
Lisa's POV

Jennie got busy which is normal now since she's a workaholic. And lately, she's been very clingy but I never open it up towards her just because I don't want her to think that I'm making it a big deal and she'll probably stop doing that which I don't want to happen.

Instead of staying at the penthouse on Saturday I just went out with Jisoo and Rosé and since I don't want to feel like I'm third-wheeling I told them that I'll drag Bambam with me which they don't mind... I mean Jisoo does but then Rosie's too nice to say no to us so she let us join.

"So... Are you guys dating? " I asked while swirling my straw on the chocolate milkshake that I ordered

"Is that any of your business? " Jisoo asks which makes me glare at her while Rosie slaps her arm softly

"Well... We are" Rosie says and I just look over at Jisoo then back at Rosie

"Poor you" I said shaking my head as I heard Bambam chuckling right beside me

"So... Are you dating now? For real" Jisoo throws the question back at me

"Ya Kim Jisoo! " I half-shouted since I don't want to gather attention from the other customers

"It seems like you guys are dating" Bambam says making me punch him on his arm

"Kidding aside Lisa... Are you dating? " Rosie asks taking a sip from her drink

"No... What kind of question is that? " I spit back and look down at my milkshake

"Well, you know what... Jennie has been extra nice to our employees I mean, you know Jennie she'll always shout at the employees just because of a simple thing and right now she doesn't shout at all when she's mad and all she does is talk to them about how to fix it and stuff. That's so unlike her" she said "won't you finish that? " she asks looking at Jisoo's food which the latter just shake her head so she pulled the food from Jisoo to eat it


"Wel,l I can tell that she's changing towards me... But in a good way. But there can be other reason you know " I said

"Like the guy from New York" Bambam stated making me snap my head towards him to send a death glare

"I heard Kai's coming back to Korea" Rosie says putting the fork down

"Kai? The NY guy? " Jisoo asks and Rosie nodded. I sighed and can't help but feel anxious about it

"Does Jennie know? " I said furrowing my brows

"Probably... I mean she's head over heels with Kai back then" Rosie says and I can feel both Jisoo and Bambam's eyes on me and I can't help but roll my eyes

"What's the story with that tho?" Bambam asks, not trying to hurt me or what but he just wanted more information from it. I look over at Rosie and keep my eyes glued on her as she leans back in her seat to start talking

"Well Kai or Kim Jongin is Jennie's high school boyfriend. They start as freshmen you know the typical students who get attracted to one another. Kai is like the boy version of Jennie, he's very smart that's why both Jennie and Kai finish high school at the same time as well. Jennie was a cheerful girl... She's so so different from what she is right now. Then everything just happened so fast. When they entered college they're still together... They're the most famous couple in their school at that time but then 2nd-year college Kai's parents send him abroad to continue studying there and to take over their family business. Kai needed to leave but Jennie doesn't want to. Kai told her that he'll be back and stuff like that. Jennie waited for a couple of years but he never came back. Jennie tried reaching out but Jackson kept stopping her cause she's looking way too desperate for kai's attention. She did listen and she stopped, she never heard anything from Kai till you both went to New York, that was unexpected but then it happened. That's why you really can't judge Jennie if she's acting so strange around Kai cause Jennie wasn't the same Jennie as she is right now. I don't know if she still feels something towards that guy. " Rosie says while all of us are just looking at her.


It's a pain in my heart hearing all of that. I don't know if it's normal that I'm starting to feel things like this towards Jennie. I don't know when it started. I thought it's just a normal thing you'll feel for someone or a friend but I haven't even felt like this before towards my long-time friends which are Jisoo and Bambam. I really can't explain how I feel but I know that it's different. It's different cause I've never felt too excited to see her every time. I never felt so happy just having her around. I've never felt my heart bounce so much with just the simple things that she does. I never felt this pain in my heart whenever I'll hear somebody else that can make her happy as she does to me. I don't know how to call this feeling but I just want to protect Jennie. I just want to keep her to myself and I don't want any other person to get close to her. I don't want her to be more comfortable talking or acting to other people than she is towards me. I don't want to see her smile reach her eyes when it comes to other people when she barely does that around me. It pains me every time. It felt heavy on my lungs. And it makes my whole body numb.

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