《I Know What You Did Last Night (Zarry / Mpreg)》Chapter 2


Harry POV:

I sigh when I wake up to yelling downstairs. It's the usual now , my parents screaming at each other for no reason.

The two of them are always busy with work and companies shit that they have no time for me but I got used to it anyway. I got used to being alone , having no one to turn to when something is up and doing whatever the fuck I want to do.

They think by giving me money and providing me with everything I want that their rules as parents are fulfilled.

"Harry! " A little voice is heard from other side of the room followed by some banging on the door.

I sigh and remove the sheets off me. I walk to the door and open it to find my little sister standing there with tears swimming in her eyes.

"What's wrong , baby? " I coo at her and pick her up. I close the door after us and place her on the bed.

"Mommy and daddy are fighting again. " She whimpers and rubs her eyes with her little fist.

Jasmine is six years old , she is the only one I can be my true self with. I love her with all my heart and always try to distract her from all the fighting.

"Why don't you get ready for school? I will give you a cookie if you finish before me. " I wink already trying to get her to forget the yelling.

Her eyes lighten up so quickly and a grin spreads on her face. "Okay! " She squeals and runs out of my room towards her.

I giggle at her cuteness and start to get ready myself.

After getting ready , I grab my backpack. Jasmine comes running into my room with a squeal. "I finished before you. " She teases.

I make a fake hurt look and place my hand over my heart. "I lost. "

"Yes! " She yells in happiness.

"Alright , come on. " I laugh and grab her hand walking out of the room.

We walk downstairs luckily to find our parents have calmed down.

"Morning , loves. " My mom greets us. I roll my eyes and mumble a 'good morning' back.

"Your teachers are complaining about your grades and behavior. " My dad stats seeming not to car at all.


"Wait , I don't see the fuck that I give! " I fake a gasp.

"You own the school , I don't see why I should care anyway. " I shrug and grab an apple.

I hand Jasmine a sandwich and the cookie and hold her little backpack for her.

"Just wanted to inform you. " My father says and takes a sip from his coffee not even giving me a glance.

Me and Jasmine walk to my car and I help her in and fasten her seatbelt.

I drive her to her school and make sure she gets there safely before I drive to mine.

I park the car in the parking lot where I always park it.

"Babe! " A voice yells from behind me.

I look back to see Hunter my fuckbuddy who is standing with our gang. I wave back with a grin then grab my bag and walk to them.

"Hey guys. " I greet. Hunter wraps an arm around my waist then his hand trails down to my ass and gives it a squeeze.

"Missed ya. " He mumbles into my neck giving the skin there a bite. I moan in response and I lean my head back to give him more access.

The bell rings interrupting our fun making both of us groan. "Math. " I whine then my eyes widen in shock when I remember that I hasn't grabbed my homework from the loser.

"I gotta grab my homework! " I gasp and push Hunter away in hurry.

"Grab my English homework too! " He yells after me as I run to the school's entrance.

"The nerd always gets to class before time! " I whine praying that I will find him before he gets to his class.

After basically searching the whole school , I give up and bend down to catch my breath.

I catch a glimpse of a weird color hair which belongs to Mr. nerd in the corner of my eyes. I let out a sigh in relief and walk to him while he is opening his locker.

"Someone is late. " I smirk seeing him flinch in surprise.

He turns around and looks down at me. It's funny how he can't handle a guy who is three times smaller than him.

He seems nervous as he is trying to avoid my gaze. "Where's my homework , Zach? " I question.


"It's Zayn. " He corrects me.

I roll my eyes. "It's like I give a shit , where's my fucking homework? " I hiss getting impatient already.

He stays silent not answering my damn question which pisses me off.

I slam my hand on the locker beside him which causes him to jump in surprise. "Are you deaf or something? " I spats pulling my face up closer to his.

He looks at me from behind his glasses and speaks. "I-I couldn't do it. "

My eyes turn red in anger and I can feel myself losing it. "Oh , is that so? " I whisper lowly.

He nods his head slowly. "I swear I-I fell asleep which I didn't m-mean to. " He stutters and it makes it all worse.

I raise my hand and next it lands on his face roughly. His cheek turns red instantly and his hand shoots up to hold his abused cheek.

I grab his shirt in my fist and pull him closer to me. "I have to listen to the teacher's lecturing me because you fucking slept! You worthless piece of shit. " I growl at his face.

"Fuck! " I yell in anger and punch his side making him groan in pain.

"Maybe that can teach you not to fall asleep before doing what you were ordered to do. " I spat the words and give him one last look before turning around and walking to my class.

I enter the class without even knocking. The teacher gives me a displeased look but doesn't say anything.

I walk to my seat at the back which is located beside Hunter. "What's wrong? " He asks when he notices my scowl.

"The loser didn't fucking do the homework. " I growl glaring ahead.

"The bitch did not? Fuck! " He whines.

I sigh and lay my head on the desk ignoring the teacher who is talking. I just want to calm down.

I'm about to walk out of the class when the teacher speaks. "Where's your homework , Mr. Styles? " He asks.

I gulp and turn around with an innocent look. "What homework? "

"Don't play dumb , you know what I'm talking about. " He gives me a look.

The class is empty , no one is there beside us so I walk to the door and lock it then turn around to face him again.

"I didn't do it , don't you think I need to be punished? " I speak in a little voice.

The look on his face turns to a smirk. "I guess I need to teach you a lesson. " He says while palming his cock through his pants.

I lick my lips in a seductive way and play with my hair.

"On your knees. " He orders pointing his pointy finger at the floor in front of him.

I instantly walk to him and get down on my knees. I unzip his pants and get his hard member out.

"Work that mouth. " He says. I take him in my mouth and start to push my head back and forth.

I wipe my face with a tissue after the teacher has come on it. "You give the best head. " He praises.

"Better go now. " I say.

I open the door and is faced with the loser. I quickly fix my hair but it's too late as he gives me a knowing look.

"Mutter a word about it and you're expelled. " I threat with a serious look.

He nods his head and walks past me in the class to probably talk to the teacher.

I smirk and walk to my locker to find Hunter waiting for me there.

"How did it go? " He asks.

I wink at him. "Like always. " I giggle.

He chuckles. "You sucked him off , alright. "

After I grab my books I turn around to see the loser walking to his locker. His eyes meet mine and he looks away quickly after I give him a glare.

"Let's go? " Hunter asks and wraps his arms around my waist.

While we are walking past the nerd , I slam his head down on the locker.

He grunts in pain and turns around to see me smirking. "Something's wrong? " I ask.

He shakes his head in defeat and turns around to what he is doing.

"Good boy. " I giggle and skip after Hunter to catch up with him.


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