《baby hotline | yandere dsmp》10 - ANOTHER YEAR -


"So where are we going?"

"That's the problem I have no idea."

"What?" Quackity exclaimed.

"I'm trying to find the parents of someone named Tommy." Y/n said

"Tom Simons?" Quackity asked.

Y/n turned her head at the familiar name.

"Yes." Y/n replied,

"Well, I think I know someone who knows the parents." He said, pulling out his phone,

He dialed another number.

"Oh, Hello. Are you Niki's parents?" He said.



"Do you guys know where Tom's parents live?"

"Okay thanks"

He hung up.

"I know where." He said.

"How'd you do that?" Y/n asked.

"I babysit Niki. And one of her playmates is Tommy." Quackity explained.

"You babysit?" Y/n asked in surprise.

"Yeah." He answered

"You seem like the person to kick a child rather take care of one." She said.


"I'm just saying." She replied, rolling her eyes.

"Shut up. You literally roll your eyes like a teenager going through her phase." He said.

"Well I think it's a good time to go through that phase. After all I'm stuck at 23." She answered.

"So what Gods don't age?" He questioned.

"No. Not appearance wise." She said.

"So what you look like a 22 year old but actually you're old enough to be a milf?"

"I'm not old enough to be a milf. I just became a god." She answered

"You just became one?" He asked

She nodded in response

"So why are we looking for a child?" He curiously said.

"Because." She said

"Because what?" He said.


"Fuck you."

"Should I meet the child?"

"Well it depends on why."

"In his past life I was his lover and I want to watch over him."


"What in the bippity boppity boo is this shit. What are you? His fairy godmother?"

"I could probably strike you down with lightning right now."

"Please don't I'm still a virgin."

"Of course you are."

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"It's supposed to mean what it's supposed to mean"

"Have you ever tried ice cream?"

"Yeah idiot, I used to be human you know."


"The other gods didn't know what mayo was so they thought it was some other white stuff."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Hell yeah."

"I had to even teach Tommy. His past self of course."

The pavement, cold and grey was suddenly turned white due to an flurry of snow rushing down from the endless sky.

"Snow?" She said in wonder.

"Yeah, what you've never experienced snow?" He asked.

"No, it's just I haven't experienced it in a bit."

Looking at the scenery slowly painted snow a sense of nostalgia was brought in it aswell.

"It's quite nostalgic, don't you think?" She asked

"It most definitely is." He answered

"Ice cream?"

"It's quite cold. But yes."

"There's an ice cream parlor there." He said pointint at a small building, a poster of a ice cream was plastered onto it's window.


With her response he grabbed her hand, and ran to the ice cream shop.

Like two little children they excitedly walked in.

A teenager, appropriately dressed for the weather was behind the jugs of ice cream.

"Hello what could I get you two?" He asked,

"One mint" Quackity answered.

"One [insert favorite ice cream]" Y/n answered.

Grabbing the wafer cones he compiled ice cream into the two cones.

Quackity brought his wallet out and paid with a 10 dollar bill with his and Y/n's ice cream in hand he walked out.


He handed Y/n's ice cream to her, she smiled as she took the ice cream.

"Hey wait, couldn't you have just made ice cream out of no where?" He asked. Now realizing

"Yeah, I can." She said,

A ice cream appeared in her hands, it's chocolate color prominent. She gave it to a little girl walking by.

"Excuse me?" He exclaimed.

"What?" She said with a smirk

"We could've gotten that without me paying!"

"Well, the guy's gotta pay on the first date. Right?"

"This is not a date."

Now slightly pissed he looked at Y/n. Stopping in her tracks she thought about what he wants.

With an idea she created a 100 dollar bill and gave it to Quackity.

"Hell ye- This shit is in American." He said.

"Oh." She said.

Grabbing the dollar bill she changed it's currency and gave it to Quackity.

"Now I can say hell yeah!" He happily said.

"Can we go on?" She said.



"This is it?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Listen, should I go see him?"

"I mean, you literally came from another world or whatever to see him."

"I'm asking seriously."


"Well if you can handle it."

"Handle it?"

"It would be hard to see your lover, knowing they no nothing about you."

"So if you can handle it. Go to him. If you can't don't."

"Because going in there could probably hurt you and him."

"He's one the baby isn't going to remember me of course."


"Wait. Doesn't this mean your inlove with a baby?"

"Yes and no. I'm inlove with his past self."

"Well go in there and say hey."

"If you can handle it."


Y/n said, sitting on her throne.

"Cool realm or limbo. Or whatever this is." Quackity said, sitting on a couch Y/n made for him.

"What other gods are there?"

"Wow, great. Wait tried his own stuff?"

"Excuse me? Wha-"

"Okay now what the fuck did you say?"

"Wait, do you fry it?"

"Oh I've seen that one tiktok."

"I want to try it one day"


She asked.

"Soon, I got to babysit Niki." He answered

"Are you sure with your choice?"














[bippity boppity boo, i'm back]

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