《Cassie's Wedgie Routine》Chapter 4


They get their lunch, Cassie gets a bowl of chicken noodle soup and Sarah gets a bologna sandwich. Sarah finishes her sandwich fast on the account of her not eating breakfast because she woke up late. Cassie eats her soup slowly because she isn't all that hungry. She finishes about half of it before tragedy strikes. Michael and Michaela come to them and gives Cassie a wedgie, but not before poring the rest of her soup down her underwear. Then they grab Sarah, give her a frontal atomic and throw her in the dumpster. Cassie waits for the two bullies to leave then helps Sarah out of the dumpster. After that, they go to the bathroom to clean Sarah up and so Cassie can change into one of the many pairs of extra underwear she has in her locker so that if a bully rips her underwear off, she doesn't have to go commando. After they were done in the bathroom, they were about to leave when Britney and her gang walks in and blocks them from leaving. Britney goes behind Cassie and Serena ( Britney's right hand woman) goes behind Sarah. They each give them an atomic wedgie, Cassie wearing black panties with the word princess written across the butt in white sparkly letters. Then they both are taken to a stall where they are both given swirlies. After that, they pick their wedgies and goes to 4th hour, Band. They both play the flute and they sit next to each other. They don't get any wedgies in band since all the kids in that class, except for maybe 8 kids, are band geeks and get wedgies themselves, so it is their favorite class. But then it's time for gym.

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