《Beyblade: Metal Burst All-Stars Royale!! Interdimensional Crossover Tournament!!》The Ultimate Beyblade Tournament: Commence!!
"Beybladers from all different universes and worlds, welcome to El Astro in Spain," the Blader DJs and Hanami announced from three different screens.
"With help from the technology and research of reformed member of Dream, Ryan Gladstone and former manager and owner of the New York Raging Bulls, Alexander Glitten, we've successfully managed to interconnect different wormholes between our parallel worlds! Take it away, gentlemen!"
The dual colored eyed chairmen spoke first. "I once believed in a DREAM and after the loss of my hand, that dream went from supporting the next generation into taking over other worlds. However, in my pursuit of power, I found bladers who were able to connect to the other world with the power of their love for their sport. And to atone for my mistakes, I worked to correct my failures to work with them in order to connect our worlds with our Star Fragment and came into contact with Alexander and other leaders from the BBA and WBBA to make this vision a reality."
"You're too kind Ryan," Alexander decreed. "The passion from the finalists of the God Bladers' Cup allowed me to find a more practical solution in developing the future bladers of today, with the support of the WBBA Commissioner, who I assume will be doing more than attending today's events. Either way, there's a more practical chairperson here I think some of you will recongize more than me. You might know him as Kogoro Daitenji, though introducing himself."
An older man much smaller than both of them stepped in, earning the applause of about a third of the crowd while Blader DJ warmed up the mic.
"Introducing the chairman of the BBA, and the the developer of the Bladebreakers, the first heroes of the prime Beyblade universe, Mr. Stanley Dickinson!"
That got more cheers from the audience as Mr. Dickinson took the mic, claiming that those words were being too kind of him. After all, the real heroes of Beybladers are the ones that allowed this situation to be a reality.
"That being said, we gathered you all here to announce a special tournament featuring the stronger, ambitious, and unpredictable bladers of our three worlds! We call it the Metal Burst All Stars Royale!" That crowd grew excited and questions flooded the room.
Who were the bladers? Where was anyone they knew, someone they didn't? Someone no one would expect?
"Shall I introduce the first team," Mr. Dickinson asked, with everyone asking them much to his joy.
"Then let's get started. Introducing the first team into the tournament! Come on out bladers!"
Five bladers slowly emerged from one of the entrances, which caught the audience by storm.
"Introducing our first team! Tyson Granger, Daichi Sumeragi, Max Tate, Ray Kon, and Kenny Manabu! And their support manager, Hilary Tachibana!"
The audience was eagerly confused and excited at the same time. Tyson was waving at everyone, Daichi was excited and hoped he had fans in the crowd, Max was looking for his parents in the crowd, but Kenny was extremely nervous.
"Guys, I don't think I should be here!" The monitors were showing each of their faces, but when the focus was on him, the excitement dropped and everyone was asking one question. "And now I really don't think I should be here."
While Hilary told the crowd to be questioned, Tyson remained firm. "You're one of us Kenny, and you've upgraded your Hopper and our beys with the Burst System. You've had our backs for years, and we only beat the Blitzkrieg Boys thanks to you." Max, Daichi, Ray and Hilary all agreed.
"You sure?"
Tyson nodded. "Remember, we promised during the third World Tournament that we would stand side by side on the world stage?"
Kenny nodded.
"Last time, I let my ego get the better of me, and you had to lose your bey to keep us in the tournament. This time, we're battling together."
Then Tyson asked Dickinson for the mic, who passed it for him to catch.
"Listen up! We're the Bladebreakers, and like it or not, the seven of us: me, Kenny, Daichi, Max, Ray, Hillary, and Kai will always be a team! Got that!?"
He and Kenny fist bumped, earning the respect of the crowd and Blader DJ announced them.
"Our first team: the Great Revolutions, the G.R. Bladebreakers!"
The six took their stands on one of the slots. Kenny was still a bit nervous.
"You think he's next?"
"No doubt about it. It's definitely him."
Blader DJ took the mic back.
"Now let's introduce the second team, the strongest rivals to the Bladebreakers, formerly known as the Justice Five, Team Go Justice! Come on out everyone!"
Four bladers walked into the light, catching all of their attention. Garland Siebold, eager and posing the opportunity, Moses, crushing the hearts of many with a pink shirt underneath his hoodie, Mystel performing a handstand, and finally Brooklyn, which got people, especially the other Bladebreakers, a bit unnerved. Tyson wasn't.
"Hey Brooklyn! Glad we finally have a chance to duke it out!"
"I'm looking forward to it," with his casual grin. "Besides, I didn't have to make another dimension to travel here," laughing.
Blader DJ gave a nervous laugh. "You're um, not gonna do that again, right?"
"Why, want me too?"
"No, all good here!"
Tyson was curious about something. "So where's your team captain and manager? Or are you guys keeping it a surprise?"
Garland and Brooklyn laughed. "Guess we can't keep it a secret anymore. You two coming out?"
Two bodies walked into the entrance and a huge gasp spelled in the crowd when they pulled up on the monitor: Jin of the Gale, and Kai Hiwatari, surprising everyone.
"The team captain of Go Justice is the Bladebreakers Ace and Second-in-Command, Kai!?"
Kai adjusted his scarf. "Tyson, Ray, Max, Daichi, Hilary, Kenny. Sorry, but I'm going to win this tournament."
Max sighed. "Again, Kai?"
Ray laughed. "You just want another chance to battle Tyson, don't you."
Daichi was pissed. "Come on dude, how many times have you left us at this point?"
Kenny took this in stride. "Daichi, leave it alone. He'll always come back to us."
Kai acknowledged him. "Kenny, you're a blader. Release your beyblade spirit, got it?"
Kenny gulped. "Hopper and I got this. We beat you before, we'll do it again."
Kai walked back to his group as a gale of wind in front of them, Jin.
"Tyson. Looks like we're fighting once again. These guys have been training hard, and if you want to earn your next championships, you better watch out for these guys."
"I'm not worried. You guys pushed us to our limits before, and we're not going to lose."
"Ray, Max, good to see you guys again," Mystel cheerfully greeted. "I wonder if we might end up having a rematch."
"Here's hoping," Ray said. "Moses, is your sister doing well?"
The spotlight soon went to Monica in the stands, wishing Moses her best.
"I believe in you big bro! Go out there and have fun!"
"Congrats on Monica for her swift recovery," Blader DJ announced. "Any words Moses?"
"Now that I'm free from Boris' influence, I can finally battle with my skills for good use. Thank you again for this opportunity, all of you."
A heartfelt mood spread around them, which Daichi proceeded to break.
"Hey, aren't you all missing someone? I was itching for a rematch against her."
Kenny suddenly jumped up. "Ming-Ming! She's not with you guys? Where is my darling angel? I'd love for her to spin with my blade," grinning like a lovesick puppy much to the disdain of the rest of the team.
"She's well," Garland nervously answered, "well-"
Blader DJ interrupted them. "This reunion is great and all, but we need to get to the next team, and they've got a bone to pick with both teams. Introducing, Team World Rivals!"
Five males walked out of the entrance.
The first was a red haired one that got a reaction out of Kai, Garland, Daichi, and Tyson. "I see you all have been training just as hard. In fact, there's two guys I see that's just ready for a rematch."
Second was a dark haired guy with a gruttering, yet determined voice. "Hey Ray, you didn't think you were going to be able to have another world championships without me involved, did ya?"
Third was one with dark skin and muscles that left Max intrigued. "What's with that face? A huge tournament featuring the toughest bladers in other worlds, and you thought I was going to sit this one out? I even beat Tala!"
Fourth was a white haired, calm and collected guy who seemed more relaxed than the other two. "That world champion was only a year ago. We're on the same side now. And I hope this is a chance to make things right again."
The fifth one had on blue armor and stroked his purple hair back before giving his teammate a pat on the shoulder.
"We've made mistakes before, but you chose to walk on a better path. Now, let's show the world that you've restored your honor as a blader again."
The five stepped out as Blader DJ announced their names. "Team World Rivals consists of their leader and captain, Tala Ivankov, followed by Lee Chen, Rick Anderson, Miguel, and Robert Jurgens, all of whom are top their bladers who've competed and made it far in the World Championships!"
Tala snatched the mic from Blader DJ. "And we're going to freeze all your dreams of winning this tournament into dust!"
Garland laughed. "Are you sure you're gonna win after I trashed you the last time?"
"Just because Tyson helped you realize you were on Boris' leash doesn't mean we're friends. In the ring, Wolborg and I will have our revenge!"
Garland tried not to let it bother him while Mystel acknowledged Lee.
"Hope you've gotten a little stronger."
"Hmph. Don't worry, Galeon will leave your King of the Seas paralyzed! And Ray, I'm not playing second fiddle to you, this time, got that?!"
Ray and Mystel could tell he'd gotten stronger. Rick meanwhile, focused on his fellow teammate.
"So Maxie, I put in so much work to help you guys save our way of blading! Now it's time I show you while I'm an All Starz. And Moses, I'll pay you back for that night you tried to take us out to get to Tyson."
Moses walked up to Rick and the two giants glared each down while Max failed to pull his old teamamate away. The two proceeded to arm wrestle, and the audience began cheering on their names to see who would win. Meanwhile, Miguel approached Ray and Lee
"Aaron and Claude wanted to apologize that they couldn't make it. And I hope we can have a proper fight with Barthez and Boris gone."
Ray and Lee offered their hands.
"I'd be down for that."
"Looking forward to it!"
Meanwhile, Robert approached Tyson and Kenny.
"I wasn't expecting you would be battling with all our rivals from before, especially Battalion. Glad things have settled between you both."
"Blind fury to forgiveness would be uncooth. A team is made up of those connected by one thing, and we've studied and learned from each other to prepare ourselves for this."
"By the way, where's your coach, er, support manager."
"Down here, young whipper snapper."
Blader DJ forgot to mention Tao, who much to Ray's shock, was their coach.
"Master?" Lee joined them.
"When you and Mariah left, I was getting so lonely. Kevin and Gary have improved, but all these guys wanted to improve and come alongside you whippersnappers for the tournament, and how could I say no?"
"The training we had to go through was freaking brutal. But hey, we're ready to take you all on."
Kenny made a mental note of everyone that was there, members of the Bladebreakers & G Revolutions, Justice 5, White Tigers, Majestic 4, All Starz, the Blitzkrieg Borg guys, and the new Battalion, but felt someone was missing.
"Hey, Robert, Miguel. Julia and Raul aren't joining you?"
Robert rubbed his chin. "We wished to have our fellow Eurpoean brethren join us, but apparently they were planning on a surprise performance, and we haven't heard from then sense."
Miguel agreed. "Maybe it was because we needed one more slot? They wouldn't normally split up unless something was up."
"Team World Rivals, please take your positions," to which the six of them did. "Now we have one more team to introduce. If you thought these guys made up one hell of a Super Team, you haven't seen anything just yet! Now, introducing our fourth team!"
Eight people walked out this time, though the five in front caught them all by surprise.
Daichi gasped while Kenny's mouth dropped from shock and surprise. "Ming Ming?"
Miguel and Robert were also surprised to see Julia Fernandez, though Tyson seemed excited.
The nerdy yet confident Emily Watson took Max and Rick by surprise.
Mariah's lovable cat introduction made sense to Ray, even though he didn't know she left.
Finally, Mathilda kissed and waved towards the audience.
Behind them was Julia's sister Raul, their coach Romero, and Max's mother, Judy Tate.
Blader DJ took the mic. "These powerful ladies are our fourth team. Give a round of appaluse for Team Super Heroines!
The five joined the other team while their support managers mingled around with the other elders.
"Julia, Raul! So that's why you two never got back to us!"
"Miguel, Robert, we're so sorry, we were really busy. When we heard about the tournament, Julia really wanted to compete, and I wanted to help her out," Raul explained. "So we had to spend a lot of time helping them train for the tournament."
"I wanted to include you on the team, but after the Justice Five Tournament, making an all girl team sounded so much fun! So we found Mariah, Mathilda and Emily and bam!"
Matilda joined them, glomping on Raul, much to the latter's blushing embarrassment.
"He really did a great job helping us train, and he's really sweet."
Miguel perked up, amused, prompting Raul to deny what was going on.
"Thanks for taking care of my teammate. So what kind of training have you all done?"
Emily grabbed her phone and showed pictures of them all working with Julia and Raul's circus troupe, including all of them in tailor made garbs for them with Romero guiding them with strategies, Judy on their blading performance and data, and Raul coaching them on tag team strategies and agility.
Max, Rick, and Kenny were all impressed. "Seems like you all had a good time," Rick pointed out. "Max, you knew your mom was involved?"
Judy joined them and patted her son on the head. "I missed you Max, but you were so busy training for the tournament so I figured I'd surprise you. The ladies worked so hard to get to this point and Emily wanted me to come."
Max rubbed his cheeks. "It's fine. Glad to know you were still helping out other bladers. I guess that means beating your team isn't going to be easy."
Emily laughed. "By my calculations, we'll have the skills to easily decimate both your teams."
Rick smirked. "Fine, we'll see which All Star makes it to the top!"
All three of them showed each other their bladers. Kenny was left a bit awestruck. The designs for her Trygle were just as good as the Burst upgrades for the Bladebreakers.
"Awesome, right Kenny," with a cheeky smile on her face. "Wanna inspect them when we have some free time later?"
Kenny's face and feelings for Emily were about to say yes, when Ming-Ming's arrival got him to push all of them away.
"Well if it wasn't my number one loyal fan," Ming-Ming said to Kenny. The poor kid would've screamed in excitement for meeting her now that they weren't on opposing sides. "Thank you for all the ticket sales. When I beat your team in the dish, I'll give you an autograph."
"Hahahahaha, I'd love for you to spin blades with me, my darling Ming-Ming."
Hilary and Emily sucked their team at their arrival.
"Why is she here and how come she's not with the other Justice Five?"
As the other Justice Five went to greet their old teammate, Tyson also had a similar question.
"So who's the leader?"
"Well I am of course," Ming-Ming said. "After all, I am the strongest girl on the team."
All of her teammate's facing barring Mathilda, questioned that.
"Um, hel-lo," Julia said. "I made it to the semi finals of the last Beyblade World Championship!"
"Julia, you're so silly. You and your brother still lost to Daichi and Tyson, and I beat Daichi, so I'm already good enough as a Champion, and I'm better than everyone on the team," while keeping her cutest and upbeat tone.
"Hey," Daichi interrupted. "I'm not weak at all. Next time we battle, I'll defeat you for sure! You too Julia, the GR Bladebreakers are gonna win this tournament!"
"Not if we have anything to say about it. And Ming-Ming, I'm the leader."
Ming-Ming transformed into her Queen state. "Last I checked, we had a battle to decide after you all recruited me to join, and remind me again who won that?"
Ray and Hilary were quick to ask about what happened. Mariah was much more willing to answer.
"We met her while we went on tour with the rest of the F-Dynasty crew. She was on tour, and people were saying that her music was growing old, so she offered to join the team. She'd get advice for her next album and more people to improve her skills, we'd get our fifth member."
"And if my fans and bladers need me, Ming-Ming will always be there!"
Julia scoffed. "More like we couldn't find Queen, Mariam, or Salima anywhere."
Max was disappointed. He really wanted to see Mariam again. The others laughed as Ming-Ming scoffed. "Rude."
Garland, Brooklyn, Moses, and Mystel all greeted her with a warm hug.
"We missed you, good to see you again."
"Guys," lighting up like a little girl and transforming into her Idol persona. "So glad you're competing too! Moses, was the money I got able to help with the additional funds?"
"Yeah, Monica's good to go. She's really grateful."
"Yippee! Don't lose. We may be on the opposing side, but let's do our best to make it to the finals!"
The five of them agreed on that while Kai and Jin were approached by Judy and Romero.
"I've seen you've recovered. Heard your rematch with Tyson was something else."
"Thanks again for the help that day," said Kai. "I wouldn't have been able to beat Brooklyn without it."
"Excellent. So Jin, entered back into the pro adult league or still helping out the kids?"
"I still have a few things to work out but helping these boys out was my responsibility. You haven't been flirting with Judy, have you."
"Heavens no," Judy chimed in. "I'm married, remember?"
"I didn't forget," Romero pointed out.
"Though Mr. Charmer here has attempted to score a few times."
"Traveling circus and bladers, never a time to settle. A shame."
Tao suddenly joined them. "Well if you find a woman my age, hit me up."
While the adults had a good laugh, Blader DJ asked them to finalize their leader, leading Julia and Ming-Ming to bicker.
"I am," Ming-Ming claimed. "You don't get to boss me around like you do with your brother!"
"If you actually trained consistently instead of making bad music half the time and practiced more, maybe I'd let you."
The two were at each other's throats and it seemed like it would go on for quite a while until Mathilda broke them up.
"Remember, we're on the same side ladies. Ming-Ming, you did win, but Julia's got the best track record out of all of us. So we have to work together and put all our strength into this team!"
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