《Shadow》Part sixteen Patton's perspective


"Alright seriously Logan I really feel like I recognize him." I say once the door shuts behind me. "Patton please don't push this, for me okay?" He seems genuinely worried but I'm not really sure why. "May we just go to bed please?" He asks gently. I nod and lightly grasp his hand to bring him with me because I'll be danged if I don't get Logie snuggles.

I slowly drift into sleep. And come to a familiar scene but this time it's like I'm spectating and nobody can see me. Shadow is here and I feel like I know him, I know Logie told me not to investigate but I have to know. Floating over to Shadow I grasp his mask and lightly pull on it. It comes off so easily and when I see what's under it I drop the mask and it falls down racing past the buildings and hitting the ground. No i-it can't be is that why he was so worried about me investigating. This can't be right, but it makes sense why Logan is so weird about it and why he was able to find Virgil. But who knows what's going on does everybody else. Was this all a plan to stop me and Roman from being able to stop him. I need to get out of here and grab Roman ASAP.

I am so scared I manage to wake myself up and I quietly get out of bed wrapping Logan's arms around a pillow and sneaking out of the room. I tiptoe to Virgil's room where Roman is staying and open the door trying not to make a sound. I love to the bed and tap on Roman's shoulder being careful not to awaken Virgil. "What's going on?" Roman says stumbling over his words trying to wake up enough to understand what's going on. "You need to come with me quietly and don't wake Virgil." I whisper to him. "What?" He whispers back, "Just follow me and don't make a sound." I say lightly pulling him. He slips out of the bed as quietly as possible slipping on a pair of slippers to muffle his steps. As soon as I get him out of the house I grab his arm as tightly as I can and start sprinting, I don't know where I'm going I just know that I need to get us away from here.


"Patton! Where you taking me!" He whisper yells at me confusion so easy to see that even Logan could see it. "Away from here, I will explain later! Just keep running!" I respond back as it finally starts to hit me, I didn't prepare for this we have no cash, no clothes except the PJs we are wearing and nowhere to go. Racking my brain I realise exactly where we can go. Pulling my phone out of my sweat pants, (it's the first time I'm greatful that I had forgotten to take it out of my pocket before bed) I text my cousin, not many people know that we are related so it's a pretty safe bet. He can get things to where we stay and I know where he hides his spare garage key, he turned it into an home office/spare room and nobody will be in there so it will be safe.

We finally get there after a long time, both of us are exhausted but soon we will be safe. "Okay seriously Patton, where are we and why did we run out?" He questions as I walk over to the garden and find the section of painted rocks, after a moment I spot the one I need, it has a little light blue heart in the corner of the painting. Picking it up I can feel the key taped to the bottom of it. "PATTON! If you don't tell me what's going on I am going to start screaming!" He says starting to raise his voice and grabbing the key out of my hand. "And why do you know where this person keeps their key?!?" He exclaims his frustration growing. "It's my cousin's house, it wasn't safe for us to be there anymore." I say snatching the key back and opening the garage door. "Now come on we need to go to bed, my cousin will grab us stuff that we need just go to sleep I will explain in the morning." I say gesturing for him to enter as I open the door. "Fine." He groans stumbling in as the adrenaline has worn off. "You take the bed I have some stuff that needs to be done." I say and he does as I ask and almost immediately falls asleep.


I pull out my phone and text my cousin again telling him where I keep my wallet in my locker and to send him a list of what we will need. Letting him know that there should be enough money for it. Before going over and tucking in the sleeping Roman and curling up beside the bed to rest.

Patton sent me a text last night explaining what's going on, and Yeesh I did not expect that to happen, I mean I trust Patton he is my cousin after all but damn could this all really be true? Anyway I should probably go get his stuff that he needs and his wallet, I'm not going to spend his money though as he might need it. And he told me very clearly that I can't tell anyone not even my boyfriend so I'm going to have to come up with an excuse as to why he can't go into the garage, I hate lying but it's important. While I'm out I grab the nessecities as well as some extra blankets and some food that they can keep in there to eat incase I can't sneak them food.

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