《MOMENTO MORI, baron zemo》xiii. until the sea swallows the sun
the iron cast gate nestled between a small coffee shop and an old textile store. The door beyond the gate gave way to a luxurious home that rivaled the architecture that lined the streets outside. Unlike how the other Avengers had been, the super soldier didn't seem particularly impressed by the vaulted ceilings or patterned floor when he entered the open area. If he was, his face gave away no signs of it.
"Where's Iris?" He asked, noting that she wasn't present with them in the foyer.
"Attempting to wash away the trauma of Madripoor, no doubt," the Baron replied, gesturing towards a set of closed door with his hand. "In the years that she has been friends with you, how much trauma have your actions caused her James?"
"Watch it!" Sam snapped, preparing himself to jump to his feet in case he needed to stop Barnes from hurting Zemo. As much as the two men would hate to admit, they still needed the Sokovian.
Bucky said nothing, deciding that there was no time for anymore altercations. Ayo had made it clear that the Dora Milaje would arrest the man that killed their king. That meant the group only had eight hours to use Zemo.
"Well, the Wakandans are here. They want Zemo. Bought us some more time," he announced. "We can't tell Iris," he added, looking between both men in the room. "Based on her breakdown in Madripoor, we can't afford her knowing they're here. Who knows what it'll do to her."
"Were you followed?" Sam asked.
By now Zemo stood in front of one of many stained glass windows, eyes searching the streets beyond, "How can you be so sure?" He had worked too hard to gain more time with his beloved. He wouldn't let his enemies steal what little time they had left.
"'Cause I know when I'm being followed."
"It was sweet of you to defend me at least."
"Hey, you shut it!" Sam snapped, turning to look at Zemo, "No one's defending you. You killed Nagel."
"Do we really have to litigate what may or may not have happened?"
"There's nothing to litigate! You straight shot the man!" Sam asserted, slightly bewildered gaze following the Sokovian as he rounded the kitchen island.
Barnes had been ignoring the others, focused entirely on the news feed he scrolled through on his phone. He found an update on the Flag Smashers but another story instantly caught his attention. His thumb pressed harshly onto the screen as he reread the headline of the second article that began to make his blood boil.
"Sam," Bucky spoke, cutting his friend's argument with the terrorist short.
"Karli bombed a GRC supply depot."
"What? What's the damage?"
"Eleven injured, three dead. They have a list of demands and are promising more attacks if those demands aren't met in full," Bucky summarized the first article he had skimmed about the radicalized terrorist organization.
Sam sighed, words not finding him in the moment. He wouldn't know what to say even if they had found his tongue.
"She's getting worse," the Sokovian declared. "I have the will to complete this mission. Do the two of you?"
The thing about Baron Helmut Zemo was that his entire life he had been a series of missions, each executed to their entirety, only stopping when it was completed. During his early adulthood, he had spent a number of years climbing the ranks of the elite EKO Scorpion death squad, completing each mission flawlessly until he was finally the one leading them. After his family was slaughtered in the fall out of the Avengers battle with Ultron, he spent years gathering intel and infiltrating the enemy until the Avengers destroyed their own empire. Now, he had another mission: find and destroy what remained of the super soldier serum. This mission would be no different — he would complete it, no matter the cost.
"She's just a kid!" Sam voiced, not a fan of what Zemo was implying.
"You're seeing something in her that isn't there. You're clouded by it. She's a supremacist. The very concept of a Super Soldier will always trouble people. It's that warped aspiration that led to Nazis, to Ultron, to the Avengers," Zemo explained, firm on his own stance.
"Hey, those're our friends you're talking about!"
"The Avengers, not the Nazis," Barnes added.
"So, Karli is radicalized, but there has to be a peaceful way to stop her. Iris is just a kid in terms of immortal beings. Oblivion clouded her judgement, forced her to be quite radical. We peacefully stopped her."
"She stopped herself," the Baron countered, hands resting on the granite island. "Don't you dare take credit for what you did not do!" The rage inside his veins was boiling, his anger growing into a vicious monster with gnashing teeth. He snapped again, "Neither of you were there when she needed you! I was! Even locked inside a prison cell, I was there for her far more than either of you!"
The two men that called themselves Iris' friends could say nothing as the harsh truth enveloped them. Helmut Zemo was right; they hadn't been there for her. They had abandoned her just as the Avengers abandoned Sokovia. Bucky had stayed in Wakanda while Sam had gone on the run. Like everyone else the Avengers interacted with, they forgot about her, left her to rot.
of the porcelain claw foot tub, droplets of water rolling down her red tinged skin. She had spent an exuberant amount of time rubbing her skin raw in an effortless attempt to rid herself of the past few days. The stench of Madripoor was gone, but the ache in her limbs and the excruciating memories remained.
She studied herself in the mirror, her reflection only a mere fragment of the person she used to be. If she looked closely enough, she could catch a glimpse of the happy child she was. Her eyes still occasionally sparkled how they did when she saw her mother leading the ancient rituals. Her mouth still occasionally curled how it did when she was praised for executing her training exercises correctly. Of course, that was long before she had an inkling of an idea of her true place in the universe.
In fact, she still didn't truly understand her place in the universe. She didn't know if she was destined to be a harbinger of death or an angel of life. For now, she would just walk the line.
Despite the gained energy that rapidly vibrated her atoms, her body was exhausted. She had overextended herself in Madripoor in a way that she never had before. She hadn't even known she was capable of doing such a thing as she did. In fact, just as Ebony Maw had told her years ago, she didn't understand the full extend of her powers.
Iris simply didn't know what she was capable of. Stephen Strange had told her that she was one of the most powerful magic users to ever exist... but what did that even mean?
The woman would have loved to sink back into the water that was currently swirling down into the drain yet she knew that there were bigger matters at hand than her own problems. Somewhere in Riga, the Flag Smashers were hiding.
Perhaps, one day she would have a second for herself, to reflect upon her past, and work on creating a better future. Perhaps, one day she would tell Helmut the stories of her past while they were tangled in the sheets late at night, discussing a better future for both of them. One day, perhaps.
She had barely finished changing into a fresh pair of her own clothes from Berlin when her phone buzzed. In all honesty, she had forgotten that she had shoved it into one of the many zipper pockets of her backpack back in Madripoor.
The woman sighed and finished looping the belt through the loops of her cuffed jeans. Hopefully no one would recognize her in the streets of Riga. The last thing she needed was for someone to leak the groups location because they recognized an ex-Avenger now dawning the title of America's enemy.
"Your TT would be proud of you."
Zemo's voice was the first she heard as she finally joined the others in the main area of the Latvian safehouse. He stood in the kitchen, a colorfully wrapped candy in his hand. Sam sat on a barstool carefully watching the Sokovian while Bucky occupied the couch, head turned upwards towards the ceiling.
"Who the fuck is TT?" She questioned.
"My aunt!" Sam's voice raised, clearly exasperated by whatever conversation had ensued before she joined them.
Bucky's attention immediately snapped to his friend. He offered her a soft close lipped smile. She didn't notice the guilt swimming behind his irises. Zemo threw the piece of candy at Sam before turning to look at her as well.
"Turkish delight." He grabbed another from the golden container they were kept in. He extended his hand, offering her one, "Irresistible." She came closer to him, graciously accepting the treat. She couldn't remember that last time she had eaten anything. While on a time sensitive mission to stop a group of terrorists, one's own needs tended to be forgotten.
Wilson suspiciously eyed the wrapped candy, deciding not to eat it. Iris on the other hand was in the middle of unwrapping the thin protective plastic when Barnes spoke.
"Walker named Iris an enemy of the state this morning on national television." He caught the undivided attention of everyone in the room. "This means we're going to have to act as quickly as possible, spend as little time outside of the safehouse as we can."
"Fuck," Sam mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. It seemed that this mission was throwing unrelenting curveballs left and right. "We've both been there, Bucky. What are we gonna do?"
"Nothing," the woman spoke. She had undergone numerous covert missions and laid waste to entire planets with the help of Oblivion's army. At this point in her existence, being named enemy of the state was just a nuisance.
Her body had naturally gravitated extremely close to the Sokovian. Her friends noticed this but chose not to verbalize their thoughts. "We'll deal with it once we've found the rest of the super soldier serum and destroyed it."
Zemo's fingertips ghosted the small of her back as he offered her a gesture of support. An involuntary shiver ran down the length of her spine as her body reacted to his touch.
"You're just gonna let this happen?" Sam gaped, head swiveling to gauge her best friend's reaction.
"What do you want me to say, Sam? You want me to ground her?" Bucky looked at Iris and folded his arms over his chest, "Iris, you're grounded. No seeing your terrorist boyfriend for a month."
The White Wolf didn't like the idea of his best friend being close with the terrorist just as much as the Falcon didn't. However, over the course of the mission, he had come to the conclusion that the relationship between Iris and Zemo was much deeper than anything he had ever personally experienced. Since the moment Zemo had joined the three Avengers, it was apparent his connection with Iris ran deep.
He decided would allow her to indulge while she still had time to. She deserved every ounce of happiness possible after everything she had been through; even if that happiness came in the form of an international terrorist who framed her best friend for killing a king. Bucky was certain he knew where her loyalties lied: with him, as they always had. When the time came, Iris would let Zemo go.
She wouldn't have a choice.
plan to uncover information about Donya Madani was proving to be fruitless. The logic was that at least one displaces refugee living at the Latvian GRC Resettlement Camp should know something about the woman considered a pillar of the community. However, not a single refugee was able to provide any answers.
Upstairs, Sam and Iris were being met with people who scurried away from them and doors being shut in their face. It was clear those in the community knew about Donya Madani but no one was willing to speak about her. At least not to two Avengers, two outsiders.
At the end of the corridor, Sam and Iris finally stumbled upon someone who didn't immediately run in the opposite direction. A man was helping three children in what appeared to be a makeshift classroom.
The children sat at uneven wooden tables acting as makeshift desks, the supplies they held in their small hands obviously warn with use. One window was plastered with colorful cutout handprints, an ode to a normal childhood that they may never experience. A single small shelf stood measly by itself against a wall, the cubby holes almost vacant except for the occasional and crumpled book.
The Global Reparation Council hung posters with smiling faces behind the words 'Reset. Restore. Rebuild.' Nothing had been restored or rebuilt for these people. The GRC had failed them.
"Excuse me," Wilson spoke, interrupting the quiet conversation the man was having with a young boy about colors and spelling. "Do you know a woman by the name of Donya Madani? She was a refugee here."
The man stood to his full height, annoyance written on his face. "We're not refugees, for we have nothing to seek refuge from. We're internationally-displaced persons, for what it's worth," he began to motion for his students to stand, "and we don't trust outsiders."
"No, I understand," Wilson sympathized "I'm not from here, but I have a pretty good track record of helping out." For every step he took into the room, the three children took one towards the back exit.
"I know what happens when people say they're going to help out. Nothing. The Global Repatriation Council promised to send more teachers, supplies. That was six months ago."
"What's your name? Maybe I can make a call."
"I know who you are. But I can't trust you. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to trust us!" Iris piped up, taking a few steps of her own into the room. She didn't want to impose herself anymore than she already had in the only place these refugees had left. "I know the GRC hasn't helped you. They left you in the dust with nothing except empty promises. They promised you teachers and supplies but gave you nothing."
For the moment, she had his attention.
"But I'm not the Global Reparations Council. I'm just a woman trying to do a little good in this lifetime. I can make one call and have supplies delivered by next week. I can't promise teachers but supplies I can."
The man just shook his head. Of course he wouldn't believe the woman's words. Promises had no meaning once they had been broken so many times. "I know who you are too. Why didn't you finish killing the monster who caused all this?"
With that, the man was gone. Sam attempted to comfort his friend, knowing that the words pierced her heart. The man hadn't known the whole story, many didn't. He hadn't known that Iris was defeating Thanos until Thor caught her off guard. He didn't know she had disappeared like everyone else.
She had tried so hard to play the hero in this lifetime. She had tried so hard to make up for the pain and destruction she had caused. However, her efforts had been futile. Some people would always paint her as the villain. She would always be the one to cause pain and destruction.
Perhaps she was destined to be the villain, no matter which lifetime she occupied. Perhaps she would always be the bringer of death, no matter how many lives she ultimately saved.
You were made to bring death, my child. Not preserve life.
Perhaps Obilvion had been right.
man, Helmut Zemo took a drastically different approach to gathering information about Donya Madani. The courtyard he stood in was milling with children. What did children like? Candy. What were Turkish delights? Irresistible.
With an abundance of sweet treats to offer the children, the man recieved his desired information. A young girl with golden hair had known Donya Madani, knew where her funeral would take place, and was willing to lead him there.
"Do you see these men there?" The Sokovian asked the child, glancing at Barnes and Wilson who stood out of earshot. "They're very bad. Not to be trusted." He looked over at the group of Avengers again, his eyes lingering on Iris, "But the woman, she can be trusted."
The child nodded in understanding and silently promised to keep Donya Madani their little secret. She eagerly accepted the candy handed to her. With wide eyes and excited grins, the rest of the children headed straight for the forgotten pile once the man left to join the other outsiders.
"Cute kids."
to the Latvian safehouse, each with a different thought occupying their mind. Bucky drafted a list of potential next moves as they hadn't uncovered any information. It was a short list. Sam thought of the Flag Smashers, especially Karli Morgenthau. He was beginning to understand why people supported the radical group. Zemo brainstormed his the specific moves he would take in the following days in order to by himself a few more moments of freedom. He knew the Dora Milaje would be on his doorstep soon, he just needed to be exiting out the back when they got there. And Iris, she replayed the moment with the teacher over and over like a broken record in her mind. He had looked at her as if she had been the one to make half the population turn to ash.
She wasn't Thanos. No. Maybe she was worse.
The woman excused herself from the foyer, leaving the men to discuss the possible next steps they could take to discover any leads. With a head clouded by heavy thoughts, she closed herself off from the others, shutting the door of the master bedroom.
- In Serial77 Chapters
Dear diary. When you read stories about some people missing and returning after years of absence claiming they were living in another world, your first reaction is to scoff and dismiss a story as a tall tale, right? I know I did. All the time. Until it happened to me and I no longer did. That day was today. Some god of thunder smote me. If it were Chris Hemsworth, I wouldn't mind but it was some barbaric Hitite god that abaondned Earth some four millennia ago. Yes, what can I say? I love the seventh art. I have more hours watching movies than any other activity, including sleep. What? Do you think I'm exaggerating? Maybe I am. I'll really miss hollywood the most. And my biggest regret is that I never got to visit the holy city of cinema. I did not come to another world to be a hero even though there was hints that they hoped I'd save it. I did not come with overpowered abilities able to, dunno, leap tall castles in a single bound, faster than a speeding crossbow bolt, be more powerful than a eight-horse carriage, the bounds. No. After the asshole god that murdered me brought me to his world, he gave me some boons from his discount bin and "The Power of my Soul (tm)". Forgive my french, I hope you understand I am rather upset at dying. And he somehow decided that my power is to recycle stuff. How awesome is that? Not much at first, I must admit. At least I got all my camping stuff and equipment with me. There's no lycra in the other world. I'll make it someday, but that day is not today. So here I am. In another world, in the middle of nowhere. I'm no heroine. As the song goes, I'm your basic average girl. And I'm assumed to be here to save the world. But almost everything can stop me, because I'm not named Kim. Wish me luck, diary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This novel is going have the following features: slow-paced slice-of-life No GameLit / LitRPG elements. Movie references. Sandra likes the seventh art. Journal / diary style crafting (includes chemistry, engineering and metallurgy) low magic technological advancement (for Sandra, at least. She is not against sharing though) personal relations clash of perception between the modern and ancient customs. bits of tension, fighting, and plot here and there. I won't repeat myself though. Once she crafts a good batch of soap, for example, she'll just note, "I crafted soap again." Once it is estabilished how she obtains compound X, compound X2 that is obtainable from the same process will also just be mentioned. I'll try to be as realistic as I can with the crafting, chemistry, and technology. Cover: Public Domain Image by StockSnap from Pixabay. No attribution required but we do it anyway.
8 118 - In Serial7 Chapters
The devil's got my number
Dalton was always a nice place. Always had been. When that new couple moved here, we were all ecstatic. They were wealthy, but not arrogant, always willing to help out their neighbors. All around the perfect kind of migrant. They brought a child with them. Jacob. He was beautiful, just like his parents. He had his mother's beautiful hair, and his father's beautiful eyes. But he was different. He wasn't social, or nice, like his parents. He mainly kept to himself. Until one day he didn't. Strange tales, of the boy running around the neighborhood at night started to pop up. Of sacrificing children and dark rituals. The average person dismissed it as just that, rumors. But those of us that had seen the boy, knew the truth. His eyes were no longer the deep, vibrant color of his father. They were the green of rot, his skin the color of a corpse. The devil had taken the boy, and, like a disease, he was spreading his curse.
8 219 - In Serial31 Chapters
Another Naruto Fanfic (Not For Fun)
A remake for a novel I wrote half a year ago called Another Naruto Fanfic ( just for fun ):- https://www.webnovel.com/book/13414708506788005/Another-Naruto-Fanfic-(-just-for-fun-) The story begins with Voidne, who hadn’t socialized for a long time, getting desperate to socialize and become a functional member of the society. What Voidne didn’t know is that, the people in society are always led by benefits. In this cruel world, there is no friendship, there is no love, only they seek is benefits. After a long fight against desperation, and an ever increasing pressure from his family, Voidne, against all his believes, gathers the will to commit suicide to end all of his suffering. Not sure if hell is awaiting him as mentioned in his religion or not, Voidne anticipates that his journey will only be get harder from now on... Just to find that he was now being conceived by his new mother... How will Voidne’s adventure carry out in the new world? It is all up to fate~~ (AKA ME) I do not own Naruto, nor do I own the cover picture. Cover picture link: - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/464644886535751958/
8 191 - In Serial16 Chapters
Black and Blue
Two mirror images end up sharing more than just a face.
8 214 - In Serial28 Chapters
A talk with Myself
This book contains my poems that I wrote a few years back and any poem I'll like to write. it will also contain:QuotesPoemsThoughts All by me and only me. Self written Quotes, thoughts and Poems, lettersPlease dont judge my poem by its titleThis book contains my emotions and thoughts regarding life All of this is precious to meFeel free to express your own thoughts.best ranking15-04-2022(I think wattpad was drunk)#1 in poetry out of 274 k #1 in thoughts out of 75.6k#3 in feelings out of 63.9k#4 in quotes out of 52.1k #38 in life out of275k #4 in emotions out of 25.5k #20 in poem out of 167k#9. in poems out of 86.4k #3 in poetrycollection out of 31.1k#17 in lessons out of5.6k #7 in poet out of15.2k #12/14in lifelessons nlifelesson out of 5.1k #21 in words out of16.5k#1 in selfwrittenpoems out of 10#2 in selfwritten out of 520 #30 in advice out of12.3k #1 in bestpoetry out of 43 #7 in deepthought out of 5.3k
8 137 - In Serial14 Chapters
Orphan | Vkook
" I just want a family.. I don't want to be alone anymore " - Taehyung
8 153