《baby hotline | yandere dsmp》7 -LOVE IS HARSH, BUT LIFE IS HARSHER-





Wilbur explained,

Tommy confused face contorted into worry once he saw the weeping Goddess.

"Um... Miss? Are you okay?" He said, concerned

Everything was the same about him

His voice, the concern within. Everything

He looked as handsome as yesterday and seemed as if nothing had happened




Yet why was he gone?




Y/n choked out

"Um... Some guy tried to rob my friend's store and came towards my friend with a knife. So I threw myself infront of my friend, taking the stab." Tommy explained, he looked sad.




"I... I think I left someone..." He said




A feeling of sadness and guilt washed upon Tommy.

He also had that feeling of longing to be with a certain someone, to have her warmth, and her.

The only is that he didn't know who




She asked

"Yeah, it was a man named Eret." Tommy said,

And with that she left.




The Goddess asked

It was a tall man, with long brown hair with a crown.

"Y-Yes?" He nervously said

A ethereal looking woman with wings was infront of him, he's never seen it, so it's expected to be quite frightening

Y/n said, blankly


Y/n grabbed his throat and threw him across his house, knocking off a table plant, causing a mess.

With a thud the man groaned on the floor, he looked up and met e/c eyes

He was scared

Picking him up by his hair she then punched him in the gut, causing him to spew out blood.


Y/n punched him in the face


Y/n threw him onto the floor

"N-no NO!"

Y/n started to kick the man brutally

Blood spewed everywhere

It splattered onto Y/n's wings and clothing.

Y/n stopped, silence washed upon them. The only noise was the whimpering of the man.


She said, looking down at the man

"S-stop..." He whispered

She spoke

"B-because I just wanted to get money..." He choked out.

She said

She proceeded to stomp on his head, crushing it to bits.

His blood splattered everywhere along with some brain bits.

And his eyeballs rolled across the floor.

It was a horror




She sat in her throne, waiting

Her wings had faint blood splatters, but she was able to change into new set of clothing.

But instead she wore the simple white dress, rather than her usual goddess dress.

And after a bit he came forward

He didn't speak, he couldn't.

But she could still see the concern he had for her from earlier.

And as expected he was as pure as a dove

She said, relishing the moment

It'll be awhile until she'll see him again

So standing up from her throne she walked down the marble steps.

She stood before Tommy, looking up at him.

Tommy looked at Y/n, and suddenly wrapped his arms around her.

In a instant he pulled away, blushing

It's as if his body remembered her, but his mind didn't

And with that Y/n smiled

She wrapped her arms around his neck

And kissed him.

The feeling was ecstatic, to feel the warmth of eachother.

To hold one another

And to love one another

It was a kiss they would forget

Even if they died

Even if they left

Even if they didn't exist

That feeling would still be there, in other people

Because everyone, will soon, or has already.

Kiss the love of their life

And everyone, will soon, or has already

Experience that kiss of warmth

Pulling away, she saw that he saw crying

And that she was crying aswell

She spoke the words

"t⍑ᒷ g𝙹↸↸ᒷᓭᓭ 𝙹⎓ rᒷ⍊╎⍊ᔑꖎ, ∴𝙹ᒲᔑリ 𝙹⎓ ᔑリ𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ, ᒲ𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ 𝙹⎓ ∷ᒷ╎リᓵᔑ∷リᔑℸ ̣ ╎𝙹リ ⊣∷ᔑリℸ ̣ ᓭ ᔑリ𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ||𝙹⚍"


And Tommy turned into a fine gold dust.

She cried

The love of her life was gone

Her tears fell from the sky, and everyone sick, or injured that day was healed.

The village rejoiced the Goddess's tears

L'manburg made story of her and her tears.

And said story of her tears would last forever

They thought that the tears came from her due to joy.

That she'd rejoiced in finding love and was happy.

And that with her tears of joy she blessed the village that day.

If only they knew they came from sorrow.

The story would be passed down from generations until it was corrected




Y/n asked Wilbur who stood before her

He said,

Y/n asked, concerned

Wilbur explained

Y/n said, looking far beyond

Wilbur asked










-a year later-

Y/n sat in her throne

Today marks the day when they had kissed

And when he had left.

Y/n finally adjusted to this life and met the other gods.

Such as Philza, Technoblade, and George.

But right now she needed Philza.

She left her realm to go visit Philza in his realm.




Y/n said, causing Phil to be in utter shock

Y/n said

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