《Just A Human》His Point of View(Jakes Perspective)


I was the size of a human, I took a minute to just take in the surroundings before running into the hospital. I went to the front desk and they told me he just woke up 5 minutes ago. I walk into the room and see him trying to climb out the window. "What are you doing?" I said "Nothing nurse, I was just getting some fresh a-, Jake?" He ran and hugged me "You've got some explaining to do Matt," "So do you, how are you my size?" "Oh, Josh made me a potion," I told him "Josh as in the guy we went camping with?" he asked "Yeah, is that a problem?" "How long did he say it lasts?" "Only for a day," I told him "Oh sh*t, oh sh*t. Were dead, were so dead." He started pacing around the room. "What's wrong?" "Josh is the one that did this to me he tried to cover it up! There's probably a tracker in it he is gonna come and kill us!" "F*ck" I said "Come with me!" he grabbed my hand and started running to the door. "Evacuate the hospital somethings coming!" Matt yelled at the front desk person. We hid in the bushes.

*A few minutes later*

*Thump* Thump* Thump* "He's here. Ok Jake, I recommend you cover your eyes and ears because your not used to seeing giants from the size of humans." "I can handle it." I said (Spoiler warning: He couldn't handle it) "hwifengfjemf enkgege gee f. Holy sh*t their f*cking terrifying" "That's what I have to deal with every day." Matt said. Josh had started attacking the hospital "Stay here and don't make a sound," Matt said as he sprinted towards the hospital.


*Minutes later*

"Were are you Jake I know you came to visit matt and you a puny human now, *Insert evil laugh here*" Josh said "Ow, WTF!" I looked up and saw Matt attacking Josh with his knife! Josh then collapsed on the floor, then Matt was on his head slicing down with his knife. "Stay there and don't come out until I tell you to!" He shouted, I heard more giant footsteps "Don't scream," Matt said. I then saw who it was.. It was our family, the hospital must have alerted them. "OMG, my baby are you ok?" "I'm fine but, Mom dad Sam, I have something to tell you Jake did something." "What did he do?" my mom asked "You can come out now!" I yelled. I stepped out of the bushes "Hi mom, hi dad, hi Sam" I said in a nervous voice.

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