《Just a Kiss》Chapter 3


Hermione's P.O.V

By the time I reach Godric's Hollow, all sign of my tears have been completely erased. No matter how much I adore my friends, I won't allow my sadness to show through the smiling façade I perfected ages ago.

After a final once-over of my appearance, I knock on the door of the home, like Malfoy had done earlier in the day.


A shiver snakes down my spine at the mere thought of the monster waiting for my return to its temporary cave of misery, better known as my home. To think that today had started fairly well, what with the lack of nightmares. The dreamless sleep leading to the first full night rest I've had since the dark lord fell under Harry's power three years ago. Such a peaceful sleep meant a wonderful awakening in which I decided to go out to a local coffee shop for breakfast.

The morning only improved when a muggle boy who had served my drink was feeling chatty and started a conversation. In the end, he had asked for my number with the promise of calling soon.

I'd been happy until answering the door for Malfoy. Hopefully my friends won't feel the same way about seeing me.

The door is pulled open by a red-eyed and yawning Harry, yanking me out of my thoughts. "'Mione?" he mumbles, rubbing his eyes and staring down at me. I smile weakly and wave. "What are you doing here this late? Shouldn't you be with the delinquent you're meant to be watching over?"

My stomach churns at the reminder of home and the past that Malfoy has dragged back up. "I needed to get away and see you two for a while," I manage to get out. "Do you think Ginny will mind if I stay here? It won't be any longer than tonight, I'll be leaving first thing in the morning." Harry's eyes jump wide open, shock causing his brow to shoot up.

"I'll ask," he agrees, stepping backwards. "But we both know what her answer will be, so just come on in." Harry gently grabs my arm, and after a brief internal struggle to keep myself from flinching with the touch, I allow him to lead me inside.


He's already calling for hisfiancé as he releases me in the living room and makes for the staircase. A moment of silence filled only with me fiddling with my fingers and staring at the fireplace, and then the thundering of footsteps on the stairs is the only warning I get before something crashes into my side. Or rather, someone, who has a vice-like grip around my middle.

"Hermione!" Ginny gasps. "What happened? Are you alright? Oh you look deathly pale, come on and have a rest now." The rapid-fire words makes my head spin, disorienting me enough for her to get me into a chair without protest.

"I'm fine, Ginny," I assure once I've gathered my wits. She just clicks her tongue and turns to Harry.

"Make up a drink and quit standing there like a deer in headlights," she commands, though I don't miss the softer undertone. It's enough to bring a small quirk to my lips, knowing that my friends are still happily in love.

"Really Ginny, I just wanted to get away for a while," I insist, but Ginny silences her with a glare.

"You are going to tell me what has you so upset and don't bother feeding me anymore of your endless lies," Ginny says, the accusation making me flinch, knowing only she is able to see through every fake smile and laugh I give. She's yet to discover the true cause, but it's just as well. I'm not ready to tell, which means she has no reason to know.

Pulling my knees up to my chest and crossing my arms tight over them, I ask, "you remember me telling you about the person I had to teach right?" After receiving her nod, I sigh and go on. "Well he showed up today and you'll never guess who it is. " Her brow furrows and she shrugs her shoulders. "Draco-pure blooded bigot, biggest arse on this planet- Malfoy!" I throw my hands up, letting my aggravation mask everything else. From the kitchen the sound of shattering glass is heard, followed by cursing and socked feet running back into the room.

"Malfoy?" Harry nearly screeches. "You don't mean that same git from school do you?"


"Is there any other?" I grumble.

Ginny stands and attempts to soothe his anger, but it's futile. He's in a rage and nothing will calm him. "Why on earth would the ministry send him to you? Don't they know your past with him?" He growls.

"Probably not, given that we kept it quiet," I mutter, looking at the floor, but neither of them is listening at the moment.

"I am going to march right up the minister himself tomorrow morning and demand that he send that death eater to Azkaban," Harry declares, eyes gleaming. Then he's stomping away again and all that is heard is a final, "he'll be gone by tomorrow evening, I swear it!" Ginny gives me an apologetic smile.

"I'll go talk sense in to that thick head of his," she says, making the both of us giggle at Harry's expense. "You can sleep in the guest room if you'd like. You remember where it is, of course." I nod and watch Ginny race to her and Harry's bedroom. It's a few minutes short of an hour later before I decide to stand and head towards the guest room.

Forcing all thoughts of the snake waiting at home and focusing solely on sleep was a lot more difficult in practice than in thought. A sleeping drought would help, but my only ones are at home in my room. With a sigh, I accept that I'm not going to be getting any sleep and pull a book from a pile I'd left here in the past and relax on the bed for a long night of reading.

By the time morning comes and my candle has been reduced to little more than a pool of wax, I've finished three books and am well into my fourth. Marking the page, I clamber off the bed and stretch out my stiff limbs with muffled groans. I hadn't slept a wink last night and am much too tired to do anything other than write a quick note to Harry and Ginny, thanking them for their hospitality, and apparate home.

Pausing at the front door, I drag in a deep, bracing breath.

"Here we go," I whisper on the exhale, then shove open the door and march in to the house. My eyes narrow into small slits and a soft groan slips from my lips when I see Malfoy sitting on my sofa with his feet propped up on my coffee table.

"Welcome home, Granger." He smirks that bloody awful smirk of his and pushes himself to his feet, somehow making it appear quite regal in the process. Stupid git. "Have fun after running off and crying last night?" His tone is mocking, begging me to start an argument, but I ignore him and walk past to inspect the house. Furthering my disappointment is the distinct lack of trouble. Behind me, I hear him chuckle. "I did well without you, if I do say so myself."

Now he's just being smug, and I'm having none of it today. Spinning around, I bring my hand up and smack his cheek with as much force as I can manage. He gasps and stumbles backwards as the snow whiteness of his skin turns crimson, bringing a tired smile to my lips.

"That's for last night, and a little bit of today," I inform. "I would suggest you don't pester me anymore." He stays silent, hand cupping his cheek. "Now, I'm going to go and change my clothes, possibly shower, and then we are going to go to a muggle diner. Following that, we'll visit a muggle clothes store to buy you clothes, and then move on to a library where I will teach you muggle history."

He scowls in what I can only determine to be disgust. "How terribly fun."

Shoving past him, I make my way for the stairs, pausing briefly on the bottom step and calling over my shoulder. "Don't think I didn't notice the lingering scent of burnt food in the kitchen. It seems you didn't do as well as you told me you." I can hear him muttering vile words all the way up the stairs, making me laugh heartily. If he is going to act cruel to me, then I can do the same to him.

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