《Into You - Jennie Kim x Female Reader》Chapter Seven
Clock strike at 8 and the girls inside Rosé's room started waking up, one by one.
"Ahhh I had a great sleep." Jisoo mumbled rubbing her eyes open. She stared at the ceiling for a while and stood up from the sofa bed. The oldest of the six stretched her arms and limbs.
Jisoo was very thankful that she was placed on the sofa bed or she'll be dealing with a back ache right now. She also knows that it's probably Y/N who brought her there since the younger girl is a very responsible one. Speaking of which, she looked around the room to search for her good cousin. Seeing that she slept beside Jennie, she looked at the bed and found Rosé hugging Lisa's foot. She let out a soft chuckle because Lisa really moves a lot in bed that led her to her current position.
Jisoo roamed her eyes more and it landed on two sleeping figures laying on the floor. "Omo. They need to see this. Y/N's gonna hear this all throughout the day." She smiled evilly to herself as she quietly tiptoed to the bed where Chaelisa were sleeping. Jisoo decided to wake Jennie up the last considering that Jennie hates mornings.
"Hey hey. Wake up." Jisoo softly shook Rosé and the said girl started stirring in her sleep. "Chaeyoungah, wake up. You need to see this." She removed the blanket on the girl's body.
"What is it, unnie?" Despite being woken up in an early time, Rosé opened her eyes with a smile on her face. But that smile faded when she realized that Lisa's foot is right in front of her face.
"Yah, Lisayah! Get up. Your feet is so gross." She whisper yelled at the still sleeping Lisa while shaking her violently. "Shh you'll wake the others up." Jisoo said as she helped Chaeng wake Lisa up.
"Okay okay. I'm up. Stop that will you?" Lisa annoyingly hissed at them then got up from the bed. "What do you w—— well well well. Look what we have here." The previously annoyed girl already has a smirk plastered on her face while she had her arms crossed.
Chaeyoung stood up and looked at what the younger girl is talking about. The moment she saw Y/N and Chungha cuddling with each other, she let out a small squeal and took her phone from her bedside table. "Oh Y/N. This is gonna be great." By now, all three of them are taking lots of pictures on different angles of the two poor girls.
With this, the three are definitely making a noise and that's what woke the cat eyed girl up. She groaned in her bed and got up upon hearing laughters and snickers. However, the victims are still hugging each other tightly and seemed to be unbothered.
"Guys, what's with the ruckus? It's so early. Why are you being loud?" Jennie glared at her friends and cousin. Since she just woke up, she's still adjusting her vision so it took her some time before she realized that her friends are taking pictures of something. Or more like, someone.
When Jennie looked at what her friends are laughing about, she tightened her jaw and closed her fist. Jennie walked over to the two girls. Y/N had her arms wrapped around Chungha's body, her right arm placed under the other girl's head while Chungha lays on Y/N's chest.
"Y/N! Get up!" What Jennie did did not only shook Y/N's body but shocked her friends as well. Jennie just kicked her sister's body.
However, even with a kick on her sides, she just moved and hugged Chungha even tighter. With the sudden movement, Chungha's face is now placed on the crook of Y/N's neck.
Jennie took a deep breath and closed her fist tighter. "Kim Y/N! I said get the fuck up!" Her friends had their eyes wide open and jaws dropped on the floor. They can't believe what they're seeing right now. It seems to them that Jennie is going ballistic. Jennie acting like this is all new to them.
"Jennieyah, take it easy. You can wake her up softly. You're hurting her." Jisoo scolded her cousin as she held onto her arm while Rosé and Lisa just looked at Jennie and Y/N back and forth.
With a still furious aura, Jennie replied through her gritted teeth. "I don't fucking care, unnie." She then removed her cousin's grip on her and kicked Y/N harder, harder than her last two kicks. "FUCKING GET UP NOW, KIM Y/N!" And with last one rough kick, Y/N got up groaning. Chungha getting on her senses as well.
"Ouch what the heck? Did you just kick me, unnie?" Y/N had a look of discomfort while rubbing her sides. With how hard the kick was, the girl swore she could have broken a rib.
Jennie looked at her sister with a blank face. "Fancy seeing you awake now." And with that, Jennie stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut. Lucky for her, everyone else in the house is now awake or she would've been scolded by Rosé's parents for slamming the door.
"Uhm what happened?" Y/N looked at her friends and cousin to see them giving her the same look, the look the says "what the fuck happened?"
Today is Monday and Jennie is still ignoring me or if I'm lucky, she'll give me a glare. Well if you can call that lucky. I have tried talking to her when we were eating breakfast at the Park's place but all I got was a kick on my ankle.
"Hey kids. Good morning. What's with the door slamming a while ago?" Uncle Seung gi greeted us as we, Jisoo unnie, Lisa, Rosé, Chungha, and I, entered the dining room.
"Oh that was Jendeu——" Jisoo unnie was cut off with what she is saying with Jennie glaring at her across the dining table.
"What was Jennie doing?" Uncle Seung gi continued to question us. I was about to answer when my sister beat me to it. "Ah that was me, Uncle. I'm sorry for slamming the door shut. I was just in a hurry to get to the bathroom." Jennie smiled at him and bit on her sausage.
"There's literally a bathroom inside Rosé's room but okay." When I said that, I heard everyone, aside from Jennie, snicker in their seats. Not just that though. I also felt pain on my ankle when I said that. I looked over at my sister and she just innocently ate her food.
After we ate that morning, Jisoo unnie, Jennie unnie and I thanked the Park family and headed to Jisoo unnie's house. Unnie actually rode there with Lisa but since Lisa has family commitments at their restaurant, she can't drop off Jisoo unnie.
The three of us drove in silence with Jisoo's funny remarks from time to time. For the first time, Jennie sat at the back while Jisoo unnie is in the passenger's seat.
That moment, I tried my luck once again but failed.
"Hey unnie. Are you okay? What happened?" I looked at the rearview mirror and saw her looking outside the window.
She didn't respond, instead, she took her earphones and plugged it in. I sighed and continued driving. Jisoo unnie gave me a frown as she is as clueless as I am.
After a few more minutes, we reached Jisoo unnie's house. I told her to get down first. When she did, I removed my seatbelt and looked at the back seat. Jennie is still looking outside and listening to music. I reached over and placed my hand on her hand that is resting on her lap.
"Unnie, please. What did I do? I'm sorry. Please talk to me." I felt so upset. I don't know what I did for her to treat me like this. But I still held onto her hand hoping to get an answer from her. However, it was the complete opposite.
Instead of answering me, she swatted my hands harshly and glared at me once again. "Stop talking. You're annoying me. Just go get Naeun." I sighed for the nth time today and just went after Jisoo unnie to get our sister.
When I came back, she was already sitting at the front seat which I am thankful for because I am not letting Naeun sit in front just because of whatever shit I did.
Naeun told us her stories from her overnight in our uncle's. Our parents also came home that afternoon and we ate together like we usually do. I am happy that they are back again but still upset with how Jennie treats me.
That night I decided to try one last time. When we finished dinner, I prepared myself to bed but decided to check on Jennie again.
"Unnie?" I knocked on her door but no one was answering. I knocked again and no response. I then knocked one last time but silence engulfed me. I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob. Fortunately, she didn't leave it locked.
I silently walked inside her room. It was dark inside but with the moon illuminating, I was able to reach her bed without ramming my toes into something.
"Unnie? Are you awake?" She was faced on her left, which is where her closet is, and I kneeled in front of her. I gently put a strand of her hair away from her face. She is sleeping peacefully. She looks like an angel right now but with how intense she was glaring at me a while ago, I would have believed that she was sent by Hades to drag my sorry ass to the underworld.
"Hey Jennie. I'm sorry for annoying you today. I didn't mean to. I was just trying to make you notice me but all you did was glare or ignore me. But I understand. I must have done something really terrible. But I still hope that you'll be able to forgive me, unnie. I don't want us being like this. I'm sorry once again. I love you, Jennie." I then placed a soft kiss on her forehead and left her room.
"Honey, finish your food now. You'll be late for school." Mom snapped me out of my thoughts and I then finished my food quickly. Dad will be the one to take Naeun to school again.
"Mom, where's Jennie?" My parents are aware that I call Jennie as Jennie instead of Jennie unnie sometimes and they are fine with it. I looked over the house and she was not there.
"Oh. Your sister left 20 minutes before you came down. She said she has council duties so she had to leave earlier." Dad replied while wiping his mouth.
"Did she take the bus? It's not safe for her to be riding the bus." Everyone here in our town know that bus rides are scary. There would be times where perverts would show up out of nowhere and harass you. There are also cases of pick pockets inside the bus.
"No no. Don't worry. Jin and Jisoo picked her up her a while ago." I nodded and heaved a sigh of relief knowing that she didn't take the bus.
"Okay mom and dad. I'm done. I'll head to school now." I placed a kiss on their cheeks and headed to the door. "I love you guys!" I yelled from the door. And before I fully get out, I heard my parents shouting an I love you back.
I drove to school with complete silence. I'm not in the mood for music right now. This whole Jennie being mad thing is getting into me. We literally did our Chemistry project yesterday with her completely ignoring my presence even though I tried again and she just talked to Nayeon. I honestly think Nayeon noticed it.
"Hey Y/N. Are you and Jennie free today? I'm free and I am wondering if we could do our project since we'll have to pass it this Thursday?" Nayeon texted me at 8am. I have been so excited about this but since unnie is acting like this, I'm dreading for it. But for the sake of our grade and Nayeon, I'll do my best to not make things awkward.
"Good morning, Nayeon. Yes yes. Her and I are free. It's actually our family day but I'm sure they would understand. Do you wanna do it here on our place?" I replied before getting up from bed and changed into new clothes.
"Thank you, Y/N. And yes. I actually wanna do it there if that's okay. My family is having a reunion here at home and it's gonna be messy." She replied in a minute.
"Okay then. Do you want me to pick you up? And hm let me think. Aside from wanting to finish this project already, you are using this to get away from this family reunion."
"Oh no. Just send me the address. I'll be there in 30. And hahaha yes. You got me!"
"Hahaha I know because I'd do that too. See you! Drive safely too."
"I will. See you, Y/N!"
When Nayeon arrived, we immediately did our project. Her and Jennie keeps on talking while I am there doing things. I felt so left out at that moment. All through out the process of this work, she never once said a thing to me no matter how many questions I ask her. Nayeon felt it so she just kept talking and played some music.
At 5:30 pm, we finished our work. We asked if Nayeon wanted to eat dinner with us but she politely declined considering she still had relatives back home. When she left, Jennie was silent once again. I sighed and just stared at our final product.
I am so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I am now in front of our school's gates. I consider myself lucky because I didn't crash or something.
I walked up inside the building. Students greeting me as I pass by them. Today, I can only offer a nod back.
Approaching my locker, I saw my friends and cousin standing beside it. "Hey guys. Morning."
"You look awful today, bud." Lisa took notice of my appearance and decided to make a comment about it. She's holding her history book while her camera is dangling on her neck.
"What can I say? I haven't slept properly since Saturday night." I lowly replied while taking the things that I need out of my locker.
"She hasn't spoken to you still?" Jisoo unnie asked, knowing immediately what bothers me.
"Nope. She clearly wants nothing to do with me anymore. She's giving me the cold treatment which you know that I hate the most. And out of all people, she's the one who knows that best. But apparently, I did something very terrible for her to treat me like this."
I can't hold it back anymore. Chaeyoung wrapped me around her arms and I silently sobbed on her shoulders. Lisa and Jisoo unnie stood around us to prevent other people from seeing what's happening. I hate crying in front of anyone, specially my friends, but this time, this time I let it out.
I don't entirely know what's wrong with Jennie. She was completely okay when they arrived at Rosé's house. She was also okay in the mor— wait. She wasn't. She was sulking when her and Y/N arrived at first period. She also didn't talk to Y/N at lunch. Wait. I still don't know what happened that morning.
"Y/N, may I ask you something? Although I already asked but you know what I mean." She had calmed down a couple of minutes ago and we are now seated in our history class. Jennie is not yet here since she still has council duties.
Y/N let out a soft laugh. "Go ahead unnie." Her head was placed on her desk but her head is turned towards me. She absolutely looks like a duck with her cheeks being squished on the desk.
"Hm. Friday morning, what happened to you and Jennie? She was acting all bitchy that morning." Y/N only hummed and lifted her head up. Now turning her body towards me.
"When I spoke to her after lunch, she said that she didn't like how I was flirting with the cashier girl at Starbucks. She didn't like that I flirt when I'm crushing on Nayeon. We all know how she hates cheaters and two timers. But I swore to her that I wasn't flirting. Why though, unnie?"
Before I could answer her, Mr. Park entered and started his discussion about different artifacts that was gathered from the war. That's all I know because I started to tune him out.
What's really up with you, Jennieyah? Speaking of, Jennie arrived at class but she got away for being late because Mr. Park knows that the council has meeting today.
She looked so happy when she sat down her seat and greeted us. But when Y/N attempted to greet her as well, Jennie just gave her the blank stare and looked at the board.
"Hey it's okay bud. It's gonna be alright." I heard Lisa whisper to her best friend and in response to that, Y/N sighed deeply and hung her head low.
Why is Jennie acting like a jealous girlfriend? Why does she sound so jealous? Why—? Oh shit. That's it. Jennie may not be a girlfriend but she sure is jealous. Acting that way when Y/N talked to the cashier and acting the same way when she saw Y/N cuddled up with Chungha that saturday morning? Shit. But why would she be?
Lunch and fourth subject are now over and we are now on our last period, Geography. I am with Jennie right now so I used this as an opportunity to ask her what's happening with her. I need to confirm what I'm thinking.
"Jendeuk, be honest with me. Why are you being like that towards Y/N?" I looked at her straight in the eye but she just looked away and scanned her notes.
10 minutes till 4pm. "Are you perhaps mad at her for cuddling with Chungha?" I watched as she whipped her head back to me that I think I heard her neck crack. I thought she was gonna answer me but she ignored my question once again.
I let her be and decided to just ask her after class. I paid attention to the teacher, Mrs. Lee. I took down notes and listened as she announced that we will be having quiz next meeting. After that, the bell rang.
Jennie and I made our way to the exit. When we step foot outside, I grabbed her arm and pulled her aside so we won't block the way.
"Jennie. Be honest. Are you just mad at Y/N because she talked to that girl on starbucks and cuddled with Chungha when she has a crush on Nayeon? Are you mad at her because she's like cheating, even when she is not? Or are you mad because she's simply with other girls and you are jealous?" I saw how her eyes softened and guilt floodded her.
"Now you don't have to answer. I know now just by your reaction. But please. You don't have to treat her like that. You're hurting her. You can't be jealous because you know how much she cares about you and you know that you're still the number one girl that she loves and will love. You're her sister after all, Jennie. So please. Stop this."
Jennie just nodded and gave me a weak smile.
Y/N waited for her sister at the parking lot. She may be upset about her being cold, but she still needs to make sure that her sister will be safe. So she waited until she spot the girl walking towards her.
"Hey unnie. Uhm are you ready? Let's go home now." Y/N smiled at Jennie and to Y/N's surprise, Jennie smiled back.
She thought they're back on good terms until she heard her sister's response. "Thanks for waiting for me. But you go ahead now. I'm going out with Kai today." And with that, her sister walked away leaving a stunned Y/N standing beside her car.
AN: Chapter Seven y'all! I was supposed to publish this already but then our power went out so I had no wifi. Hope you'll like it!
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Magical Cosmic
Victor Petard Asterisk was just an explorer, like many others. Roaming unknown parts of the galaxy, seeking the answers to Humanity’s greatest mysteries among the stars. One day, he chanced upon an unnatural wormhole that brings him to another Universe. A Universe filled with magic and wonder! “Hah! With my advanced technology, who would dare challenge me?” “You there, savages! Still using bows and swords? Better go back to farming in the countryside!” "And you! What's with that backward magic staff? Use mine instead and witness its power." Filled with determination and experience, from years of exploring, Victor will seek out the unknown and unravel the deep mysteries held within this strange Universe. Follow Victor’s journey, as he lays down a legend that will echo throughout the Multiverse and last for eternity. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Science Fantasy story where technology will eventually change the civilization. The first few chapters might contain a bit explanation but it get better overtime. Kingdom Building is starting around 20s chapter. Although there is Comedy and Romance here and there, it wasn't the main focus of the story. The length of every chapter is around 1500++ words, might be longer but rarely shorter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: English is my second language! I will be trying to improve over time but it takes time. So please bear with me... Also, if you're going to point out any grammar mistake in the story. Thanks in advance.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New chapter will be released every two days. This time the art cover wasn't mine so if the owner want to take it down, just tell me. For anyone that want to join me on Discord: Magical Cosmic
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