《Just A Human》Trust(2/2)


I opened my eyes I was alive, but how?! All I knew was I landed on my back and passed out. I sat up and was covered in charcoal I brushed everything off then saw it was day. My guess as to what happened last night is, I fell and bounced of the log and got landed were he couldn't see me. He assumed I had died, I climbed out of the pit and saw the tents gone did they leave without me? "That a**hole probably lied and said he didn't now were I was!". We weren't to far away from home, for them 1 mile for me about 20 miles(Once again do not fact check me on that) So I started walking towards the town. I did not have anything to do so I started talking to myself if I am correct I will be home by 10 PM.

*At 10 PM*

"I'm here! I made it yes!" As I was walking towards the front door, I slid under the door and sprinted to jakes room. I slid under the door and ran over to the bed I was so dehydrated that I couldn't yell so I tried to climb on the bed and some how it worked I tried to wake him up by nudging him but it didn't work so I just punched him using what little energy I had left. Then I passed out...

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