ever after until...


*1 Year Later*

*Knock Knock Knock* I opened the door and didn't see anyone "D-d-down h-h-here," a scared voice said I looked down and saw a human covered in scars and bleeding "P-please h-help,"

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