
Lisa's POV

A couple of weeks passed since that day with Jennie and since then she never brings that up again and I'm glad she's keeping it that way. I brush my teeth and washed my face before putting my hair up in a bun and walking towards my side table seeing texts from Bambam and Jisoo. Bambam texted me saying that he'll treat me on Monday since he's currently out of town with his family and wishing me a happy birthday. Jisoo also greeted me and told me that I should enjoy my birthday with Jennie today and she'll go with Bambam and me on Monday so bambam can treat her as well.

I put my phone down and went out of my room. I walk towards Jennie's room but she's not there.....Or maybe they plan out a surprise for me today. I smiled and walk downstairs seeing an empty living room. They may surprise me in the kitchen so I fixed my bangs first and chuckle while walking towards the kitchen finding it empty.

"Jennie Kim just come out and surprise me...You're taking too much time" I yelled out but nothing pops out. I walk out to the living room and look around since she might've left a note or something that's telling me happy birthday at least. But there's nothing.

I sighed and chuckle to myself as to why am I still expecting something when I'm celebrating my birthday with myself for years. I sat down on the couch and looked up seeing Kuma running down the stairs and jumping towards me which makes me chuckle

"I'll take that as a happy birthday Kuku. Thank you" I said and kissed the top of his head. I open up the TV and watched random shows when the elevator opens up making me turn to look expecting Jennie but then I saw Mr. Kang with a party hat on his head making me laugh


"Happy birthday Lisa" he said so I stood up and hugged him

"Thank you Mr. Kang" I said pulling out from the hug

"I'm sorry I can't buy you a cake but I got this gift for you" he said and pulled out a paper bag so I looked inside seeing a pair of shirt "that's branded and kinda expensive but not as expensive as what Jennie's bought for you but it's expensive for me cause it cost a week of my salary" he says making me chuckle

"Thank you, Mr. Kang... You don't have to buy such an expensive gift cause either way I appreciate it very much cause it's from you" I said making him smile as he pulled me into a hug once again

"Lisa sorry that Jennie's not around I was gonna tell her earlier but she drive on her own to the company and I tried calling her but she's too busy I also told her secretary to remind Jennie about your day but she told me Jennie's busy with some meeting with different investors. " Mr. Kang explained so I just nodded and told him it's alright

"You should invite your friends kid... Go have fun" he said but I just smile and shake my head

"I'm used to this Mr. Kang... It's just another day but my age just went up a bit" I said and he told me to at least enjoy it before leaving.

I spend the whole day watching Netflix and I ordered my favorite foods so I can enjoy my birthday on my own. I look up at the time seeing it's already 10 in the evening without knowing that the day passed by so quickly. The elevator opened so I expected Jennie this time since it's late already but I was greeted by Jackson

"Lalisa what the hell are you doing here on your birthday !" He scolded while stomping his feet making me laugh "I didn't fly back here from China to celebrate your birthday like this" he said making me smile about how thoughtful he is


"How did you know that it's my birthday? " I asked and stood up from the couch

"How can I not know my favorite person's birthday? " he asked and pulled me

"Go change! We won't spend your birthday stuck in this place the whole day we still have 2 hours left" he said so I didn't say anything and just changed into something warm and comfortable before heading out to see Jackson playing with Kuma


We arrived at an arcade which made me laugh but Jackson paid a lot to rent the whole arcade for the both of us. He told me to play as long as I want. I can't deny how good company Jackson is. He kept throwing jokes from time to time which makes me enjoy it more. I felt like my whole day's been really good and I kept forgetting that I almost spend my birthday like how I used to but Jackson flew from China to Korea just to celebrate my birthday with me.

"Are you hungry? " he asked after an hour so I nodded and he drags me out of the arcade pulling me into a grocery store.

"What are we doing here? " I asked as we walk inside seeing a few people around since it's late already. We started walking around and Jackson stopped on a free taste and grab one for him and one for me.

"We'll eat" He said and started eating the free taste and we kept doing that on all of the free taste foods that we pass by "I spent all my money on the arcade so let's be more thrifty now" he said making me laugh once again

Jennie's POV

The elevator opened so I stood up and saw Jackson carrying Lisa bridal style while Lisa's passed out on his arm

"Where have you been? And why is she like that? " I asked my brows furrowed making Jackson sigh

"We went out to an arcade and play" he said simply making me roll my eyes

"Is it fine to go out this late Jackson?! " I yelled out a bit "you can go out tomorrow or some other day! " I yelled out again while he kept Lisa's head closer to his chest so my voice will be muffled

"Jennie I don't think I should be the one being scolded right now" he said making me curious about what he's trying to point out "I flew from China back here in Korea finding out that Lisa's just spending her day with Kuma on her birthday" he spit out making me stiffen and I stood there speechless as I felt a pang of pain in my chest "I understand that you work a lot for the company.. For our company, but sometimes be considerate and aware of what's happening around you" he said looking back at Lisa who's still sleeping "I'll just put her in bed" he said and walk upstairs leaving me there. I walk towards the couch and grab my phone to call Mr. Kang but he immediately cut me off by explaining everything he did just to tell me but I'm too busy to care about it.

After a couple of minutes, Jackson went downstairs and walk towards me

"Look, Jennie... I'm still older than you and I have the right to scold you when you're wrong. If you can't take care of Lisa... Let her go and I'll talk to dad to keep you as the CEO of the company. " he paused "take the day off tomorrow and I'll take charge of the company. Just makeup with what you should've done today" he said tapping my shoulder

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