《Remember Me... Please》Chapter 15


You stared at the massive Omega Supreme clones. Ratchet disappeared to go help Arcee, so you were left with Jazz and Prowl to somehow slow the bots. You fired many rounds only to be swatted away by one like a small organic fly. You spun out of the air a large trail of smoke following you.

Slamming into a building it crumbled around and on top of you causing you to release a shuddering vent. As the dust settled you remained laying in the rumble your protoform not responding when you asked it to get up.

You watched limply as Optimus faced off Megatron and the true Omega Supreme arrived. Heh. Ratchet was probably in there with Arcee.

Arcee. An old friend of yours. The only one who tried to understand you during those terrible times of war. Even when you belonged in the Stockades she wanted you to have a fair trail, which included teaching you a whole different language then the one you already had sealed inside.

Heh. She could definitely provide Ratchet with all he ever wanted. Provide him with a happy little sparkling to raise.

Yeah. Ratchet would smile so much if he had a sparkling.

And he always spoke so highly of her. Like she was some sort of God, to an extent she was.

You watched almost in slow motion as several Allspark fragments began to float towards Sumdac Tower.

You needed to get up and help, but your processed felt groggy. You wouldn't will yourself to move.

Scrap your lucky you found Ratchet.

Your even more lucky that he fell for you... somehow.

There was a dull throb in your left stabilizer. Fragger is probably broke. Your too old for this.

You smiled sadly. You worked way too hard to get where you are in life. You just wanted to lay around with your loved one and be lazy.


With a grunt you managed to sit up only to get flattened my a rush of air from a well contained explosion.

You groaned as the back of your helm connected with the concrete behind.

You continued to struggle up visor glitching. Your derma pulled back in pain and you jumped when you felt a servo slither under your back. You squirmed slightly.

"Calm Down!" You heard a familiar voice snap.

"Ratchet?" You coughed

You felt a few digits stroke over your cheek, "That would be an acceptable answer." He spoke

You could practically hear the smile in his tone.

"Ah.. my stabilizer..." you spoke

You yelped slightly as you were lifted up, "AH! Ratchet!"

He chuckled and started walking, "You won't believe what's happened..."


You laughed slightly swirling the oil in a barrel slightly. You leaned on the bar and smiled at Bee.

"Long time no see eh, youngin?" You spoke with a smile

"What did you do to convince Ratchet to let you buy a bar?" The older yellow bot asked

You shrugged and grinned, "A couple hours of debating and a blowjob."

You were glad to see the young bot still had his same reactions from when he was back on earth.

"Ewww... tmi!" He reeled back

You snorted, "You asked."

The bot glared at you which caused you to laugh.

"Hey you want anything? We've got plenty here." You spoke

"Just an oil barrel." Bumblebee spoke

You chuckled and pulled one from under the bar, "Any news from Bulkhead?"

"Last I heard he was in some far off corner in the galaxy working on some spacebridge." The Yellow bot spoke, "Good ol' Bulkhead doing what he does best."

You smiled, "Well besides smashing needed objects it's one of the few things he's skilled at."


"My audios are ringing."

"Bulkhead!" You smiled at the yellow bots reaction as he turned and ran towards his friend, "You big lug!"

You pointed a digit at him as you brought your barrel to your dermas, "Break anything in here your paying for it in full."

"I see (y/n) hasn't changed much." Bulkhead chuckled walking towards the bar, "I actually have an art piece for the opening of your bar."

"Oh?" You asked placing an oil barrel down

He pulled out a small painting from his subspace. You smiled and took it.

"I'm sure I'll find a place for it. Thank you." You smiled then raised a brow at who stepped through the doors next

"A Magnus in a bar? Unspeakable!" Bumblebee laughed as Optimus walked forward

"Nice too see you as well Bumblebee." He turned to you, "Congratulations and I hope you have success in your recent business plan."

You chuckled, "Good luck running a planet, Magnus." You spoke raising your barrel

He smiled softly, "Where is Ratchet currently, most of us have gathered here, mostly coincidence I believe."

"Oooo your speaking all official." Bumblebee laughed, "I think I miss the more annoying Prime version of you."

You rolled your optics and walked off to the back to find Ratchet. You found him in dry storage surely enough, looking longingly at some empty oil barrels.

You chuckled walking over and slipping your arms over his waist. He slipped his servo over yours and you nuzzled the back of his neck.

"Hey... We made it." You murmured softly

"I almost lost you a couple times along the way though..." he murmured regretfully rubbing your paint scraped knuckles

"We made it... that's all that matters.." you nuzzled closer to his neck, "I love you so much..."

He leans back into you, "I love you too..."

"Haticha Glaformia." You whispered in your true language

"I'm far from a flower." Ratchet gruffed back at you

"Yeah your more like that weed that won't go away so your just accepted as there." You chuckled rubbing your face on his back

"Ouch. That hurts." He spoke causing you to chuckle

"Com'n you old grouch the old gang arrived to hang and they want to see you." You chuckled

He smiled and turned around kissing you softly cupping your cheek. You pulled away to smile at him.

"Let's get going." You chuckled leading him by his wrist

"I'm comin' I'm comin'." He chuckled

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