《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 10- Funeral. (MIC'S PERSPECTIVE)


Me and Taco were dressed in all black. We were getting ready to go to Paintbrush's funeral. I was still shocked that they were gone that easily.

As we walked to the elimination area where it was being held, I looked at the ruins of the hotel. It looked so...charred. So broken. I gripped Taco's hand tighter, scared to think what would have happened if she were in Paintbrush's place.

When we got there, Lightbulb was staring at Paintbrush's casket. Tears were in her eyes. Poor girl...

I felt Taco's hand slip from mine as she walked to their casket. I saw her put a comforting hand on Lightbulb's shoulder, but Lightbulb suddenly snapped.

"You're so fake! Painty's dead! Go on!"

Taco looked hurt. She headed over to me. "Grief.." she murmured. I was glad to see she hadn't taken Lightbulb's rude remark to heart.

I found us a spot in the small crowd and we sat down.

The service started. The first person to make a statement was Test Tube.

"They were truly a good person, and an even better friend. Them being gone will certainly be a change, but I'm sending their spirit off with a lighthearted message." She walked over to the casket and placed her hand on it. "We wish you well, Painty. We hope you will be happy, wherever you are now."

The next person was Fan. "They died to save me. I would have done the same for them. I just..." He teared up. "I'm sorry. I love you, Painty. I wish you wouldn't have saved me. Thank you."

The last person to make a statement was Lightbulb.

"Painty, oh, Painty... They left us too soon." She turned to the casket, balling her fists in anger. "Why'd you have to leave!? I'm still here, y'know! I needed you! You... idiot..-" She broke down at the last sentence and ran through the crowd, knocking down the mic.


Murmurs of astonishment ran through the crowd, followed by silence.

Lightbulb had never acted like this... well, I guess I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. Her best friend had just died.

I noticed Test Tube was gone. Fan just stood in astonishment and shock. Then he pulled out his phone and began to type. He typed for about a minute or so, sighed and shook his head, then put his phone away and walked off.

Taco looked at me. "Maybe we should go now. Let's say goodbye first, though."

We walked over to Paintbrush's casket. "Goodbye," I stuttered awkwardly. I never really knew them, but what I did know was that they were a great person. I sighed and took Taco's hand, but she pulled it away and put it on Paintbrush's casket. "It wasn't your fault," she murmured. "Lightbulb did all she could."

I barely heard it, but I did nonetheless. I casted her a questioning glance before taking her hand once again. She gripped it tightly.

We walked to the Grand Slam's cabin, where a few other people were rooming with us. We got notified that the hotel would be fixed in a month's time.

That's so long, but we can wait.

(A/N: Are you sure about that

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