《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 20 (FINAL CHAPTER)- Something Lost, Something Found. (MIC'S PERSPECTI


"It's... over?" I whispered.

He stood over me, smiling. "It's over. Almost."

He raised the axe. A shiver crept down my spine, but I ignored it. I was going to be at peace soon.

He swung down. Hard. But I realized what danger I was in and dodged the axe at the last second. He swung again, but again, I dodged the axe. I scrambled up from the floor and turned up my volume all the way. And I screamed.

Shock and panic flashed in his gaze, but that turned to cold hatred. "I'm trying to save you!"

I yelled back, "You're trying to kill me!"

I heard footsteps erupt from outside and Taco kicked down the door. She pointed her ray gun at him. Then she froze, shocked.

"Pickle?" she whispered. She took a step back, dropping her gun. I dashed for it and picked it up, hiding Taco behind me. I took her hand and felt it as it shook.

"I was trying to save you, Mic. I really was. You've been caught up in her lies, and it hurts to see you like this. Let me free you," Pickle said, taking a step forward.

I glared at him and aimed the gun at him. "Then why did you kill all those others? Apple? Marsh? Fan? What did they do?"

He stayed silent. "Y'know, I had a plan before this. I wanted to keep you alive, so maybe we could become friends. I'm sorry it had to come to this."

"That didn't answer my question."

"I killed them because I wanted to frame Taco."

I glared and got ready to pull the trigger. To end it all.

"Wait, Mic. Wait."

Taco stepped out from behind me and put her hand on my arm. I lowered the gun.


"I have more questions."

I gestured, allowing her to go. She walked forward and punched Pickle in the face before yelling, "What's wrong with you? Why kill Mic? You could've killed me! I thought we'd become friends! You're still mad over something that happened years ago?!"


He rubbed his face but kept a smile all the same. "I wanted you to feel the same pain I did," he murmured. "All those years ago. You crushed me, and I felt stupid for letting you trick and fool me so easily. I became heartless and, well, numb. Killing those people? I felt not a hint of resentment towards myself. No regrets."

Taco stared at him in disgust before slapping him again. "You're insane."

"Not insane. I prefer.. psychotic." Pickle smiled, and in one swift movement, kicked her leg.

A sickening snap filled the room. I stepped back and Taco screamed. Her leg was broken.

"That's it!" I screamed, and I shot him.

I ended up missing and shooting the wall by his ear. The bullet made a hole and the wood sizzled from the friction. Fury alight in his eyes, he picked up his axe and swung it towards Taco, missing her by an inch. She scooted back and footsteps at the door drew our attention.

Test Tube stood in the doorway, a witness to everything. She had a knife.

Pickle had seemingly been frozen in place. "I.. you're supposed to be.."

Test Tube laughed. "Dead? I can repair myself easy enough, Pickle."

She walked up to him and stared at him coldly before pushing him down. He fell to the ground, still in partial shock. His axe fell beside him. I stared at it and something inside me snapped.

I ran and grabbed the axe, dropping my gun in the process. Pickle looked around wildly, and he saw it. He picked it up.

"You really had the upper hand for a second. Sorry, guys. Drop your weapons, or else I'll shoot her." And he aimed the gun at Taco, still sitting there helplessly.

"No, wait!" I yelled, panic in my voice.

Test Tube caught my eye and gave me a look, then slowly lowered her knife. She nodded at me and I did the same. Pickle smiled and put his finger on the trigger.

"Now, if you don't do as I say, she'll be dead." He looked at me.


I nodded, fighting back tears. "What do you want?"

Test Tube had walked to the corner. I saw a small light illuminating her face and knew what she was doing. I smiled and turned back to Pickle.

"Actually, I had an idea. What if we killed her.. together?"

Taco's eyes flashed with panic and rage. Betrayal shone in them. She looked at me, pleading. The look in my eyes told her what I was doing; dawdling for time. Her gaze flooded with relief, then she quickly looked back at Pickle, now acting fearful.

"Yeah, um, how did you do that so well? F-fool us, I mean?"

He looked at Taco, cold pleasure in his eyes. "Well, it was simple. I'd be the least suspicious, right? You came and talked to me about the murders, about everything. I just had to.. influence your decisions. Influence your mind. I told you about how 'Balloon was a terrible person in II, so he must be getting his revenge' because I knew you were suspecting me. I knew you didn't want to believe it was me. But, sadly, you were right."

He smiled and invited me over. Test Tube was standing in the corner, triumph in her gaze.

"You're dead, Pickle." Ahe laughed and looked to the door. Footsteps were approaching. Lots of them.

Pickle looked to me, then to Test Tube. "Well, then, I might as well get my final revenge," he said, smiling. He aimed the gun at Test Tube.. and..


She fell to the ground. I stared in horror as blood leaked out of her stomach, making a quickly-growing pool of blood. Lightbulb and a lot of other people, like almost all of the hotel, burst in the cabin. Lightbulb looked around, until she saw Test Tube.

People were already detaining Pickle, but I don't think she really cared. She fell to the ground beside Test Tube and screamed. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

Lightbulb was frantically trying to bandage Test Tube up. Test Tube coughed and looked at Lightbulb.

"Hospital," she whispered weakly. Lightbulb picked her up and called an ambulance.

Sirens blared outside about 10 minutes later. Lightbulb had gotten the bleeding to stop, but no one thought she was going to make it.

We could only hope.


Test Tube's voice is heard over the phone.

"Yeah, the nurse was such a jerk about it, she was so condescending. She was like, 'Oh yeah, I'll get you your medication later. Stop worrying about it.' Like, I about died. Show me some respect."

Lightbulb laughs. "Right. See you soon, Tube!"

"See ya."

Lightbulb hangs up the phone and turns to me. "I'm glad.. she survived."

I nod. "So am I."

And she leaves the cabin.

This is the same cabin it happened in. I'm trying to forget it. But no matter how much I try, I can't. His voice, his.. everything.

Taco comes into the cabin and smiles at me. "How are you, love?"

I smile back and sigh. "Fine, I guess. Just trying to forget. The therapy helps."


We sit on the ground and hold each other for a minute. I'm glad it's over.

We held Marsh and Apple's funerals together, to save money. Test Tube tried to convince us that it was because they were best friends, but we all knew the real reason. I smile at that memory.

I take Taco's hand and we walk out of the cabin. I take one last look at the bullet hole, still traumatized by the memory of my only love almost dying.

I'm glad everything turned out all right in the end.

Taco taps my shoulder. "Hey, Mic?" she asks, looking up at me.


"Bend down."

I do as she says and she kisses me.

We stay like that for a minute, relishing the moment. Then she pulls away.

"I love you, Microphone."

I smile at her.

"I love you too."

(A/N: Its over!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! Maybe I'll make a second book.. who knows

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