《I Guess I'll Love You. (BOOK ONE)》CHAPTER 8- Lovebirds! (MIC'S PERSPECTIVE)


I was glad Taco didn't notice I was too badly beat up. Seeing her cradled in my arms, fast asleep, made me smile.

I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. I wondered what it was like in her world?

As I caressed her hair, I thought of how cute she looked. I was so glad I met her. Even if the conditions of meeting her... weren't the best.

I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. Maybe I should take a walk?

I gently sat Taco down into our bed and quietly got out of bed to not disturb her.

I took one last look at her before exiting the apartment.

I looked at the clock at the end of the hallway, it was about 2:40 AM. I thought going up to the roof would be a good idea, so I did!

When I got up there, I heard voices. Curious, I rounded the corner to see Pickle and Knife. I didn't want to be nosy, but I still lingered, just to see what they were talking about.

"I just got so angry... I didn't want to hurt either of them, I swear! I just got so mad seeing Taco get someone when I have no one. And she's just so untrustworthy! I-"

Knife looked at him and sighed. "You can't keep her on the hook forever. That's not fair, Pickle. It's just kind of hypocritical."

"If you came up her just to call me hypocritical then I'm leaving. I thought you being there for the finale of season 1 would make you never forgive her. Guess I was wrong."

I heard shuffling and quickly hid. I heard a door open and slam.

I got out of my hiding place, and heard crying. Knife's crying? I decided to go and comfort him.


"Knife?-" I whispered, rounding the corner to make myself visible. "You okay?"

He snapped his head around to see me, his eyes stained with tears. He quickly wiped them away and put his 'tough guy' front on. "Oh, hey Mic!" He suddenly looked worried. "Did you hear that?"

I nodded. "It looked rough. You doing alright?"

He was trying to hide his face, but I could tell he was trying to keep tears at bay. I went to sit by him.

"I'm glad you think Taco's changing. I know she's a bit strong sometimes, but it's obvious she isn't as she used to be." I put a comforting hand on his back. "Pickle is just being irrational. I'm honestly kind of surprised OJ hasn't kicked him out yet. I guess he understands.

He sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Look, I know that he's just stressed... but that doesn't make up for what he did. Seeing you fight so bravely for Taco relieves me. She needs someone like that. I guess she didn't have that in season 1, so she never learned anything but manipulative nature. Thank you for being there for her."

I studied him seriously. "I get it. When Taco first didn't keep her word in season 2, I hated her. But even I forgave her, now look at us! Although, I guess Pickle had it differently. Taco never really did care for him in the first season, did she?" I shook my head and continued. "She cared for me. And I got used to seeing her around after a while. Pickle, though? He never got a 'sorry'. He never got used to seeing her around. And I get it. I really do. So don't be so hard on yourself if he's acting like this. It's his natural reaction."


I heard laughing behind us and looked. Lightbulb was there.

"Yeah, he's been acting nuts, hasn't he?" she giggled. "But that's not our fault he's not used to Taco. He'd better start gettin' used to her since she's livin' here."

"It's not that easy, Lightbulb. He's not as forgiving as you are."

She pretended to look offended before rolling her eyes and sitting by us.

"I'm not as forgiving as you'd think. I still haven't forgiven Painty for yelling at Fan earlier today!"

Knife rolled his eyes and said, "That was today, though. What about years ago?"

Lightbulb threw her hands in the air. "What, are ya sayin' I shouldn't forgive MePhone for putting me in Idiotic Island for months? 'Cause that was years ago. I still think he's a good pal!"

She huffed and sighed. "I do get it though. Hurting someone like that isn't okay."

I nodded. "You both should go to bed. I know you need it, Knife." I looked at him.

He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Fine. Night, guys!"

I waved and looked at Lightbulb. "Test Tube's probably worried about you. You gotta go back to her."

She nodded and didn't say a word as she waved and headed to the door.

A burst through the door stopped her, and out came Cheesy and Trophy, laughing and taking pictures with Trophy's camera. I'd always wondered about their relationship, so I hid behind a box and they went to sit on a bench. I turned up my gain and looked out to see them.

"Yeah, kinda like that!" Cheesy laughed. "Candle taught me how to do this." He put his hand to the stars, supposedly reading them. Trophy tried to do the same.

Cheesy grabbed his hand and gently fixated it to imitate his own. I heard a lighter start, and after a minute, go back out. A smoke wafted to me, smelling of vanilla.

Incense. They were lighting incense.

I heard Trophy laugh and sigh. "What next, twerp?"

My eyesight was iffy then, but I swear I saw Trophy put his free hand in Cheesy's before quickly coughing and averting his eyes to the rooftop floor.

"You close your eyes and let all your emotions go for a minute. You should see what your lover or person of interest is thinking if you think of them and all their good qualities."

Trophy nervously casted a glance at Cheesy, but did as he instructed.

"Cheesy, why are you thinking of me?" He then gasped and covered his mouth, like he accidentally said something he shouldn't have.

Wait... he was interested in Cheesy?

I stifled a gasp and kept watching.

"Why are you- wait. Me?" Cheesy stuttered, turning his head to look at the blushing mess that was Trophy.

"Shut up! Forget I said that!"

"I didn't know you were gay."

"I'M NOT GAY!!!"

"Really, tough guy? Then why were you tryna get into my thoughts?"

Trophy stood up, blowing the incense out. "I-I gotta go to bed. See you in the morning, n-nerd!" He sprinted to the door, closing it behind him.

Cheesy murmured to himself. "He coulda just said he liked me. I'm glad he feels the same."

He left, and I realized it was turning about 3 AM.


Once I was sure he was gone, I left the roof, chuckling at the new knowledge I had.

Quietly, I opened our apartment door and stepped in.

I stretched and trudged to our bedroom, glad to be home.

When I opened the door, I saw Taco sitting on the bed, drawing.

"Where have you been?" she asked me.

"You'll never believe what I heard..." I started.

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