《Just A Human》Day to Day life


"Matt Wake up!" That's what I hear every morning and it shatters my ears. I tiredly walk out of my room and start falling! For me I fall about 30 feet. For them 1 1/2 feet. Thankfully I landed on a pillow safely. Let's Pause for a minute if you didn't read the story description then Hi I am Matt born human in a family of giants. I have 2 brothers one is Jake and he is my age(17) and the other is Sam and he is 7. Sam loves to mess with me. His idea of a prank makes my life flash before my eyes. Like how he moved my room high up and nearly killed me, he just doesn't understand my perspective. Enough about him my brother Jake is a lot better he understands me. He makes sure no one steps on me in school and protects me in other ways. The reason I was born human is because my mom dated a human so I had a chance to be born giant or human and fate decided on me being a human. Jake and I are twins somehow even though we are different races. Then shortly after my dad died and my mom got with one of her old friends. But back to the present. As I land on the pillow I see my little brother in the corner of the room laughing then he ran out of the room. About a minute later my brother walked into the room. He could tell what happened this is no were near the first time "Are you okay," He asked "Yeah I'm fine, I have gotten used to it. At least it wakes me up," I replied. He carries me over to the table and we eat breakfast. Then we go to school and he drops me off at my class. I get out a bit earlier than him so I just walked over to his class but today was different. I just made it to the giant section and I heard something that still scares me "Worthless Human!" Then I felt a massive foot come down on me. I felt and heard my bones cracking then the pressure stopped and I passed out. I wake up in a pitch black room I could hear beeping that sounded like a heart monitor and see myself "Matt welcome to your brain I am your subconscious," He says "What happened to me?" "A giant stepped on you but thankfully before you died Jake saw what was happening and tackled the person killing you," He told me "Where am I?" "We are currently in the hospital. Our brother rushed us here. We are in a coma" I took me a minute to process that I had almost died. I then felt a massive pain in my chest and heard the heart monitor started beeping faster. "Is this where we die?"

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