《Beyblade | The Girl Hagane》Final Episode : The End of a Wonderful Journey & The Begininning of A New Future
"Gingka! Gen!", screamed everyone as they came near them.
"Hey Gingka, are you alright? Gingka?", asked Kenta shaking Gingka.
"(gets up and looks at Kenta and everyone) Kenta? Everyone? We really did it this time right? and where is Gen?", asked Gingka looking at them. He then spots Gen on Tsubasa's lap with Yu and Sora on opposite sides.
"(slowly opens her eyes) Where am I? Am I dead again? Ryuga? Mom? Are you guys there?", asked Gen as her vision wasn't clear.
"Gen?! Are you really okay?", asked Tsubasa looking at her as she finally gets her vision clear and sees him.
"Tsubasa? Is...that you? Don't tell me you died alongwith me...", said Gen tired.
"He is not dead...and neither are you...", said Yu looking at her.
"And don't ask whether we are dead too...you saved us and the world...", said Sora.
"I did? That's nice...(realizes they were all right and also notice that she was sleeping on Tsubasa's lap in front of everybody, she gets up in shock) Wait, whaaaaaaa-I saved the world?! You guys are alive?! And (looks at Tsubasa) how long was I sleeping on your gorgeous lap?", asked Gen in shock.
"Just a few minutes after you saved the world...", said Tsubasa with a smile.
"(freaks out) in front of everybody?! Oh man! I am such an embarrasement...I can't believe I slept on Tsubasa's lap...in the public!", said Gen as she catches her breath.
"She thinks about what she did in public more than knowing her brother is okay or not (Gen shocks and looks at Gingka) Well...as always, her boyfriend comes first more than her family...", said Gingka.
"(rubs her head in embarrasemnt) Are you okay, Gingka?", asked Gen weirdly.
"And with that I should prepare my death speech as soon as possible...", said Gingka in sweat drop as everybody laughed. Seeing those laughs and smiles, Ryuga who was in Accalia, feels happy for Gen and Gingka in the alternate world with Aiko Hagane. But at the same time, he kinda feel sad for not doing anything good for Gingka and his friends from the start rather than giving the star fragment to Kenta.
"I wondered if...if our memories didn't get erased....will you...(Gen looks at him who looked at her) will you still my brother, Ryuga, just like in the past?"
He remembered those words of Gen in his mind and thought about it.
"So they finally defeated Nemesis once and for all, huh? (Ryuga turns around and sees Aiko sipping her tea sitting near a dinning table) Well thats my children for you...I am so proud to be their mother, you know...ahh even Ryo would be so surprised that his own daughter defeated the evil alongwith Gingka...am I right?", said Aiko as Ryuga sits on the opposite side of the dining table.
"You're absolutely right...", said Ryuga with a weak smile and then he looks down, Aiko notices it.
"Something worrying you, i suppose?"
"(Shocks and then looks down again) Its just that...I was so happy that Gen finally did show her power and all...bu-"
"You just wanted to be with her and take care of her even if you told her the truth about who you are in the past..."
"How did you..."
"Well i have been taking care of you eversince you were a kid alongwith Gen, (winks at him) I am sure Gen wants the same thing too...", said Aiko with a smile.
"If only, if only there was another chance to go back to the real world (looks down) I could be with her and support her like I couldn't when I was alive back then...but that...I guess it will never happen...", said Ryuga looking down.
"You sure about what you said (Ryuga looks at her) that you will be there for her and support her in everything?"
"I will try my best to do it...if I get another chance after all...", said Ryuga.
"That's nice to hear...(smiles and pats his shoulder) your wish is granted!", said Aiko as she giggles which made him confused.
"What do you mean my wish is granted? I don't get it..."
"Well within a few seconds, you will be covered with glowing bubbles and boom! You will be back into the real world"
"Huh? What are you- (glowing bubbles surrounded him and he shocks) What's happening?"
"Once the Accalian Princess became stronger by all the people around the world, she can wish for anything (Ryuga shocks and Aiko looks at him) and I guess right now, Gen wished for you to come back...but she does not know about it...and sooner or later, she will...", said Aiko looking up. Back in the real world, the others were gonna go back into the helicopters.
"Accalia is still spinning even now? That's impossible...", said Gingka looking at it.
"I wonder what's up...", said Gen as she went near Accalia. As she was about to grab it, suddenly a field came around it which blocked Gen to which she shock.
"What's going on?", asked Tsubasa coming near Gen.
"Accalia....", said Gen as Accalia bursted a rainbow beam into the sky. As it reached, that's when Accalia's bey icon covered the sky. It was not only for them but across the world, people watched it from the skies. That's when the surrounding around Gen and the others started to change, the ground was covered with grass and flowers.
"Wowee! Look at that...", said Madoka looking around and seeing the greenary spread throughout the Lost Kingdom.
"Dynamis...do you know what's going on?", asked Kyoya.
"It looks like Accalia absorbed Nemesis' power during their final clash, as a result its secreting all of the absorbed power that Nemesis had into the Lost Kingdom, after all, the Lost Kingdom was covered in greenary a long time ago before Nemesis destroyed it....", said Dynamis which shocked the others.
"You mean Accalia absorbed the power of Nemesis completely? Oh god...", said Gingka in shock.
When the greenary completely spread throughout the kingdom, the hole where Nemesis was completely sealed was covered by a circle. Soon around the circle, each legendary bladers' bey's icon filled each part of the circle. When the circle was filled fully, the centre of it was covered by glowing bubbles in the form of an energy beam. Soon a muscular figure appeared on the spot which everybody were startled to see. When Accalia finished with the secretion, it finally stopped spinning. Soon the glowing bubbles disappeared, everyone looked at the figure and they were doubled amazed at who it was.
"No it can't be...is this really happening?", asked Kenta in shock.
"Ry...Ryuga...Is that really you?", said Gen in shock as he turned towards Gen.
"Gen...", said Ryuga with a smile. Gen was quiet for a moment and then tears came from her eyes.
"You're really here...I cant believe it...Ryuga!", said Gen as she ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Tears rolled down from her eyes with happiness which made everyone else happy. Ryuga hugged her back tightly.
"The answer to your question (they withdraw the hug and Gen look at him) Yes, I would like to be your big brother even if things didn't go like this and for that, I have decided to spent the rest of my life as a second chance to you in a best way possible...", said Ryuga with a smile.
"Ryuga...thank you so much!", said Gen as she wiped her tears from her face. Ryuga then notices Kenta who was also crying and he smiles.
"What are you standing there for, Kenta? (Kenta shocks) I need a hug from you too...from my friend...", said Ryuga smiling so bright. Kenta hugs him too back.
"I thought I wont see you again...but i am glad that you're back!", exclaimed Kenta with tears.
"But how did this happen? How did Ryuga come back like that?", asked Gingka.
"The Accalian Princess' secret wish...i didn't know it was a real legend but I think that made the trick...", said Dynamis as everyone shocked.
"That's freaking amazing...", said Masamune and King in shock.
"So wait...if you came to become Gen's big brother then that means you will be my brother too right?", asked Gingka in confusion.
"Whaat? No way...he is my big brother...I can't just let you have him like you took my white scarf which is half ruined right now...Finders keepers..", said Gen.
"Excuse me?", asked Gingka in anger.
"Both of you quit it...", said Ryuga doing a face palm as everybody laughed. The helicopters came down and Benkei, Zeo, Toby and Hikaru came towards them. Ryo came out running towards them.
"Dad!", exclaimed Gingka as he was ready for a hug from him. But instead Ryo passed him and hugged Gen who was shocked.
"Dont you know how it was for me when I heard when you went on your own like that? I was completely worried about you till this moment...dont you scare me like that, young lady ever again!", said Ryo with tears. Ryuga and Gingka smiles at the view and Gen, she too started to cry.
"I AM REALLY SORRY, DAD...I AM SO SORRY THAT I MADE YOU WORRIED...I was stupid to go on my own...I should have listened to you but I was so concentrated on being stronger rather than thinking about how you were there for me all this time...i won't make you sad ever again...", said Gen in tears and hugging him tightly.
"I know...(they withdraw the hug and he smiles) the more important thing is that you're safe and here with me...your mother will be so proud of you...as I am proud of you too...both of you...I am so happy that I got to be your father and I don't regretted either...", said Ryo with a smile as they all laugh together.
"Well then, I guess its time to go then...to our future!", exclaimed Gingka as everyone put their hands towards the sky and said "Yeah!".
As time passes, Aguma has returned to the Beylin Fist cult, while Masamune, Zeo, Toby along with King return to team dungeon. Chris decides to go on another adventure, while Dynamis returns to Mist Mountain to continue his duties as it's guardian along with Tithi and Ryuusei for company. Gingka and Gen obtains a golden trophy for saving the world, among many other things. Gingka and Kyoya later have a battle in which of course, Gingka wins. Ryuga on the other hand, started to live with the Haganes as he was part of their family now.
It was the night where it was the celebration of the legendary bladers defeating Nemesis that the WBBA had planned fireworks just to thank them for what they have done. The Haganes alongwith Ryuga were on the rooftop just to see the fireworks from there.
"Hey Ryuga, so let me get this straight, now that you don't have L-Drago anymore...are you gonna use another bey to continue battling?", asked Gingka.
"Well...nah...I think I will train and support people to battle...L-Drago was anyway not meant for me...so I don't regret it either...", said Ryuga with a smile.
"Whoa! That came out of nowhere...but I guess you're right...well good luck and I will support you..."
"Oh really? (They look at Gen who was looking weird at Gingka) You could have done that after you lost your first Pegasus right? Instead of winning that Pegasus is the only bey meant for you...I got to say...Ryuga is better than you when it comes to common sense, you know...right, Dad?", said Gen doing a face palm.
"Couldn't... disagree more...", said Ryo in sweat drop.
"I know you're right, but don't you know it was Dad who told me about Pegasus being sealed away in Coma village? You shouldn't take his support you know...", said Gingka annoyed.
"That's...(realizes he was right and look at her dad in sweat drop) You father and son are such a couple...", said Gen in sweat drop. Ryo laughs weirdly.
"Wait a minute...don't you have somewhere to be, Gen?", asked Gingka.
"What do you mean?"
"Guess she forgot, huh? Good thing I told Tsubasa about it...", said Ryuga laughing with Gingka.
"Tsubasa? (realizes something and starts freaking out) Oh god! What time is it?!"
"Almost 8..."
"Whaaaaaa- its almost time for my first date with Tsubasa! Oh man! Oh man! Tsubasa must be waiting for me all day! What should I do?"
"Umm go when you have the chance instead of freaking out about it?", said Gingka.
"Right! Guess I will be going then! (she almost goes but again forgots something, she turns around and gives Accalia to Gingka who was confused) Take care of it.."
"Why? Can't you just take it with you?"
"No way...I don't want my mom to be a third person watching my date with Tsubasa...then it won't be called a date..."
"Aiko?", asked Ryo.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about that..hey Ryuga, (gives her bey to Ryuga) could you tell them and show her to them...I am sure she would be happy to see her son and her awesome husband more than my date?"
"That would be awkward...but okay I will...now get going and don't make Tsubasa sad...", said Ryuga.
"Oooh...then see you later guys!", said Gen as she ran off into the downstairs.
"And don't forgot to tell me how the date went, young lady! (Ryuga and Gingka look seriously at him) What?", said Ryo.
"You got to be kidding me?", said Gingka.
"Anyways, about Gen said, is it really true that Aiko is really here watching us? (gets a punch in the back) Youccccch! Who was (turns around and sees Aiko with an angry face) AIKO?!", exclaimed Ryo as he looks around and sees that he, Gingka and Ryuga were in the same place as Gen was with Aiko.
"You know its been a while that I won't to give my peace of mind to you, Ryo...", said Aiko in anger.
"Mom? Is that really you?", asked Gingka looking at her.
"Oh hey there Gingka, we will talk later okay...right now, I have some unfinished business to do which involves your dad in it..."
"What do you mean unfinished business that involves me?", asked Ryo in shock.
"Oh I will tell you alongwith some punches...so get ready!"
"Wait...please spare me!", said Ryo as he escapes running away from Aiko who was behind him.
"You will get it from me!", shouted Aiko running behind him.
"Looks like the family is back to square 1 again..hey mom, kill him hard! He has done cruel things to me too!", said Gingka smiling weird at his dad who shocks.
"Whaaaaa- Gingka?!"
"So not only Gen but even your favourite son too? I will kill you hard enough!", said Aiko as Gingka and Ryuga laughs at them.
Meanwhile Gen reaches the spot where she had to meet with Tsubasa. Tsubasa was leaning near a wall with her leg folded and stamped to the wall.
"(talks fast) I am so sorry about this! I truly am, Tsubasa! I just forgot for a moment about this first date thing today and I regret it, but thanks to Gingka I really remembered about it and uts weird thanking him and also Ryuga telling me about you about something which I don't kno-"
Tsubasa does a filck on her head which made Gen stopped talking.
"So Ryuga was right, this really made you stop talking...", said Tsubasa.
"Ouccccccch! That really hurt! Yours is even harder than Ryuga's....I am your girlfriend for god sake!"
"And girlfriends aren't supposed to be late for their first date..."
"Come on, Tsubasa...I said I am sorry for this...fine, if you want to break up with me for being a horrible girlfriend then it's okay (fake tears) I can go and be Zeo's girlfriend..", said Gen looking weirdly at him who shocks.
"Zeo? (holds her hand) I am not letting you go that easily...", said Tsubasa walking forward into the tower holding Gen's hand.
"Someone is jealous of Zeo..."
"I am not!", exclaimed Tsubasa as Gen starts to giggle. They reach the top of the tower which had the same view of that Eiffel Tower.
"The fireworks might start in a few minutes...I am so excited...", said Gen feeling the wind through her hair and looking at the view of Bey City.
"Me too..."
"So anyways, perfect timing to ask you something that was on my mind for a long time now that we are alone together..."
"Okay...ask away..."
"(laughs) Umm...so what exactly you liked about me? I mean I asked you before but you didn't admit that you liked me back then..."
"Oh...well...you see...umm...I never really thought you would ask that question..."
"You can't avoid that question and I won't let you escape...I want to know fair and square..."
"Do you really need an answer so badly?"
"Uh-huh...cause if that Asuna asks what you liked me, I need an answer to crush her completely...and I wanna see her suffer like anything before..."
"Asuna? Wait, wait...so that's what you were both fighting about? About me? Oh that's what Renona was trying to tell me all this while...you still hate her do you?"
"And what you love her? She is not trusted I tell you..sooner or later she will know that her so called rival that's me, have a boyfriend who is the guy of her dreams...(Tsubasa does a sweat drop) So now I need an answer...don't keep me waiting..."
"I...I like everything about you?"
Gen became silent and does a sweat drop.
"That's your answer? Are you being serious right now? If you say that way, then Asuna will make fun of me completely...now what will I do when my boyfriend has only a teeny weeny answer to my question..."
"You're also very pretty too..."
"That's always an answer from every boyfriend they say on movies to their girlfriends and that too, they have a big speech too about the person they like..."
"You see movies about that too?"
"Well..yeah...I mean I need to know how to confess to somebody I like...and also I dont know how romance really works...all I dont want you think me as crazy girl falling for you...I just dont want to make a bad impression to you...", said Gen looking down.
"You too huh? That's the same thing I thought as well...Me being shy and serious and weird...I thought you will think even more weird after I told you how I feel...and to be honest, even if you are really crazy, crazy is what I like about...(Gen shocks and Tsubasa smiles at her) I don't know much about romance either so we are even I guess...but we can figure it together...", said Tsubasa with a smile.
"Tsubasa....I guess you're right...(smiles) Thank you so much everything...(Tsubasa shocks) Its because of you I could be stronger and the world recognised me finally as Gen Hagane...", said Gen as she chuckles and Tsubasa too laughs.
"You know there is one thing that I know from romance we can do..."
"What do you mean? Did you get it from your love guide book? I am totally confu-
Tsubasa kisses her just like that to which Gen shocks completely and starts blushing. It went for a while and Tsubasa finally withdraws. Gen was still silent for a while.
"You kissed me...my first kiss..."
"Second actually...I kissed you at the hospital when I had the dark power..."
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